APH Fic Packs and Covens Chapter 3

Mar 21, 2011 18:38

Title: Packs and Covens
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Werewolf!Nordics, Vampire!Bad Touch Trio, Werewolf!Germany, Werewolf!Latvia, Werewolf!Sealand
Rating: …T?
Warnings: For now none I think.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: When the BTT Vampire Coven mistakeningly kidnap a werewolf cub and refuse to give him back they threaten a war to start which could topple the entire Dark World balance. Deanon from the kink meme.

Ice nearly grinned as he scouted the area. Humans haven’t come in this area for a few hours. Somewhere else then.

He turned the corner and immediately took a few steps back. There. A couple taking a romantic walk through the city at night.

And evidently ignoring the fact that there has been nearly seven killings this past week and a half.

He waited until they were a few steps away from around the corner where he was waiting before jumping out and leaping onto the mans chest and sinking his teeth into the mans throat, killing him instantly.

He peered up from the now dead man and looked at the girl. Pity. She was really pretty. But her voice was really shrill as she screamed.

Growling Ice jumped onto her and disposed of her the same way.
Gilbert threw down the newspaper the same time that Francis turned off the news on the television.

Groaning Gilbert rubbed his eyes as he fell back onto the couch. Nine. Nine dead bodies all killed the same way. Like an animal. Like a dog.

Or more accurately a wolf.

He hadn’t wanted this to happen. He felt a connection to the little wolf cub and didn’t want to let him go. But he didn’t want people to die because of that choice.

He really was an idiot not letting him go by now.

But he had bonded with Feliciano and…well at least he bonded with Feliciano. Lovino hated him and took to calling him every name he could think of. His two favorites were potato-head for who knows what reason and doggy.

It wouldn’t be fair to Feliciano if they suddenly gave Ludwig back to his pack. The kid was way too sensitive and would probably cry for days.

Gilbert sighed. Some of the other vampires were out scouting the city to try to find and reason with the wolves. Their scent was everywhere but they were also masking it so that the vampires knew the wolves were there but they wouldn’t be able to find them.

Damn those dogs to hell and back.
Ludwig absentmindly pulled at the chains still at his wrists.

Gilbert had taken no chance that he would run away and didn’t remove the chains once since he put them on. He had enough strength to play with Feliciano but he also tired easily. He had to start taking naps, something he hasn’t had to do since he was four years old, to replenish his strength for the rest of the day.

He missed his family. Yeah he liked being with Feliciano, the boy was different than Peter or Raivis. He was still a human and so very delicate. With Feliciano there was gentleness and softness. Ludwig missed the roughness of his brothers. He missed the wrestling. He missed getting covered in mud as they played outside. He missed being outside.

Gilbert hadn’t let him take a single step outside in fear that his scent would carry and get to his pack.

But there was another pressing matter.

The full moon was rapidly approaching. In three days the lunar light would be at its fullest and he didn’t have a choice in the change. He hadn’t been able to change since Gilbert had taken him, they told him that if he changed they would kill him, and he would admit to himself that he was afraid of what they would do.

He wanted to go home.
Denmark growled as another night came to a close. Vampires had been all around the city and it was getting harder and harder to avoid them. And still they wouldn’t give Ludwig back.

His eyes narrowed as he sent out the message of a meeting to the others.

Time to step things up one last notch.
Nor finished the killing and turned back into a human. He quickly cupped his hands under the throat where the blood was running and held it in his palm.

He dipped his fingers into his palm coating them with blood and continued to write the half done message on the wall. Next to the wall was their biggest killing yet.

Eight bodies. All at once. These past few nights they have killed one a night, at most two. But this night they have done eight.

And with this warning…well. The vampires wouldn’t dare.
Gilbert rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he heard the banging on the door. He glanced at Antonio and Francis in their own beds. Feliciano, Lovino, and Ludwig were all in one bed and curled around one another.

The banging on the door increased.

“Mon dieu. For the love of all that is holy Gilbert please answer that.” Francis moaned from his bed.

Silently Gilbert crossed the apartment and opened the door. Barging in was one of their fellow vampires Arthur Kirkland.

Unlike the trio Arthur hadn’t been born a vampire, he had been turned into one on his eighteenth birthday by Francis. He sometimes seemed to resent them but worked with them when needed.

And it’s not like a vampire can refuse their sire.

But besides that Arthur looked beyond pale. He looked terrified.

“Arthur? What the hell is wrong?” Gilbert demanded.

Arthur crossed to the television and turned it to the news channel.

“There has been another killing bearing similarities to the ones that have been happening the last two weeks. Only this time the body count is eight people all at once.” the reporter said.

Gilbert felt his already slow heart stop slightly.

“The killers as well have left us a message on the wall where the bodies have been discovered written in the blood of the victims.” she said, before the camera switched to the wall.

Now Francis and Antonio were there and all three of their eyes opened wide as the words came onto the screen.

Return the cub before the night of the complete lunar light or this city will drown in its own blood.

england, fanfic, italy, france, denmark, prussia, norway, spain, sitaly, iceland, germany

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