APH Fic Through Time chapter 11

Feb 10, 2011 23:54

Title: Through Time
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Russia, America, RussiaxAmerica, Canada, Ukraine, PastAmerica, PastRussia, England
Rating: T ...I think.
Warnings: None?
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: An Alfred and Ivan in the future who are in a loving relationship are blasted to the past during the Cold War where Alfred wakes up in Ivan of the Cold Wars bed and Ivan wakes up in Alfreds of the Cold Wars bed.
Notes: Final chapter you guys, we made it to the last chapter.

The year 2039

Alfred and Ivan slept soundly in bed blissfully unaware of the chaos that was in their kitchen.

“No Al! Papa likes his coffee with two sugars. Otets is the one who takes it without anything.” Emily whispered.

Alex frowned at his older sister. “Are you sure?”

Emily nodded. “I‘m sure. Now come on.”

The two carefully walked up the stairs holding two trays filled with foods ranging from eggs to French toast as well as their parents choice of morning drinks.

The opened the door and peered into the room. When they saw their parents were still asleep they entered the room.

Alex took Alfreds side of the bed and Emily took Ivan’s side of the bed and put the trays on the nightstands next to them.

Emily held up three fingers and slowly put down one leaving two then putting down the remaining one.

“Happy Anniversary papa and otets!” they cried.

Alfred jerked awake as Ivan reached under his pillow and curled his fingers around the hidden pipe.

“Whatzit? Are we being attacked?” Alfred mumbled grabbing his glasses and putting them on.

Ivan blinked in surprise once before a smile appeared on his face. “Nyet dorogoy. I think our kids simply wanted to wish us a happy anniversary.”

Emily and Alex nodded before grabbing their respective trays and pushing them to their parents.

“We made breakfast.” they said proudly.

Alfred and Ivan blinked in surprise before they smiled and took the trays.

Emily snuggled into Ivan’s side and Alex snuggled into Alfred’s side.

Ivan took a bite of the eggs while Alfred bit into the toast that was covered with cream cheese.

The eggs were still a bit runny, the toast was a bit burnt, there was too much cream cheese, for Alfred there was too much sugar in his coffee and for Ivan it wasn’t black enough.

It was one of the best breakfasts either of them ever had.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In the year 1998.

“Alfred! Alfred wait! Alfred please.” he heard England yell behind him. “Alfred this isn’t what it looks like!”

Ignoring his now ex-boyfriend America continued to walk down the stairs and back into his car.

He saw England come out of the building from the corner of his eyes but he paid no mind as he started his car and drove away.

France. He had been cheating on him with France.

He should’ve realized it. The sudden late nights. The half-hearted excuses. Never meeting his eyes anymore. Looking guilty whenever they kissed or had sex.

Alfred gripped the steering wheel tighter until it creaked in protest.

He had sworn. He had sworn that he would never do this to him. That he loved Alfred and only Alfred. He had sworn to be there forever.

Apparently forever was actually a very short time.

He pulled to the side of the road and slumped forward suddenly exhausted.

He held back the tears threatening to spill forward and bit his lip.

He wiped his eyes to catch any stray tears that might’ve escaped. That only seemed to open the gates because in the next moment Alfred was nearly sobbing into his hands.

He was a hero. He was invincible. Nothing could hurt him.

However he could have his moment of weakness. No one would see him. No one would ever know.

No one would ever know.

Alfred glanced into the mirror again and fixed his tie once more.

Looking in the mirror to his brother who was kneeled over and taking deep breathes.

“You okay bro?” Alfred asked taking a comb out of his side pocket and combing his hair. He pouted for a moment at Nantucket before sliding the comb back into its pocket.

Matthew looked at his brother. “Okay? Okay! How can you ask me that?” he asked his voice getting higher with each word.

Alfred looked on amused. “Don’t tell me I was like this when I got married.”

Matthew threw him a dirty look. “If I remember correctly I was supportive of you when you were having your break down on your wedding day.”

Alfred sighed and walked to his brother and hoisted him to his feet. He gave Matthew a short shake. “Calm down. Everything is going to be fine.”

Matthews head slumped onto Alfreds shoulder. “I can’t believe that I‘m actually getting married. Married! Me! Married!”

Alfred laughed. “You said the same thing about me getting married.”

“That’s because I still couldn’t believe that you were with Russia let alone marrying him.”

England entered the room. “It’s time you two.”

Alfred clasped Matthew on the shoulders. He could feel the tension underneath the suit and for a moment wondered if he had gotten any sleep the night before.

“Listen. You love Ekaterina right?” Alfred asked.

“More than anything.” he answered.

“And she loves you?”

Matthew nodded.

“Then don’t be afraid. This will work.” Alfred said grinning. “Now then let’s get you married!”

