APH Fic Vampir chapter 3

Apr 17, 2011 22:47

Title: Vampir
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Prussia, Young!Germany, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Liechenstein, Denmark, Sweden, Italy, Finland
Rating: T on the safe side.
Warnings: Um...brothers kinda kissing. It's not real kissing but it is transfering something mouth to mouth so...take that as you will. But I don't mean for this to be Germancest.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary:The German family has kept a secret from all the other nations dating back to their sire Germania. The secret? They are vampires.

Chapter 1: http://firealchemist18.livejournal.com/5990.html
Chapter 2: http://firealchemist18.livejournal.com/7113.html

Ludwig opened his eyes. He tried to speak but all that came out was a rasp. He weakly brought his hand up.

Weak. The skin was too pale and he could barely keep his arm up.

Dryness. His throat was completely dry. Dry, dry, dry.

Blood. He needed blood. Blood. Bloodbloodbloodbloodblood.

These new sensations. His fangs coming down from his teeth. The teeth themselves lengthening and sharpening. His grip on the bedpost strengthening and almost breaking the wood in his hand.

'Blood.' he thought. 'I want blood.'

He bared his fangs and stepped out of his bed. The carpet was soft on his bare feet, the edge of his nightgown glided slightly along the floor.

'Blood. I want blood.'

He took a shaking step forward. Then another. Then another.

He stepped into the hallway. Scents filled his nose. The unmistakable scents that was Prussia and Austria. Other vampires like him. The scent of one that was human and not human. Hungary.

"Ludwig? Are you okay?" Prussia called up the stairs. He had evidently heard Ludwig come out of bed and into the hallway.

Ignoring his brother Ludwig continued forward.

'Blood. I want blood.'

He saw his brother from the corner of his eye. He turned his head slightly to him.

"West? Are you okay?" Prussia asked cautiously coming forward.

Ludwig felt his eyes darken before he turned and ran.

He ran as if his entire body had just been waiting for this moment to run to its full strength. He ran as fast as the wind in a storm blew across the lands. Dimly he could hear his brother screaming behind him, telling him to come back.

He ignored his brother and continued forward.

'Blood. I want blood.'

He could smell it. A small group of humans. Ahead simply a few more feet.

He continued forward.
Germany sighed heavily as he read over his paperwork. He laid the papers down and rubbed his eyes tiredly.

He looked up when he heard the door open. Italy leaned into the room wearing an apron and holding a tomato sauce covered spoon in his hand.

"Germany. Dinner is ready." he said.

Germany smiled as he stood up. "Alright, thank you Italy."

Italy nodded before going back to the kitchen untying the apron as he went.

Germany smiled before following the other man into the kitchen where he was setting the plates. Germany walked to the refrigerator and pulled out a beer for him and a bottle of wine for Italy.

Italy placed the plates filled with pasta on the table and took Germanys hand in his as they sat down.

"I'm really happy Germany." Italy said suddenly after a few minutes had passed.

Germany looked up from his plate. "Why?"

Italy smiled lightly. "Well for being your friend. That you have dinner with me. It just makes me really happy."

Germany smiled back at him. "I'm glad."

"Are you happy Germany?"

"…yes I am. Very."
Italy and Germany had been friends for years. Ever since their alliance back during World War II. Neither one of them had wished to end their friendship as others had done once the war they had been in had been over.

Little has changed between them. Italy still depended on Germany for many things. Germany would help him to the best of his abilities. Italy would spend most of his time at Germany's house either cooking for the other man or simply being with the other.

Germany would allow him into his house and into his bed nearly every night.

And slowly into his heart.

It was Italy who would hold him and whisper words of encouragement into Germany's ear when he had been awoken from nightmares of his past. It was Germany who would hold Italy close whenever Switzerland would shoot at him or when there was a thunderstorm raging outside.

Even though neither one of them had told the other of their feelings. They kept their feelings a secret in fear of rejection from the other and choosing to keep quiet and enjoy their friendship.

Italy practically knew every little thing about Germany. Every little thing. From his schedule to the way he enjoyed cleaning his house the most.

Except for one thing.

The secret that Prussia and Austria had practically enforced into him that he not tell a single soul.

That the Germanics were vampires.

Between Prussia, Austria, and Germany the only one who knew about them being vampires was Hungary who would give her blood to Prussia and Austria to sustain them. She offered to also give to Germany but he refused and chose the other way to obtain blood.
Liechtenstein stumbled through the alleyway. She leaned against the wall of the building wearily before sliding down it.

She gazed up at the sobbing night sky, the rain going through her clothes and soaking her body.

This was the end for her. This is where she fell. Her country, people, and economy have all suffered enough and it seemed that it was time for her to answer the call of death.

She almost gave a whimper. She didn't want to die. She wanted to live. She hadn't been a country that long either.

She closed her eyes.

"H-hey. Are you okay?" A voice asked her hesitantly.

She opened her eyes once more. A man stood in front of her staring down at her with a strange look in his eyes.

"Are you okay?" he repeated.

He didn't seem to wait for an answer. He immediately offered his hand to her.

"Come on, I'll take you to my house." he said.

The next thing that Liechtenstein knew was warmth. She was surrounded by it.

There was a cool cloth on her forehead. The wet drops were like heaven on her burning skin.

