APH Fic Dreams Aren't Real chapter 13

Oct 11, 2011 23:16

Title: Dreams aren't real
Author/Artist: Me.
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Spain, S. Italy, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, America, Lithuania, England
Rating: T for now.
Warnings: None I think
Summary: Ludwig has been having weird dreams lately. Of someone called Italy and calling him Germany. But those are just dreams right? They and the people in them aren't real right?

Spain was running as fast as he was able to n a direction towards a house he knew as well as his own.

The phone call from Austria minutes ago. What he had told him.

For the last fifty years nations had been missing. Romano. His beloved Romano had been one of them. His two friends France and Prussia, his onetime enemy England, cute little Veneziano, Prussia’s little brother Germany and more.

All had disappeared, leaving no trace of their whereabouts and the only sign of them once existing was their empty houses.

And now merely moments ago he had received a phone call from Austria that they have returned however they either no longer remembered who they were or had no memory of what had happened in the previous fifty years.

There were two things keeping Spain from not believing him. The first was that Austria wasn’t the type to play a joke at this scale or at all.

The second was that he could hear Prussia arguing with Hungary in the background.

He had immediately dropped the phone and took off towards the Italians house.

And now with the house coming into view he could clearly see the lights through the window.

Swallowing heavily he ran up the porch and knocked on the door.

‘Please.’ he thought. ‘Please come back to me. Please.’

The door opened and Spain felt like sobbing in relief.

Romano was standing there with a puzzled expression on his face rather than his usual scowl.

“Can I help ymugh!” Romano started to say only to be cut off when Spain rushed forward and tightly embraced him.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Romano screeched trying to hit Spain.

Spain just laughed and tightened his embrace. “Welcome back my beloved.”
Ukraine came to a familiar sight, however one she hadn’t seen in years. Belarus attempted to claw through a door while nearly screaming at the top of her lungs.

Ukraine reached out and gently shook her sister by the shoulder. “What are you trying to do?”

Belarus turned to face her sister. “I have heard that the missing nations have come back, especially brother, I need to know if this is true.”

“There have been quite a few perhaps sightings around the world.” Ukraine patiently said. “Each time it turned out to be a fake, as I am sure that it is this time.”

“Austria and Hungary have the former Prussia in their house at this moment.” Belarus said. “Spain was with the southern part of Italy when he had sent the message.”

Ukraine swallowed the lump in her throat as she glanced at the door.

“If…if you are still there. I am calling the police.” a familiar voice called out from behind the door.

Her brother. Her little brothers voice.

The brother that had been missing for years.

Fire roared through her veins and she gave a small cru as she jumped at the door, Belarus had gotten to the side in time and was staring at her sister in shock, and dug her fingernails deep into the wooden door.

She tore a part of it out before focusing on the rest of it. Soon enough the remains of the door laid in pieces around her feet.

Ukraine stepped into the house, eyes scanning the room. The pale scared face of Russia stared back at her. A knife he was going to attack with had fallen from his hand to the ground.

“Brother.” Ukraine sighed happily.
Alfred sighed, blowing the bangs off of his forehead slightly before they settled back down.

Stuffing his hands into his pockets he looked over what had happened over the last couple of days.

Being kidnapped with others, taken to a different state, dumped in an empty and desolate house, and left.

Except when he tried to go somewhere he could see people following him carefully, a small corner of his mind told him that they were undercover agents. Social Services. Following him as if he was some big shot government employee.

Choosing not to have them follow him any longer he turned and started back to the house he now had to call home.

Reaching the house he opened the door and stood in the hallway as he took off his shoes and jacket.

A sound from the kitchen suddenly brought him out of his thoughts.

Looking up sharply he slowly walked to the kitchen where he peered into the room.

A man with short brown hair stood there rummaging through the cabinets obviously in search of something.

Swallowing the familiarity of the man Alfred pushed the door against the wall in order to scare the man.

Instead the man glanced up at him and smiled.

“Welcome back home Mr. America.” the man said. “I was just preparing some coffee for you.”

Alfred narrowed his eyes. “Who are you?”

The smile never faltered from the man’s face. “I am Lithuania. My friends call me Toris occasionally.”

“Lithuania.” Alfred repeated. “And you called me America.”

Toris nodded. “That I did.”


The man turned back to the cabinets and continued to look through them. “I thought your boss and his people had explained everything to you.”

“I don’t care if the president of the world told me that lie.” Alfred said, he slowly sat at the table never taking his eyes off of Toris. “I can’t bring myself to believe that I am America.”

Toris was still smiling. “Believe what you wish.”

Alfred watched as Toris prepared the coffee. “How do you know how I like it?”

“I worked for you during the 1920s.” Toris said. “We were quite good friends, at least I like to believe. And old habits die hard I suppose.”

He finished and set the coffee in front of Alfred. “If you would like I also brought a small cake.”

Alfred shook his head. “No thank you.”

He stared at the coffee for a moment before he brought it to his lips and sipped.

He smiled, it seems that Toris, Lithuania, did know how he liked this coffee.

“So tell me.” he said leaning back into his seat. “What exactly does being America or being Lithuania mean?”
He was going to die. Dear lord he was going to die. It wasn’t enough that he had been kidnapped in plain sight in the middle of the day, brought to a country he knew his parents had come from but he had never been, and deserted but now this as well.

Arthur covered his mouth in order to keep any sound from escaping his mouth as he hid in an alleyway. He crouched as low as he was able to.

The red headed man stalked past his hiding place still yelling.

“Where are ye?” he yelled. “I’ll rip off yer head for what ye made me go through!”

‘What the hell did I do to him?!’ Arthur thought, his hands pressed harder into his mouth.

“Where are ya!?”

Arthur looked back on his life in search for any sins he had committed. He prayed for forgiveness and as best as he was able to go past the fear he regretted them as he crossed himself.

A shadow fell on him suddenly. Arthur glanced up sharply.

The man stood there with a victorious look in his eyes and a sadistic grin. “Found ya!”

Cursing his luck Arthur jumped to his feet and ran as fast as his legs were able to go.

“Get back ‘ere!” the man yelled running after him.

‘Where the hell are all the people?’ Arthur thought as the both of them ran through empty streets.

Arthur skidded around a corner, almost stumbling to the ground, and continued to run. He spared a glance behind him.

The remaining breath in his body was brought out of him as he ran into another body. Surprisingly the man didn’t fall down, just took one step back.

Arthur barely managed to mumble an apology as he step sided the man. A hand curled around his arm and pulled him back. Arthur turned his head towards the man ready to snap at him.

The man wore a grin similar to the other mans. “Now where do you think you’re going?”

The red headed man came jogging to him.

“We got ye ‘ere Arthur. You owe us quite a bit.” he said grinning. “Making us worry like that for fifty years.”

“I am twenty years old.” Arthur snapped trying to pull his arm out of the man’s grip. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

The man holding Arthurs arm snorted and rolled his eyes. “Now, now Arthur.” he said with mock patience. “As the older brothers it is our duty to beat you after you had returned.”

“I’m an only child.” Arthur said. When he tried to pull his arm out once more the man tightened his grip.

“I heard down the grapevine.” the red haired one said. “None of them remember anything.”

The other men’s grin caused a shake of fear to run down Arthurs spine.

“Well then, we’ll just have to beat hundreds upon hundreds of years memory back into ya.”

fanfic, au, ukraine, russia, belarus, america, aph, sitaly, spain, lithuania

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