Before either of them knew where they were they were in front of the alter. Matthew was in the front of the group, Alfred was beside him, and his other groomsmen were behind Alfred.

The bridesmaids came out first. Then the maid of honor, Natalya., then the flower girl, Emily looking adorable in her white dress, and the ring bearer, Alex looking handsome in his little tux, and finally Ekaterina in her flowing white brides gown with Ivan by her side.

Some of the bridesmaids were already crying into their handkerchiefs, only Natalya remained dry eyed but she did smile at her sister.

The time passed. Ivan said his line of giving his sister away. Alfred did his part of handing the rings, which he did not forget!, and soon they were saying those final words.

“I do.”

Hours later had found America in a random bar with what seemed to be his sixth drink.

He had slumped onto the bar itself with his drink half-filled in his hand.

“Are you okay America?” a familiar voice asked.

Weakly picking his head up and squinting his eyes he saw that Russia stood there.

“Russia? Go away. ‘m not in the mood.” America mumbled.

“I can see that.” Russia said sitting next to him.

Russia ordered a drink and stared at America silently before asking. “Are you okay or not?”

“I‘m fine Russia.”

“Then why do you look like you spent the last few hours crying?”

America flushed and swirled his drink in his hand.

“If you must know. I just…found Arthur…in bed with Francis.” Alfred choked out.

Russia hesitantly placed a hand on America’s shoulder. Although he knew he should shrug it off America enjoyed the warmth from the hand.

“I knew about that for a few weeks now.” Russia said quietly.

Americas head snapped up and his eyes narrowed at Russia. “You knew? You knew and you didn’t tell me?”

He leaned forward and grabbed Russia by his collar. Surprisingly Russia didn’t fight him but let him grab him.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” America hissed.

Pity filled Russia’s eyes. It was something so unexpected that Russia dropped his collar.

“I didn’t want to hurt you like you are hurting now.” Russia answered quietly. “I believed that England would come to his senses in due time and you wouldn’t have to get hurt.”

America shoulders slumped and he collapsed back onto the bar with his head in his arms.

“Thirty-eight years.” America said softly. “Thirty-eight years together. All for what? Absolutely nothing.” he finished darkly as he drained what remained in his glass. Gritting his teeth he threw the glass at the wall, ignoring the bartenders shout.

Russia hoisted America by the arms. “I think you have had enough to drink.” he said pulling America out of the bar.

America struggled for a moment before going limp in Russia’s arms. “You know what? I don’t care any more. Do whatever you want to me.”

“All I care about right now is that you are not arrested for public intoxication.” Russia said.

“Do you have a hotel room?” Russia asked.

America shook his head.

Russia nodded. “Then you’re coming to mine. I don’t mind sharing.”

“What makes you think I want to share a room with you?” Alfred shot.

“I simply think it would be better for you if you drink with someone who knows you and not somewhere you could hurt yourself.” Russia said shrugging.

Silently America allowed the other nation to take him to the hotel. Soon enough they were in Russia’s room sharing another drink.

America looked up from his drink suddenly. “I‘m not sleeping with you, you know.”

Russia nodded. “I wasn’t expecting you to. You’re in a bit of a depression and I am not someone who would take advantage of that. I am not France.”

Americas face darkened at the mention of France. Seeing his Russia said “Sorry.”

America shook his head. “You’re not the one who should be apologizing. That rat bastard tea loving scone eating queen loving bushed eye browed bastard should be apologizing.”

Russia chuckled slightly as he refilled their glasses.

The two lapsed into silence once more.

“I mean its not that I care or anything.” America said staring into his glass. “I‘m the hero and the hero doesn’t need anyone. Not even someone who he loved with almost his entire heart and everything. Not at all.”

Russia didn’t say anything as he simply stared at America.

“I mean he could’ve had some balls and told me face-to-face instead of hiding behind my back like a coward.” he continued. “I mean I don’t even know how long this has been going on. Where did he start? Where did I start boring him so much that he decided to cheat on me?”

America’s eyes filled with tears again and he stubbornly swatted at them. “Ah, something’s in my eye.” he fibbed.

America started slightly when he felt Russia’s arms go around him and pull him into an embrace. America had never noticed it before but Russia had a unique scent on him. Of snow and fresh icy cold air.

“I won’t judge.” he said quietly. “I won’t judge. I won’t tell anyone. I will never mention it again. Just let it out.”

Biting his lip America grasped the front of Russia’s coat and finally sobbed out loud, letting his emotions out of his body.

Alfred tipped a map to the side before turning it upside down. He looked up to the land around him before nodding.

“Yep. We are good and lost.” he said confidently.

“We‘re what?” Alex and Emily cried from the backseat. Ivan gave him a concerned look.

“Are we really lost?” Ivan asked.

