APH Fic Different chapter 1

Oct 22, 2011 01:59

Title: Different
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Some GermanyxLiechtenstein, Prussia, England
Rating: T
Warnings: None I think.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: Arthur Kirkland is a well known vampire. Ludwig is a vampire hunter with a grudge against him and a desire for revenge. One that he will fulfill even if he needs to sleep until the 21st century before he awakens to obtain it.

Year: 1331 AD

When Ludwig regained consciousness he was aware of a steady drip that was going against him. A moment later he regained his senses and recognized the scent.

His brothers blood.

The child forced his eyes to open and they widened when he saw his brothers back and curling his body to protect Ludwig with his arms extended at the side.

Gilbert was panting and Ludwig was able to see the wounds and cuts along his body. Even though his entire body made its protests against moving Ludwig forced himself to at least sit up.

Their enemy continued to smirk as he watched the brothers. The vampire licked his fangs that were glistening in the moonlight.

Gilbert growled and released a blast of magic from his hand towards the vampire. He quickly turned and picked up his brother before breaking into a run.

“That’s not going to kill him.” Ludwig whispered.

“Not trying to.” Gilbert grunted. “Trying to distract him.”

“Now why would you want to distract me?” the vampire said coming to their side. When he tried to attack Gilbert managed to jump to the side.

“Shit.” Gilbert hissed. He pressed his hand against his side and when he pulled it back it was covered in blood.

“Brother.” Ludwig gasped. He pressed his hands against the wound and glanced at Gilbert who continued to stare at the blood on his hand.

Suddenly Gilbert grabbed Ludwig and pulled him forward. Placing the blood hand on Ludwig and wiped.

The smell of his brothers blood penetrated his nose and mouth, Ludwig swallowed the small desire to drink the blood.

“What are you doing?” Ludwig asked, eyes quickly glancing to the trees surrounding them.

“All that I can.” Gilbert said. He quickly pressed his hand against the wound to gather the blood before bringing it to Ludwig’s face once more. Cheeks, forehead, neck. When he was done he quickly kissed him on the crown of Ludwig’s head.

“Remember Ludwig.” Gilbert murmured. “I love you little brother. Now close your eyes and try not to listen to what happens next. And most of all, don’t do anything stupid.”

“What are you talking about?” Ludwig whispered.

Gilbert smiled sadly at his brother. “Remember. Close your eyes and ears.”

When Gilbert turned then and ran Ludwig couldn’t even move. All he was able to do was close his eyes and ears.

However even with his ears firmly closed he could hear the sound of his brother being killed.
Year: 1345 AD

Ludwig sat up in his bed breathing heavily. His bare back and chest was covered in sweat. He brought his hand to his forehead and took a deep breath.

A candle was lit and placed next to the bed followed by two more. Lilias face appeared in the darkness.

“Are you alright?” she asked sitting next to Ludwig and stroking his face.

Ludwig nodded as he leaned back into the bed breathing heavily and closed his eyes. Lilia climbed onto the bed to bring herself closer to him.

“Was it the same one?” she asked softly.

Ludwig slowly nodded.

Lilia hugged Ludwig closely. “That’s the third time this week.”

Ludwig still didn’t say anything as he slid out of his bed. He instinctively took the sword that was next to his bed and tied it to his waist.

“I am going to get some air.” he said.

A bundle of cloth hit the back of his head. “Then put that on before you catch your death of cold.”

Ludwig shook his head before he pulled the shirt on. He walked through the house until he was finally able to step out the door and into the fresh air.

The cold brisk clear air met him and he gratefully breathed it in, a clear contrast from the inside of the house that kept warm from the fire that continued to live through the night.

Ludwig crossed his arms and ignored the cold air. The iron cross necklace he always wore rested at his breast. His fingers curled around it.

A glance at the moon showed that no werewolf would involuntarily transform tonight however that didn’t mean none of them wouldn’t voluntarily transform.

Witches on the other hand had no qualm about going out at either day or night. A quick glance at the seals he had created ensured his and Lilias protection.

He sighed again and ran his fingers through his hair. Throwing another glance at the area that surrounded their home Ludwig turned and went back into his house.
“The party from the north has returned.” Ludwig repeated.

Lilia nodded as she served the stew. “I heard from the messenger. There is a meeting this evening with their reports, all Hunters are to come.”

Ludwig sighed. “Tonight I had wished that you and I would pick up the fabric for your wedding dress. Tomorrow night I suppose.”

Lilia shook her head as she smiled and sat next to him. “Our wedding is in three years. We have the time.”
Ludwig stood beside his father and the elders on the stage. To his right was Lilia. He glanced at her and she smiled at him.

He smiled back and she reached out to entwine their fingers together.

Elder Maxim stood and nodded to the crowd that immediately quieted once he stood. Six people stepped out from the crowd that had returned that morning. Ludwig frowned internally, ten people had been sent.

“Speak Nicholas.” Maxim rumbled.

