APH Fic Mutation chapter 4

Aug 30, 2011 20:44

Title: Mutation
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Prussia, Germany
Rating: T on the safe side.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: When brothers Gilbert and Ludwig realize that they are mutants they are accepted to the new school of Alvar Xavier and into a new world that divides the both of them.

Dinner was a tense and uncomfortable affair. None of them seemed to want to start a conversation. The only sounds that filled the room was chewing and their forks scraping against the plates.

Finally when the dishes had been cleaned Roderich cleared his throat and started. “Ludwig. Gilbert. Obviously this is something that…has not come at the right time.”

“You both know as well as us about the mutant hate attacks.” Vash said. “Whenever someone shows themselves to be mutants they are met with violence.”

Ludwig and Gilbert nodded. “That’s why we kept it a secret.”

“How long…have you had these…things?” Roderich asked.

“Months.” Gilbert said quietly. “We’ve been practicing in secret to get some control.”

“Months.” Vash repeated. “Well. You certainly kept it a good secret even from us.”

“Vash and I will accept the both of you as…mutants.” Roderich said. “You are our nephews and we love the both of you.”

“About that school that they were talking about.” Vash said. “I think it’s a good idea. You’ll be among others of your kind.”

Ludwig shook his head. “No.”

“Ludwig look at this rationally.” Roderich said. “There will always be a chance that your secret might be found out and if that happens I can assure you nothing good will happen.”

Gilbert shook his head as well. “No. We aren’t going.”

“Why not?” Vash asked, irritation seeping into his voice.

Gilbert scowled and stood from his seat and allowed his skin to form his blue form. “Because this is what I actually look like!” he nearly screeched. “You think I want anyone to see me like this?”

Both Roderich and Vash had slid their chairs away from Gilbert. Upon realizing their actions they cleared their throats and slid forward once more.

“Gilbert.” Roderich said without looking at him. “I am sure that there are other mutants that look…as you do.”

“You mean that don’t look human.” Gilbert spat. He changed back into his regular form and sat down once more. “You’re not even trying to look at me.”

Ludwig placed his hand on his brother’s shoulder comfortingly.

“Read their minds Lud. I want to know what they are actually thinking.”

Ludwig bit his lower lip. “Brother, they are our guardians. I can’t just enter their minds whenever I want.”

“Please Lud. Tell me that you don’t want to know what they are thinking.”

Ludwig didn’t answer, his eyes fell upon Roderich.

Silently asking for forgiveness Ludwig slowly forced his mind into Roderichs.

‘Have absolutely no idea what to do here. We need to send them away before anyone else finds out about this. Cannot believe that this atrocity is happening with someone of my blood. I blame my sister for this. I guarantee that their father is a mutant and now the children are saddled with this horrible mess. Sins of the father suffer the child after all.’

Ludwig gritted his teeth lightly as he pulled away from Roderichs mind. Without hesitating he pushed himself forward into Vash’s mind.

‘I swear. If a single person tries to hurt them because of this I will get all my guns and everyone I know to kill them. I will not let what happened to Lili happen to them. I will die before I let that happen to them.’

Ludwig smiled at the familiar, yet completely different, sense of protection coming from Vash.

“Now then.” Roderich said. “I believe that school is a good idea. You will learn to control these…powers of yours and at the same time be around people like you. Please pack your bags.”

Wordlessly the brothers walked up the stairs. They first entered Gilbert’s room.

The moment the door had closed behind them Gilbert allowed his pale form to fall back to his blue one.

“Well?” he demanded. “What were they thinking?”

Ludwig tried to smile at his brother however it came out weak. “Vash is the same as ever. Protective and already calling revenge should someone try to hurt us.”

“And Roderich?”

Ludwig walked to his brother’s closet and started to pull clothes out. Gilbert came to his brother’s side.

“What. About. Roderich?” Gilbert asked slowly.

Ludwig didn’t look at his brother as he said “He blames mother and basically can’t believe that this is happening to our family.”

Gilbert did a wonderful combination of a snarl and a growl in Ludwig’s opinion.

“That condescending. Stick-in-the-ass. Mother. Fucker.” Gilbert snarled. “Let him choke on the shit he talks.”

Ludwig rolled his eyes and continued to pull clothes out of the closet and onto the bed. “Please fold those clothes.”

“I don’t need you to pick out my clothes for me.” Gilbert said.

“Knowing you I need to pick out your clothes, fold them, and put them in the suitcase.” Ludwig shot back.

Gilbert mumbled under his breath as he sat on the bed and started to fold the clothes.

“I think I’m done with clothes.” Ludwig said stepping away. “Check to make sure. And then pick out the items that you’re taking. I’ll be in my room getting ready.”

Gilbert nodded absentmindly as he continued to fold.

As Ludwig started out Gilbert reached out and grabbed his arm.

“Brother.” Gilbert said quietly.

“Yes?” Ludwig asked turning towards Gilbert.

“You and me.” Gilbert said. “You and me, together until the end right? No matter what?”

Ludwig smiled and reached out with his mind to the familiar essence that was his brother’s mind.

“No matter what brother. Always together regardless of what happens.”

Gilbert smiled and let go of his brother’s arm
“I called Alvar and he said that he and his friend will be arriving at noon.” Roderich said.

“How the hell did you call him?” Vash said.

“They left me their number before they left.” Roderich answered. Ludwig and Gilbert were sitting in the living room, their suitcases leaning against the couch.

Gilbert fingered the necklace he and Ludwig wore, an iron cross necklace that their mother had given them.

“I’m sure that the two of you will have fun at this new school.” Roderich said.

Vash didn’t say anything however when Roderich left the room he wordlessly handed Ludwig and Gilbert each a Swiss army pocket knife.

Gilbert grinned as he slid it into his pocket while Ludwig put into the chest pocket of his jean jacket.

“Look.” Vash said quietly. “If things aren’t working out at this school. Call me, not Roderich. I’ll get you guys and bring you home.”

Ludwig smiled. “We will.”

Vash nodded as the doorbell rang at that moment.

There was a slight tick in his jaw as he stood and opened the door. Alvar and Romulus stood there.

Romulus came forward and smiled towards Ludwig and Gilbert. “Ready and packed?” he asked.

Both of them nodded.

Roderich came out of the kitchen and stood beside Vash who watched with dark eyes as Romulus took the suitcases and nodded with his head.

“Come. We have a car ready and it’s going to take some time to get to the school.” he said.

Ludwig let out a heavy breath and stood followed by Gilbert.

Vash’s arms came up in an awkward hug around both Gilbert and Ludwig. “Take care. Remember what I said.”

Ludwig and Gilbert nodded. “We will.”

Gilbert and Ludwig locked gazes for a moment before following the other two men out of the house and towards an uncertain path.

rome, fanfic, switzerland, prussia, austria, germania, aph, germany

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