APH Fic Hidden Love chapter 13

Jan 10, 2011 01:19

Title: Hidden Love
Author/Artist: Me.
Character(s) or Pairing(s): FelicianoxLouisexKiku, IvanxAllison, FrancisxMadison, BerwaldxTiina, TorisxFelicja, GilbertxElizaveta, Im Yong SooxYan, LovinoxIsabella
Rating: M for safety now.
Warnings: Crossdressing boys. Magic in this chapter. Cursing.
Summary: The World Academy has always been laking female students so the Headmaster has the incoming freshman pretend to be girls with endings that no one expected.

Ludwig shifted slightly in the bed, the blankets tangling between her legs and shifting deeper into the pillows.

Her mind slowly started to wake up and start once more.

She was naked she realized. Completely naked. The bed sheets were soft against her skin. Her arms were under the pillows and she grasped the sheet in her fingers for a moment before letting go.

There were two arms stretched across her back she also realized.

Looking to her left and then her right she saw Kiku and Feliciano sleeping on either side of her.

And they were also naked.

Memories of last night came back to her slowly. A blush creped onto her face. She dug her face into the pillow.

She had sex. Not any kind of sex but with both Kiku and Feliciano. At the same time. In two different places. And it felt wonderful.

The blush heightened as she remembered the entire night.

Why did she feel cramps like she usually did when she got her period?

Ludwig picked herself onto her elbows and peered at the alarm clock on the table stand. Thankfully it was a Saturday so there were no classes today.

But she had agreed to spend the day with her brother at noon.

She slid as well as was able to from under Feliciano’s and Kiku’s arms and the blankets. She froze when Kiku shifted in his sleep but relaxed when he stayed asleep.

She quickly gathered her clothes, put them on, and left the room softly closing the door behind her.
“You okay? You’re kinda limping.” Gilbert said.

Ludwig attempted to smile while massaging her stomach. “Yeah. I don’t know why I‘m like this.”

“Time of the month?”

“No that passed already.”

Gilbert shrugged. “Then I can’t help you.”

Ludwig rolled her eyes and sat onto a bench.

The siblings were in the town once more simply spending time away from the school and from everyone else.

Ludwig smiled when he saw the leaves on the tress starting to come out and the flowers were starting to bloom again.

“Spring is finally coming. Thankfully.” she said.

Gilbert nodded. “Hate the fucking cold.” he said sitting beside his brother/sister.

The two siblings sat in silence as they watched the towns people go on about their day.

“I‘m kinda concerned about you being with those two.” Gilbert suddenly said.

Ludwig rolled her eyes and said “There is nothing to be worried about bruder. I can take care of myself.”

“I‘m your older brother. I have to worry and help protect you from those horny guys.” Gilbert said.

Luckily he was looking away from her that he missed the blush on her cheeks.

“And what about you?” she asked instead.

“What about me what?”

“I have to protect the other girls from the horny you.” Ludwig said smirking at her brother.

Gilbert scrunched his nose. “I have no idea what you mean.”

“That’s not what I heard from Elizaveta.” Ludwig said innocently looking to the side.

Gilbert jumped to his feet. “What do you mean? What did she tell you?”

Ludwig grinned and crossed his legs. She immediately uncrossed them when all that did was sent another sharp pain up her body. “According to Elizaveta all you do when you’re with her is do practically everything possible to her breasts.”

Gilbert’s cheeks colored slightly. “What else did she say?”

Ludwig looked at her watch. “Dear me we need to get back to the school.” she said standing up and starting to walk back towards the school.

“Hey! Louise! Wait! Come back here! What else did she say!?”
Ludwig laid back and stretched on her bed. She stared up at the ceiling. For a moment her mind went blank before Feliciano and Kiku popped into her mind.

How were they? What did they think when they woke up and saw she wasn’t there? Were they disappointed? Were they angry?

A knock at the door brought her out of her thoughts. “Louise? It’s me. Open up.”

“Elizaveta.” Ludwig murmured.

Ludwig slid herself off the bed, wincing as another cramp shot through her again, and opened the door.

Daniel nearly flew into the room and closed the door behind him.

“Well?” he asked in a hushed tone.

Ludwig smiled mysteriously and went back to her bed.

“Come on.” Daniel said nearly whining. “Tell me. Did you guys do it?”

