APH Fic Twisted chapter 7

Jun 17, 2011 16:44

Title: Twisted
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s): America, Canada, Mexico, England
Rating: M for safety. And suicide.
Warnings: Suicide.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: After the financial gang bang happened and burdened by the memories America chooses to commit suicide in order to escape the pain. Tormented by guilt England prepares a spell to bring him back. Only he had no desire to come back and now that he is, he wants only revenge.

It was midnight in Moscow in the middle of winter. No one would be out at this time.

Even if someone was there they wouldn’t see him or his children.

The shadows rippled slightly and out stepped America. He had chosen to stay in his demon form for this one. Although the winter winds were in full force he paid no attention to it.

The snow crunched under his boots as he crossed through the town. Once he got to the house in the middle he simply glanced up at it for a moment before opening the door. He smiled slightly when the doorknob easily turned in his hand.

He walked through the hallway passing portraits and vases filled with sunflowers until he reached the living room.

Russia sat at a table with a glass and a bottle of vodka in front of him. When he glanced over his shoulder his eyes held no surprise.

“The others told me about your return. Congratulations.” Russia said sneering.

America smirked as he entered the room, walking slowly and crossing each leg over the other.

Russia’s eyes followed him as he picked up his glass and sipped from it.

He stood suddenly and sneered. “If you think this will be as easy as the Italians you are mistaken.”

America smirked as his wings shifted slightly. “Easy or not. One way or the other. You will die.”

“General Zima.” Russia said softly.

Obedient as ever the personification of winter appeared as his call. “Kill him.”

America didn’t move as the old man flew to him. Two blurs ran past him. One grabbed Winter by the throat while the other delivered the magic attack.

“You do know what happens when you heat up snow?” America asked. “it melts.”

Moving quickly he grabbed Russia by the throat and slammed him to the ground. The fangs at the end of his wings quickly pierced Russia’s hands and pinned him to the ground. He straddled him to ensure Russia wouldn’t be moving.

Throwing an almost lazy gaze he looked to where Anthony and Emily were easily subduing General Winter. The two of them had resorted to making a shield to contain him and were creating fire around the man. He tried to fight back however with each attempt came a bigger blast of fire. Combining the blood of the Roman Empire and his own created a very powerful mix.

He turned back to Russia who was staring at him hatefully.

“Don’t look at me like that.” America said. He slowly unbuttoned Russia’s shirt and slid his hands along the chest.

Russia sneered again. “If you plan on doing to me what we did to you it won’t work. It never had.”

America smiled. “I’m not going to do that. I’m not like the sick bastards you are.”

“You have no right to do this.” Russia said.

America threw his head back and laughed. “I have no right to do this? Then tell me, what right did you have for all of you to rape me?”

Russia’s sneer deepened. “For an irresponsible brat like you that needs to be taught a lesson we don’t need to have a right. It is given to us.”

He dug his nails of his right hand over Russia’s heart while his left started to squeeze his throat.

“You just said that what you guys did to me wouldn’t work on you so that must mean that it has happened to you before.” America asked.

Russia nodded. “Many times. Sometimes by a nation and sometimes by my boss.”

“So you of all people should understand how it felt.” America asked running his one free hand over Russia’s face. “How it is to be betrayed by the people you have trusted. You of all people should understand how it feels to be taken like that and forced into something.”

“You want to know something Russia?” America asked digging his nails deeper until he penetrated the skin. “I love you.”

Russia eyes widened.

“I love you.” America continued. “I love you so much.” His hand started to enter Russia’s chest. “So much that it hurts.” He curled his hand around Russia’s heart. “I have for so long. For years.” Russia choked out a breath of pain. “When you did that to me it hurt so much.” He dug his nails into the heart slightly. “I had always deluded myself into thinking that if I told you, you would say the same.”

He slowly brought his hand out of Russia’s body, hand still clutching the heart tightly.

Tears started to fall onto Russia’s face. When he locked eyes with America he was taken aback at the tears that had gathered there.

“This is all your fault.” he said. “Yours and the others. All your fault for making me like this.”

He slid his hand out of Russia’s body completely. Their eyes locked on the still beating heart.

“There are very few ways to kill a nation.” America said. “However one of the ways is to rip out the nations beating heart and destroy it.”

Their eyes locked for a moment before America smashed their lips together.

With the hand still holding the heart he squeezed tightly until he tore into it and tore it in half.

When America opened his eyes Emily and Anthony were by his side and there was no one else.

He lifted his blood soaked hand once more to his face before his eyes went to the white wall.

He stood and walked to the wall. Taking the hand that was covered in blood he rubbed it into the white wall to perform a perfect red circle.

He stepped back and turned to Anthony. “You know something? They say that only the insane can draw perfect circles.”

He turned away and the children followed him dutifully. He glanced once more at the wall with the circular red stain.

“Let them figure out who is the next one.”
Japan was surprised that his hands weren’t shaking as he poured the tea. He set the pot down and sat on his knees in front of his own cup.

He momentarily had the craving for some salted salmon or perhaps that cherry ice cream he had bought the week before. Perhaps he still had time for-

No he didn’t. He heard his front door opened and sighed as he reached for his tea.

He could hear America’s footsteps clearly before he appeared in the doorway.

“You were expecting me.” America said.

Japan nodded. “You left a very clear sign. A circular red blood stain in directly in the middle of a white wall. It was easy to guess.”

America nodded his eyes lingered on the tea. Expecting someone beside me?”

Japan shook his head. “They are for you and your children. And they aren’t poisoned.”

“Even if they were they would work.” America said sitting down at the table. He sipped from one tea and nodded. Emily and Anthony appeared by their father’s side and took their own tea.

“You do realize why I’m here right?” America asked.

Japan nodded. “I do however that is no excuse for being a poor host.”

America shrugged as he drank from his tea. He laid the empty cup on the table. “Good tea.”

“Thank you.”

America stood and walked behind Japan and kneeled. Japan paid no mind to him as he continued to drink.

“Will you do me a favor?” Japan suddenly asked.


Japan nodded to the cat bed in the corner of the room where a kitten slept.

“Greece had given that kitten to me to take care of. Please return her to Greece.”

America nodded. “Sure.”

He placed his hand on Japans back directly over his heart and pressed lightly.

“You know I always admired you.” America murmured into Japans ear. “You were always so refined. So full of honor and dignity. Such a royal look.” He started to press harder on Japans back. His gaze went to the still hands holding the tea. “Nothing ever shook you.” Violently and suddenly he pushed forward bursting his hand through Japans chest heart in hand. Japan dropped the tea. “Even the same in death.”

It was over in a moment. Japans body was gone, the children were quietly sipping their tea, and Americas hand was covered in blood.
Greece was asleep, resting peacefully against a white column. Surrounded by dozens of cats.

America gently laid the blood covered kitten next to the other man. It snuggled close to Greece, staining his pants with blood. America adjusted the tag so it was more visible.

‘From America.’

fanfic, america, au, russia, aph, greece, japan

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