Alfred nodded. “I cannot find where the hell we are on this map. The GPS died an hour ago. Our phones are still charging so we can’t call for help. There is no internet service here so we can’t go on the internet. We are good and lost.”

Ivan sighed. “Then the best that we can do at the moment is drive in any direction and hope to come across something that will help us.”

Alfred nodded in agreement and climbed back into the driver’s seat and started across the empty highway.

It was the time that the family took their trip around the states. This was a first for Alfred however, getting lost in his own country. Good thing no one else was here and Ivan would never tell anyone. He would tease him about it later but not in front of anyone else.

Two hours of driving on the deserted highway passed until they were passing something.

A carnival of all things. At least that explained why there wasn’t that much traffic somewhat.

And naturally when the kids saw it they immediately started to beg to go.

Even after all these years those puppy dog eyes worked as well as the first time.

Hours later found the family with lighter pockets; the carnival didn’t take credit cards, two happier kids, four dizzy personifications, two kids with empty stomachs due to throwing up from the rides, a folder filled with too expensive photos that the place takes to scam the parents, after emptying their stomachs four stomachs filled with all sort of overpriced food that was filled with all sorts of chemicals, two armfuls of toys that the parents had won for the kids, and thankfully directions to their next destination.

Ivan sighed as he drove the car, it was his turn and Alfred was exhausted for driving for nearly two days straight. He glanced at the rearview mirror and smiled. Alex was fast asleep with his ipod on some of his favorite songs and his faithful stuffed bear in his arms. Emily was also listening to her ipod and even though she wasn’t asleep, or rather can’t sleep, she still had her own faithful stuffed seal in her arms. Both the children had smiles on their faces. Alfred was sound asleep and looked rather young as he relaxed.

Ivan smiled and turned his attention back on the road.

Sometimes getting lost was better, it gave them something new to do and experience something different.

Ivan smiled and hummed a song under his breath.

America sighed and stretched his arms, they had started to get cramped being in the same position for a few hours.

He sat up in his bed and looked to the side of him. There laid a sleeping and naked Russia.

What the hell was he doing? Why the hell was he doing this to himself?

He was afraid of this. He did not want to get hurt or hurt Russia.

He was in love with Russia. That had been something he had just admitted to himself a few months ago.

He didn’t tell Russia. He couldn’t.

What if Russia laughed at him? What if he rejected him? Or worse what if he didn’t want to have anything to do with America anymore?

At least this way, as loveless as it was, he could still be with Russia in a way. Touch him. Kiss him. Make love to him.

He could pretend that Russia loved him.

America sighed and fell back into the bed. Unconsciously Russia snuggled towards him and put his arms around Americas’ waist.

America closed his eyes. He could do this.

No matter how much it hurt to do so.

Russia looked out the plane window thoughtfully as they left the airport and headed back towards his house.

When had he stopped calling it home and started to simply call it a house?

What was a home to him anymore? He closed his eyes and thought the word home for a moment.

A house that had America in it filled his mind. He didn’t know which house it was, all that mattered was that America was in there.

He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. When had this become so complicated exactly? They were friends. They had sex, called friends with benefits if he remembered correctly.

But he wanted more.

He had talked to Ekaterina about this a few times. She had smiled, petted his head like she used to when he was younger, and said “You’re in love bratic (brother).”

Love? This was love?

Russia groaned and fell back into his seat. If this was love then why was it so complicated? What should he do? Should he tell America? Talk about it with him?

He was afraid. He was afraid of telling America about it. He was afraid of rejection and scorn.

He sighed again.

Alfred rolled back in his bed and looked at Ivan silently. Ivan for his part didn’t look away from the paperwork he was reading but he did smile.

“Hey.” Alfred said.

“Mm?” Ivan looked up from his paperwork.

“Have I told you lately that I love you?” Alfred asked.

Ivan blinked in surprise before his smile widened. “No you haven’t. What brought this up?”

Alfred shrugged and then hugged Ivan around his stomach and placed his head on his stomach. Ivan placed his arms around Alfreds head.

“No reason. Just wanted to make sure that you know.”



“I love you!”

The two personifications looked at one another in silence before saying together “You do?”

“Yes I do.”

America leaned forward and closed Russia’s mouth with his hand. “Please listen! I love you. Every time you have to leave I always feel empty until you come back. Then I feel whole again. I love everything about you. I love how protective you are and how you like to wrestle with me. Most of all. I love you.”

Russia took Americas’ hand off his mouth and kissed his palm. “And I love you. I love that stubborn look you get in your eyes when you fight with someone else. I love the way you can eat twenty hamburgers in under fifteen seconds. I love the way you love to hug me in the morning after we have sex. I love your laugh. I love every little thing about you America.”

It was unclear who moved first but within moments the two were locked in a tight kiss.

“I love you.”

england, fanfic, au, russia, canada, new york, america, aph, alaska

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