Ludwig stretched on the bed and reached for the stuffed cat she had thrown there days ago. She stroked it gently before offering it to Daniel.

He took it and threw it to the side. “Beilschmidt. Tell. Me. Now.”

Ludwig looked out to the window. “Spring is coming you know. I‘m glad, I don’t like the cold that much.” she said conversationally.

Daniel gave a noise of impatience and jumped onto the bed and onto Ludwig.

“If you don’t tell me right now then so help me-” he started.

“Yes we did it.” Ludwig said bemused.

Daniel gave a slight cheer. “Knew it!” he then sat back on the bed and demanded “Details. Now.”

Ludwig laughed. “What do you want to know?”

“How was it?”

“Mm I can’t really say. It did hurt. A lot. But it also felt really good.” Ludwig said thoughtfully.

“Did you really take one in two separate holes?” he asked.

“Mm hmm.”

“Did the back door hurt?”

“A bit.”

Daniel leaned forward. “Were they big?”

Ludwig blushed. “I‘m not telling you that.”

Daniel pouted but subsided. “Tell me more.”

“What more do you want?”

Daniel rolled his eyes. “What did you do exactly?”

Ludwig blushed and cleared her throat. “Well we did have sex. And…well…I don’t really feel comfortable telling you this.”

Daniel pouted but subsided the questions.

“Feliciano and Kiku are looking for you, you know?” Daniel said.

Ludwig blushed. “They are?”

“Yeah. They seem to think that you left because you didn’t like last night.”

Ludwig rolled her eyes. “That’s not the case.”

“Then why did you leave?”

“I promised Gilbert that I would go to town with him, if I was late he would’ve been suspicious.”

Daniel leaned back in the bed and just stared at Ludwig.


“I just never thought it would be you.”

“You never thought it would be me what?”

“When I first met you,” he started. “I thought you were kinda rigid and…um…how to put this nicely. And that you have a stick up your ass.”

“Gee. Thanks. That was so nice.” Ludwig said sarcastically.

“Thank you. Anyway I never thought you would ever even have hormones or a sexual drive.” he continued. “But here we are in the middle of our school year and you had more sex than I have. With two guys even! Have to say, I‘m kinda proud.”
“Remember your promise.” Madison reminded Francis.

Francis smiled. “I remember my love, I remember.”

“You’d better.” she murmured.

They were on a date. A date. A date. Those two words kept running through Matthews head.

A date.


It wasn’t that he wasn’t enjoying himself, quite the contrary he was, but…it was just…

It was with Francis!

The known pervert who spent nearly all his free time groping anyone he was able to male or female.

The man who within moments of meeting him for the first time had groped her.

Who he didn’t really know if he could trust.

After that first kiss Matthew had set some boundaries.

No touching anything that wasn’t clothed. No going any farther than what he said was okay. And no means no!

Also if he wanted to date Matthew, or as he knew Madison, he had to stop flirting with the others. All of the others. All of them. In every way possible. That meant no groping.

And he had agreed.

And now they were on a date.

Matthew slid his hand into Francis’ surprising him.

Maybe this wouldn’t be that bad.
Lovino Vargas had to be the most stubborn man on the planet.

And Isabella loved it.

She loved the chase. She loved the thrill of the hunt. She was sure that in a past life she had been a conqueror. She had seized lands and brought down her foes with giant axes.

She licked her lips as she spotted her target. Standing there in the library with his back to her, not expecting of what to come.

She slipped her shoes off, she was wearing heels and he would hear her, and gently placed them on the ground. She bent her knees and then leaped.

It took quite a bit of movement. When she made contact with her target she had to turn him so that instead of falling on his face he fell on his back. All in a mere three or so seconds.

He gave a cry when she tackled him. When they landed on the ground with her on top of him she felt the breath leave his body.

“Isa…Isabella?” he wheezed.

Isabella grinned and pressed her hips to his. Her legs were on either side of him and she was basically straddling him. When she pressed down he blushed and choked something back.

“What are you doing?” he hissed remembering they were in a library.

In an answer she pressed their lips together. She brought her hands to his head and ran her fingers through his hair.

He gasped in slight surprise. She took that advantage to bring her tongue into his mouth and try to encourage his own tongue into a dance.

Another moment passed before he began to kiss her back with a fire. When they parted to take a breath he switched their positions so that he was top of her and she was pressed against the floor. He brought their lips together hard and curled one of his arms around her waist and the other was cupping her face.

