APH Fic The House chapter 3

Sep 17, 2011 00:15

Title: The House
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s): FemGermany, North Italy, South Italy
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: Louise has often heard of the abandoned mansion miles away from her home. One day when curiosity gets the better of her she and her dog Aster decide to explore it. There she finds two brothers living there and visions of a past life.

Dinner had been a tense affair with Lovino glaring at Louise, Louise determinedly staring down at her plate, and Feliciano trying in vain to have a conversation going.

The food had, however, been delicious. Feliciano was an excellent cook.

Throughout the dinner Louise had at times had to keep in a laugh. Feliciano had even set a seat at the table for Aster who had her own plate and meal.

She had tried to insist that she wanted to do the dishes, after Feliciano had made dinner the least she could do was the dishes, however Feliciano said that because he had been so rude Lovino was to do the dishes.

Feliciano and Louise walked through the hallway. Feliciano nodded towards the front door where her bike now stood.

“I hope you don’t mind that I brought your bike in.” Feliciano said. “I believe it is going to rain soon and I am sure that you didn’t want to get it wet.”

“Thank you.” Louise said glancing at her watch. “But I think I need to get going soon. It’s getting late and I don’t want my uncles to start to worry about me.”

“You can stay here if you like.” Feliciano said. “All the bedrooms are in perfect condition, I made sure to fix them first.”

“Feliciano I really don’t want to impose.” Louise said. “You already made dinner and…well I don’t want to be a bother.”

Feliciano smiled. “You are by no means a bother in any sense. I must insist, please spend the night.”

Louise bit her lip as she glanced down at Aster.

“I understand your concern.” Feliciano said. “A young woman and two strange men. In this day and age seems to only end in a very bad note. However I reassure you that nothing of the sort will happen.” he pressed his right hand to his chest where his heart was and bowed slightly. “This I will promise you.”

Louise bit her lip as she glanced at Aster once more. Aster seemed to smile and wagged her tail slightly.

“Alright.” Louise finally said.

The smile on Feliciano’s face widened as he picked up a candle and brought it to a lantern. Once he had properly lit the lantern he walked to the staircase.

“Follow me if you please.” he said.

Louise followed him up the stairs and through the hallway her eyes scanning over the dusty and slightly broken house.

“You said that you are your brother were away for a long time.” she said. “What made you decide to come back?”

“I came back when I realized the ruins the house was in.” Feliciano answered. “I was nearly in a state of shock and full of immense guilt because of that. This house is very dear to me and it nearly broke my heart to see this state. I returned to fix it and my brother had simply tagged along.”

“Why is this house so important?”

Feliciano smiled once more. “Because this house has a history behind it. One that shall be revealed in time my dear.”

Louise nodded and refused to acknowledge the fact that her cheeks had reddened from being called ‘my dear’.

“You want to fix the house?” Louise asked.

Feliciano nodded. “I have all the tools and the proper equipment needed to do so however with just myself and my brother it will take some time.”

“I’ll help you.” Louise said before she realized what she had said.

Feliciano glanced at her over his shoulder. “There is no need for that.”

Louise shook her head. “I want to help. I know a lot of how to fix things, clean everything spotless, and I’m good with my hands. Trust me, I can help you.”

Feliciano smiled once more. “Well then I would be a fool if I would say no.”

They came to a closed door which Feliciano opened and waved his hand inside.

“Ladies first.” he said.

She slowly entered the bedroom and felt the breath leave her body. Painted in a deep blue color the curtains and bed covers matched the walls. The bed was a canopy bed and all the sheets matched the same color. A desk was in the corner with blank papers and an ink and quill there were two lanterns which Feliciano soon lit up bringing more light into the room. She spotted a fire place and a closet which Feliciano opened and she caught a hint of countless dresses.

When Feliciano opened the closet he pulled out a nightgown and held it with two hands gently before extending it towards her. “For you to wear to sleep.”

Louise quickly shook her head. “I…I really can’t.”

“It is brand new.” Feliciano said. At her skeptic look he smiled slightly and said “Brand new as in it has never been worn before. It was actually made quite some time ago.”

“I don’t really wear girly stuff like that.” Louise said.

Feliciano shrugged and placed it back in the closet. “It is there should you change your mind. Dresses, shoes, jewelry.” he said pointing at each ones place. “All is yours and you are free to wear them if you wish.”

Louise quickly shook her head. “Feliciano listen. You are being…way too nice right now. I…I just can’t accept everything that your giving to me.”

Feliciano took her hand in his. “I assure you. Everything is for you and it is like that for a reason. Please do not be hesitant in this matter.”

