APH Fic The House chapter 5

Oct 29, 2011 21:08

Title: The House
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s): FemGermany, North Italy, South Italy
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: Louise has often heard of the abandoned mansion miles away from her home. One day when curiosity gets the better of her she and her dog Aster decide to explore it. There she finds two brothers living there and visions of a past life.

Louise entered her fathers bedroom carefully balancing a tray holding a tea pot and cup.

“Father. I made you some tea from the herbs the doctor left.” Louise said. “Would you like some?”

Her father placed the book he had been reading to the side and nodded, his long blonde hair; just like hers, was spread behind him on his shoulders and back now laying lifeless and unkept. Louise filled the cup and handed it to her father. She ignored how her once strong father now needed two hands to hold the cup steadily.

Louise crossed the room and pulled back the curtains to fill the room with sunlight. Opening the window allowed fresh air to enter the stuffy room. Going back to her fathers side she blew out the candles he had been using to read.

“You will damage your eyesight if you read with candlelight father.” Louise chided.

Her father gave a grunt as an answer as he continued to drink the tea.

“The weather today is beautiful. A nice change from the rain we have been having.” Louise continued. “Do you wish to come with me to the gardens?”

Her father shook his head as he leaned back into his bed, tiredly closing his eyes.

Louise folded her hands on her lap. “The doctor said that he believes you are going to become better in a few days.” Louise said.

A sneer appeared on her fathers face.

“The doctor.” he rasped. “Does not understand the insides of my body as I do. I know I am going to die soon.”

“Father do not say that.” Louise protested. “You are looking much better.”

“I did not raise you to lie to me when you look at me straight in my eyes.” he said. “You did not when you were a child and if you start now I shall be severely disappointed in the way you have turned out. Now, do you believe I will die?”

Louise was silent for a moment before she whispered “Yes.”

“Louder.” her father said. “Never deny the truth to yourself.”

“Yes.” Louise said louder.

“Yes what?”

If she didn’t know that she was going to be scolded Louise would have cried or at least closed her eyes. She did none.

“Yes, I believe that you are going to die soon.” Louise said.

Her father nodded in satisfaction as he placed his cup on the nightstand beside his bed.

“Now then.” he said. “I wish to talk about the future.”

Louise nodded.

“Once I die do as you wish with my body. Bury it. Burn it. It does not matter to me.” he said. “However seeing as you do not become of age until two more years because of that you cannot let anyone know that I have died. The land and the house everything in my will is told that it is to left to you.”

“If it happens that they learn of my death the people will be quick in attempting to take all that they can. Stay away from the town unless absolutely needed. Should someone come asking for me tell them that I am ill.”

“You have the garden, the animals, and the crops as well as plenty of money if you need anything. I made sure you knew how to take care of all these so I am confident that you will not starve.”

“There are no bills to pay only the occasional tax, as I said you have all the money you need for that. You know what to do and what not to do.”

“I have taught you to fight; hand-to-hand, swords, bows and arrows. I taught you it all. I know that you can take care of yourself should anything else arise, you are a smart girl. I know that you will make the right decisions.”

Louise nodded; it was all she could do to make sure she wouldn’t cry.

“Good.” her father said leaning back into his bed and closing his eyes. “Good.” He gave a sigh and relaxed his body.

For a heart stopping moment Louise thought he had died right there and she gave an inward sigh of relief when he opened them again.

“I believe.” he said quietly. “I will go to the gardens after all.”

Louise immediately stood and went to the drawers where she pulled out one of his shirts. She helped him pull it on trying to ignore the way his bones stood out from under the skin and fixed the collar on the thin neck and his thin shoulders. The shirts and suits that her father used to fill out now hanged on him.

She helped him out of his bed and after he had placed his shoes on she took her father by the arm and slowly led him through the hallway and into the garden. After placing him in one of the chairs she ran back to his room to get the tea and cup.

They sat in silence as they enjoyed the sun warming both of them. There was a slight breeze which kept the sun from overheating them and caused the flowers to sway. There were birds chirping happily and Aster was sleeping at her feet. Her father stared at her as he occasionally sipped the tea.

“You remind me of your mother.” he suddenly said quietly.

“She, as am I, would be very proud of you.” he said.
The next morning when Louise arose to check on her father she found the room empty.

The bathroom door was open and empty. When she touched the bed cold sheets that weren’t given human warmth met her hand.

“Hours.” she murmured. “He has been gone for hours.”

A quick glance into the closet showed his best suit was missing as well as the wedding ring she had placed in a drawer after it continued to fall off his finger.

Louise pressed the heel of her hands into her eyes in an attempt to hold the tears back. After she took a few calming breaths she started for the door.

Aster, who she didn’t even realize was in the room with her, tugged her back by her dress.

“I have to find him Aster.” Louise said. “I want to properly bury him.”

Aster continued to pull Louise away from the door.

Louise pulled at her dress as well. “Let me go Aster.”

Aster growled, slightly muffled by the fabric in her mouth, and pulled enough for Louise to fall to the ground.

Louise gave a slight cry as she fell however she was finally able to pull her dress from Aster.

“Why would he act like an animal?” Louise asked. “Crawling away somewhere when you know you’re about to die so you can do so alone.”

Aster placed her head on Louise’s lap comfortingly. Their eyes connected for a moment.

“He did it so I would be burdened with it.” Louise whispered.

Aster blinked and brought her head to lick Louise’s cheek.

“One last thing for the daughter.” Louise said. She placed her arms around Asters neck and buried her face in the fur before giving a whimper and finally sobbing.
Louise blearily opened her eyes although her vision was blocked by a wet cloth. The cloth was lifted to reveal Felicianos worried face. He dipped it back into a bowl beside the bed and placed it over her forehead once more.

“Are you alright?” he asked in concern. “You blacked out for a few hours.”

Her entire body felt hot. She could barely breathe.

“Louise?” he asked. “Are you alright? Can you hear me?”

“How long have you been alone here?”

“Ever since my father died.”

“And that’s?”

“One year, three months, fifteen days.”

Louise groaned as she sat up in the bed. “What time is it?”

“Nearly five in the afternoon.” Feliciano said after glancing at a clock.

She slid out of the bed onto unsteady feet. “I need to go. My uncles will be worried.”

Feliciano placed a hand on her shoulder and lightly pushed her back onto the bed. “I don’t think you are in any condition to be going anywhere.”

“I’m fine.” she protested. “If I don’t come home tonight they’ll get worried.”

Feliciano didn’t look convinced. “Either way, my brother or I should accompany you.”

Louise shook her head. “Look, I don’t want to trouble either one of you. I’ll be fine and I’ll be getting some fresh air. Don’t worry about me.”

“I cannot help but worry about you.” Feliciano said quietly.

Louise ignored the blush that appeared on her cheeks for some reason. “I’m fine. I’ll have Aster with me. She’s very protective and strong.”

“That I know.” Feliciano said. “I have seen her loyalty to you.”

Louise smiled as she walked to him and took his hands in hers. “Look, I have school this week but I promise that I’ll come on the weekends and whenever else I can to help you guys with the house.”

Feliciano smiled as well as he bowed to her and kissed the palms of both her hands. “Then I shall look forward to the weekends with bated breath. Until next time my dear.”

She firmly refused to acknowledge the fact that she was blushed as Louise gathered her belongings, whistled to Aster who immediately went to her side, and walked to where her bicycle was waiting for her.

The entire ride home she couldn’t get her dream out of her head nor the feel of Felicianos lips on her hands.

italy, au, germania, femgermany, aph, fic

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