Nicholas stepped forward and bowed his head before he said “Our group had done as you had asked. We inspected each and every town within the ten miles and all had passed except one. We had found a group of vampires sacrificing the townspeople for a ritual. We were unable to save the humans however we were able to take three vampires for questioning.”

Maxim narrowed his eyes. “What were they sacrificing for?”

“They were sending a vampire to the demon world. The vampire desires to become stronger than he could be in our world.”

“If only they would all go there and stay there.” a murmur clearly said.

Maxim ignored the comment as he said “What else do you know?”

Nicholas lifted his head and said with empty eyes “They had already sacrificed nearly thirty humans in doing their ritual. We were unable to save them and they had succeeded in sending the vampire to the other world.”

“Do you have the name of the vampire?”

Nicholas nodded and the next two words he said causing ice to flow through Ludwigs body.

“Arthur Kirkland.”
Ludwig stormed into the house in a fury. Growling under his breath he untied his cape and threw it to the side for once not caring where it landed.

He paused however and retrieved his fallen cape to properly fold it and place it in its proper place.

Lilia followed him and entered the kitchen. Within minutes she came up carrying a cup of hot water which she gave to him.

Ludwig nodded gratefully as he gulped from it.

“Ludwig.” Lilia whispered. “You need to calm down.”

“How can I calm down?” he snarled.

Lilia came to him and embraced him tightly. “Like this.”

Ludwig sighed as he placed his head on her shoulder. His own arms came around her.

“I know that you’re hurting.” she whispered. “I know that you want revenge. But revenge is something that you should never want. It won’t give you any satisfaction that you need.”

“Revenge is all that I have had for years.” Ludwig said. “What else is there left for me?”

“There’s me.” Lilia said quietly. “You have me.”

Ludwig fell silent as he looked at his betrothed.

“You can have me.” Lilia said quietly. “We’ll get married. Have children. Live as long as we are able to with our blood. Continue our professions and simply live.”

“Lilia.” Ludwig breathed.

“I love you Ludwig.” Lilia said. “I am so happy that you are the one that I was betrothed to. That you and I were able to fall in love with one another instead of simply being another pairing.”

She took his hands in her own. “It’s alright for you to let go of the past and move on. What were the last words your brother told you? ‘Don’t do anything stupid.’ He meant devoting your life to revenge.”

“Lilia.” Ludwig repeated.

“You are to be my husband.” she continued. “And I will follow you regardless of what you choose. Now come, it is time to go to sleep.”

Later during the night with the moonlight coming in from the window and illuminating the room and the both of them. Ludwig sighed as he turned and faced the sleeping face of Lilia.

He reached out and with a single finger stroked her face. He smiled and moved closer to her before he closed his eyes and fell asleep.
“I don’t understand. What exactly are you asking of me?” Ludwig asked. Lilia tightened her grip on his hand.

Elder Dmitri sighed heavily. “We speak to you as the one who will lead when the time comes. Only you can be the one who destroys Arthur Kirkland. However training in the demon world is one that takes an immense amount of time. Centuries of time.”

“I understand that.” Ludwig said impatiently. “However I still fail to see how this will affect me. Even with my blood I will only live three hundred years maximum.”

“That is why we are working on a spell to harbor and preserve your body so that it can go to sleep and then reawaken once the time comes for you to fight.” Elder Lexus said.

“So you already presume that I will do this?” Ludwig demanded. “Do I not have a choice?”

“You do have a choice.” Maxim said slowly. “However we know that you will make the right choice. You are the last hope in defeating this vampire.”

“There are, and will be, plenty of Hunters in the future.” Ludwig said coldly. “I don’t see why I need to give up my entire life for this.”

“Because the extra abilities of Hunters are diminished with each generation you foolish child.” Lexus said. “Your father would be a better choice because he is stronger than you however his own body has betrayed him. You are the only one.”

“So I am to simply throw away my life in favor of what you want for me to do.” Ludwig said. “I see.”

“Stop thinking only of yourself you selfish brat.” Dmitri said. “This shall be done.”

“You would have an unwilling Hunter?” Ludwig asked.

“Peace my brothers, peace.” Elder Archaic said, speaking for the first time. He turned to Ludwig and said “I understand the position you are in. I know that you have both the need for revenge for your brother and the desire for a simple life with your wife. However I must agree with the others, you must think of others before yourself.”

“What does blood have to do with anything?” Ludwig asked.

“With each generation the blood becomes thinner and thinner until it shall barely be evident.” Archaic said. “It has been noticed with your generation and the one before it. The more human blood that is added shall dilute the strength of the given blood.”

“And we fear that the next generation will lack the proper skills needed in order to fight Kirkland.” Lexus added. “You are at the moment the most powerful one and we need you to fight for us.”

“The seals and magic shall be ready within three years. It takes quite a bit of time to gather enough magic to properly do this.” Archaic said. “There is plenty of time for you to think this over.”

england, fanfic, au, liechtenstein, prussia, aph, vampire, germany

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