He ran his hand along her leg, she was suddenly grateful she wore a skirt.

Suddenly they heard someone gasp.

Breaking apart they looked up and saw the shocked face of Arthur. He had dropped his books to the floor in shock.

“Th-this…yo-you’re…” he choked out. “I-in Th-th-the li-library.”

Isabella and Lovino looked at one another before in unison they jumped up, gathered their belongings, and ran out of the library.

They ran until they were near Isabella’s room, it was the closest, and ran into it.

They leaned on the door and slumped onto the floor. They glanced at one another and started to laugh.

“What are we laughing at?” Lovino asked.

Isabella shrugged wiping away the tears that had gathered from the laughter.

She then sat on Lovinos lap; his legs were crossed, and cupped his face. He placed his arms around her back and pressed her close to his body.

“Shall we continue?” Lovino murmured.
Tino drew in a breath. Or at least tried to. It was kinda hard when you were standing next to someone who scared the life out of you.

Why exactly did he like this man?

Well he was nice for starters. He would walk Tino to his class every day even if he was late to his own class. He would also take Tinos bag from him and carry it for him; he liked to have a lot of books in his bag so it was really heavy. He would always bring him flowers and small little gifts like a scarf or gloves to things that he craved himself from pieces of wood like their school or a doggy. He had actually carved the little thing hanging from his neck on a necklace. He would give him the space he needed sometimes if he needed to be alone.

He helped him with the school subjects that he was struggling with. He gave him his notes from last year on subjects that they were and would be studying.

That one time when electricity in the entire school had gone out because of a thunderstorm and Tino was scared shitless he had come without Tino even having to ask with hot chocolate ready. He had spent the entire night holding Tino in his lap as he shook from the storm.

He would bring Tino chocolate during that time of the month as well as an ice pack, he didn’t know why some girls enjoyed a heating pad an ice pack was much better over heated flesh. He knew the way that Tino liked his coffee and would nearly every morning have one ready for him. Whenever they went to the town and it would get cold Berwald would cover him with his own jacket.

He glanced at the man walking with him. They were in a park and were simply walking through it and enjoying the fact that winter was over and spring would soon start.

“Berwald.” Tino said softly.

When the other looked at him he quickly pressed a kiss to his cheek.

Berwald blushed lightly before kissing him on the forehead. Then he kissed him on the top of his nose. Then right under his nose and very close to his lips.

“May I?” he asked quietly.

In response Tino closed his eyes and tilted his head upwards.

Lips pressed to his gently.
“Lets see. Shakespeare. Twain. Dickens. Eugenia. And Lukasiewicz! What on earth are you doing?” Toris nearly screeched as he entered his personal quarters.

And there sitting in the middle of his bed wearing a short dress and a bow around her neck was none other than Feliks, Felicja, Lukasiewicz with her legs crossed.

Feliks grinned. “Came to see you and give you a nice little present to unwrap.” he said.

Toris sighed and placed his papers on the desk. “Ms Lukasiewicz. This cannot go on.”

Feliks pouted slightly. “But I like you Liet. I like you a lot.”

“You are my student and a minor, not only is this not proper it’s illegal?”

Feliks tossed his hair over his shoulder. “I don’t care.”

“Well I do.” Toris sat down in the chair next to the desk. “If this continues one of us will have to leave the school, and I am not one to force another person to give up their education.”

Feliks eyes widened and he jumped off the bed. “You can’t go! You can’t!”

“If this continues I will.”

Feliks shook his head rapidly. “Please don’t.” he nearly begged.

“Then you have to stop this.” he said. “If you don’t people will think that there is something going on and I will get fired.”

His eyes filling with tears Feliks nodded. “Okay. I understand.”

“I‘m sorry Ms. Lukasiewicz.” he said. He opened the door. “Please leave.”

Feliks didn’t look up from the ground as he walked forward. Before he took a single step out of the room he hugged Toris tightly.

Hesitantly Toris put his own arms around Feliks. Feliks breathed in deeply to try to remember his scent before letting go and leaving the room.

Toris sat down on his bed and buried his face in his hands.

italy, finland, hungary, lithuania, japan, genderbended, au, france, poland, canada, prussia, america, germania, spain, femgermany, aph, sitaly, germany, sweden

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