A hand came to her forehead and pulled the cloth away. When she opened her eyes and looked to the right she saw a man sitting on the bed besides her looking concerned.

"Are you alright?" he asked again.

Liechtenstein nodded as she sat up. She placed her hand on the headboard and steadied herself.

"You are Liechtenstein correct?" he asked.

She nodded. Her eyes paused on the flag sewn onto his sleeve. "And you are Switzerland right?"

He nodded. He placed the cloth in a bowl filled with water on the table next to the bed before placing it gently on her forehead again and pushed her downward to the bed.

"You're really sick." he said. "Sleep. I'll take care of you."

Before Liechtenstein could even nod she passed out on the bed once more.

When she woke up again she was thirsty. Incredibly thirsty. She massaged her throat as she sat up. She licked her lips and swallowed whatever she was able to.

When was the last time that she had drank blood she wondered. Months ago if not more. Even though she didn't need as much blood other vampires she still needed it to survive.

Switzerland walked in then. "Your awake." he said. "How are you feeling?"

Liechtenstein tried to smile. "I am much better, thank you so much."

Switzerland blushed lightly. "Don't thank me, it's nothing."

Liechtenstein stared at the blush on his cheeks. She swallowed again as her body started to shake.

Switzerland noticed her body start to shake and reached forward to place one hand on her shoulder.

"Are you sure you're alright?" he demanded. "You might have a fever or something. Please lay down."

Liechtenstein took his hand in hers. She could feel the skin and the bone. She could feel the blood running through the veins. She could almost feel its coolness running down her throat.

"Liechtenstein?" Switzerland asked.

Before she could even think of stopping herself Liechtenstein pulled him down to her until he fell into the bed.

"What are you doing?" he almost demanded.

Without responding Liechtenstein brought her mouth to his neck and allowed her fangs to lower. She licked at the salty skin for a moment before allowing herself to bite into it.

Blood filled her mouth. His blood had a metallic taste to it, almost like the scent of gunpowder. She continued to drink from him almost eagerly.

Switzerland started to move. She kept her grip on him loose so that when he pushed her away she wouldn't accidently hurt him.

His arms went around her though to her surprise. One arm around her waist and the other at her head. He pressed her closer to his neck so she could drink easier.

Finally she sighed lightly as she loosened her grip on his clothes and extracted her fangs from his neck. Switzerland pulled his arms away her from. One of his hands went to his neck.

"Did you have enough?" he asked.

Not looking up at him she nodded. She brought her hand to her lips and wiped any stray drops left.

"Good." he said.

"You don't seem that surprised." she said quietly.

Switzerland shook his head. "I'm not. I know Austria and Prussia enough to know about this."

Liechtenstein started to slide off the bed only to be stopped by Switzerland pushing her back.

"Your still sick." he protested.

"I'll be fine." she said not looking at him.

Switzerland pushed at her gently until she was laid on the bed completely and then he covered her with the blanket.

"You can stay here." he said. "I told you that I'll take care of you. That includes giving you blood."

"I can't ask you to do that." she said.

Switzerland shook his head as he pulled the blanket over her. "You don't have to ask, I want to."
"Look. Sweden just isn't feeling well alright?" Denmark said. "Now leave him alone."

Finland stood up wringing his hands nervously. "Are you sure?"

"Positive. Big guy just needs his rest." Denmark said. He then all but pushed the three into the hallway. "Go! Go, go, go, go!"

Throwing one more concerned look at the closed door Finland followed Iceland and Norway into the living room.

Denmark kept the smile on his face until the door closed behind them, and then he allowed it to slide off.

He glanced behind him and threw a dirty look towards the door before entering the room.

A feverish Sweden lay on the bed breathing heavily. He had ripped off the cool cloth that Denmark had placed and thrown it into a corner.

Denmark crossed his arms. "I can't believe you drove yourself to collapsing at a Nordic get together."

Sweden threw a dirty look at Denmark but didn't say anything.

Denmark sighed as he took off his shirt. "Have enough strength to do it yourself or should I cut a vein."

In response Sweden sat up and extended his fangs.

Denmark took his place next to Sweden and leaned forward. His head was tilted back slightly.

He felt the familiar slight sting of pain as the pointed tips pierced his skin. He closed his eyes as he felt his blood pour down Sweden's throat.

"I just don't understand." he said, his eyes still closed. "You live with Finland, call him your wife. Pretty sure you have sex with him. Yet you won't tell him that you're a vampire. I'm pretty sure that he'll willingly give you his blood. An unlimited supply of-"

Sweden bit harder on Denmark's neck causing him to jerk slightly and hiss in pain.

"What the hell is that for?" Denmark hissed.

Sweden didn't answer until he completely retracted from Denmark's neck and his fangs disappeared.

"Don't." he growled. "Talk about Tino like that."
Germany breathed heavily as he continued to watched Italy bounce around talking about one thing or the other.

He swallowed the sudden dryness in his throat and he sipped from the mug of coffee in an attempt to quench the thirst.

His eyes followed the shape and curve of Italy's throat. The blue vein that had appeared against the pale skin. He could hear the pounding heart spread and guide the blood through the veins and the body.

He grabbed his mug and quickly drained it before leaving the room.

For the first time in years he was starting to lose control.

fanfic, switzerland, italy, finland, au, denmark, liechenstein, prussia, aph, germany, sweden

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