The look in his eyes was just too over powering; Louise could feel her resistance and protests dying on her tongue.

Feliciano smiled and placed a box of matches next to the lantern on the nightstand. “If there is anything that you need, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

Louise nodded playing with the straps of her back lightly.

Feliciano then took her hand in his and pressed a kiss to the back of it. Louise felt her cheeks burn up going even to the tips of her ears.

“Good night my dear.” Feliciano said looking up at her. “I hope you have pleasant dreams.”

He bowed once more before he left the room, closing the door gently behind him.

Louise looked around the room once more. Curiosity getting the best of her she walked to the closet and peered inside it. At the floor of the closet were shoes of all kinds. Ones with tall heels and short heels, simple shoes and fancy shoes, and dresses of all kinds and fabrics. After throwing a glance at the door where Feliciano had left she bit her lip and pulled one dress out.

She didn’t like dresses. She was not a girl that liked dresses and voluntarily wore one. However even now she could admit, in the deepest part of her mind that no one would ever hear, that these dresses were alright.

She shook her head and glanced at Aster who was sitting on the wooden floor.

“Is any of this strange for you?” she asked.

Aster simply wagged her tail and did a dog styled smile.

She shook her head once more before she placed the dress back. Sliding her backpack off her shoulders she rummaged through it until she found her cell phone.

“No service.” she murmured glancing at the screen. She held it up slightly and started walking around the room in an attempt to catch a satellite signal.

Her back bumped into a doorknob suddenly.

She glanced over her shoulder and saw a door leading to somewhere with the curtains pulled so that the window was covered.

Throwing another glance at Aster she turned the doorknob and slowly opened the door.

A balcony met her. A stone white balcony with vines that grew along the pillars. She stepped cautiously on the balcony and looked over the area of the land that it was over.

A small gasp fell from her lips as the moon and stars illuminated the entire grounds. Even though the once garden was now in ruins with the plants and bushes growing freely and untamed in her mind’s eye she could easily see the beauty of it as if it had been fully flourished.

She took a deep breath and in her own mind she could imagine the scent coming off of the flowers that would bloom and some distance away she could image that an herb garden was there.

She cradled her cell phone in her hands as she remembered suddenly what she had wanted to do. She pressed a button that immediately called her uncles house.

“Hello?” Roderichs voice came.

“Hey it’s me.” Louise said.

“When you said that you were going exploring I didn’t know that you were going to do so in a different country.” he said.

Louise tried to keep herself from rolling her eyes. “Yes I am alive and well thank you for asking.”

“Mm. Please do tell where you would like me to pick you up. It is getting quite late.” her uncle said.

“I found a place to stay the night.” Louise said. “I’m just calling to let you know.”

“You found a place to stay the night.” Roderich repeated. “Where in the world are you?”

This time Louise did roll her eyes. “Don’t pretend. I know you and Vash put a tracking device into my phone. Thank you for trusting me by the way.”

“We did that because we are simply concerned over where you are.” Roderich said. He didn’t even try to hide it. “Regardless, I am looking at the map right now on the computer and I don’t see you anywhere near a motel or anything of that sort.”

“I’ll be fine.” Louise said curtly. “I’ll call you tomorrow. Don’t even think of coming here.”

Without waiting for an answer Louise ended the call and slid the phone into her pocket.

She sighed and leaned against the banister looking out into the garden once more before she went back into the room closing the door behind her tightly.

She looked through her backpack in order to find what she should wear to sleep. Almost against her will her eyes came up to the closet and where the nightgown Feliciano said she could wear was.

She quickly shook her head and continued to look through the bag. She finally found an oversized shirt that she had brought with her and a pair of shorts.

“I don’t think there is a shower here.” Louise murmured under her breath. And even if there was one she wasn’t sure if she felt comfortable enough to take one in this house.

She quickly changed into the other pair of clothes and looked at the bed almost nervously. She first blew out the first lantern that was on the desk and carried the second one to the nightstand beside the bed.

She placed her bag and boots, after taking the holster and gun off and holding it in her hand, on and ground next to the bed and slowly sat on the bed. It sank under her weight however it seemed durable enough to hold her. Leaning to the lantern she quickly blew it out as well plunging the room into complete darkness.

She slowly lay on the bed and stretched her body outwards. Her eyes closed in appreciation at the soft pillows and blankets. She slid the gun underneath the pillow so she could pull it out at a moment’s notice.

Suddenly realizing just how tired she was she snuggled deeper into the blanket and pillows. She was dimly aware of Aster climbing onto the bed beside her and lying down next to her.

She was in a deep sleep within minutes.

austria, fanfic, romano, italy, au, femgermany, aph

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