APH Fic Packs and Covens Chapter 2

Dec 01, 2010 14:47

Title: Packs and Covens
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Werewolf!Nordics, Vampire!Bad Touch Trio, Werewolf!Germany, Werewolf!Latvia, Werewolf!Sealand
Rating: …T?
Warnings: For now none I think.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: When the BTT Vampire Coven mistakeningly kidnap a werewolf cub and refuse to give him back they threaten a war to start which could topple the entire Dark World balance. Deanon from the kink meme.

When Ludwig tried to run out the door. Gilbert jumped up and dragged him back into the room.

Struggling Ludwig said “Let me go!”

Gilbert hugged him to his chest. “No.”

“Why not?” not one but three voices yelled.

Ludwig looked at the other two vampires who looked like they wanted nothing more than to jump at Gilbert and kill him.

“Because I don’t want to give him up.” Gilbert said stubbornly.

“I‘m not a dog!” Ludwig yelled.

Gilbert rolled his eyes. “And what is it that you turn into?”

“A wolf! We don’t turn into a dog but a wolf!” Ludwig yelled. He could feel a growl build in his throat. No one would insult his people. Especially not some bloodsucker.

Mutti-Berwald was going to kill him. If vatti-Denmark didn’t do so first.

Gilbert bared his teeth before stalking to his drawer dragging Ludwig with him. Rummaging through it he quickly pulled out chains.

Silver chains.

Ludwig immediately attempted to get away from Gilbert who in turn only held tighter.

With quick fast hands Gilbert tied the chains around Ludwig. Moaning slightly Ludwig fell to the floor as the silver started to drain his strength.

‘Great mother moon.’ Ludwig thought as he weakly pulled at the chains. ‘Why is that you bestow us the gift of change from your silver light but your silver jewels destroy us?’

“Do I even want to know why you have chains in the first place mon cher?” Francis asked.

Gilbert shook his head. “Ask me no questions and I‘ll tell you no lies.”
Denmark ran through his part of the city in his night form. As much as they despised being compared to dogs he couldn’t deny the similarities at the moment as he sniffed the air and the ground.

He growled. The scent was old. Nearly five days old. It wouldn’t lead him anywhere.

He paced around in a circle for a moment before jumping onto the streets. He sniffed once more. The stale scent of vampires lingered in the air.

They were in dangerous territory at the moment. The coven of vampires was here and during the middle months of the year neither the packs nor the covens were allowed to trespass on the other territory.

But they had kidnapped one of their own. He and his pack had all the right to be here.

He huffed slightly. Running down the street he hoped that the others were having better luck.
Berwald raced through the city. This is what happened when you allowed children to be on their own. They got into trouble and get kidnapped.

He growled. If those bloodsuckers had hurt his cub he would not rest until he had torn them limb from limb.

He paused for a moment before lifting his head and sniffing the air. He had strayed too far. He needed to go back a few blocks and then to the left.

He jumped onto the fire escape and peered over the city. His upper lip curled over his teeth, nothing absolutely nothing.
Nor ran around the perimeter outside the city. It was a precaution incase the vampires had taken Ludwig out of the city somewhere. So far it didn’t seem like it.

He thought back to his little brother, his blood brother. How young he had been when he had been killed.

By a vampire, of white hair and red eyes.

Nor had barely escaped with his life, he had healed as their kind did but the scars remained. In all truthfulness ever since his brothers death he had felt alone and empty. A hole had begun in his chest and grew each day.

Until he met his new pack. They filled the hole until it was barely there.

They didn’t know something’s you just couldn’t tell some people but they never pried. They respected his privacy and if he ever chooses to tell them they would listen.

Now as he and the rest of their pack searched for Ludwig he couldn’t help but recall the terror he felt when his brother had been killed.

He wasn’t able to save his blood little brother but he will save his new chosen little brother.

Even if it killed him this time.
Tino ran ahead occasionally looking behind him to make sure the cubs were keeping up.

He along with Raivis and Peter were going through the center of the city and about a ten-mile radius from the center to see if there was a trace of Ludwig.

With a move of his tail to the left Peter and Raivis immediately went to different sides in an attempt to see if his scent was there. Tino continued forward at a small pace.

His ears were perked for the slightest sound. The normal sounds of the city during the night filled his ears. The random car or person going by. The shadows hid the wolves from prying eyes.

Peter gave a small whine. Tino turned to him. Peter sadly shook his head “There’s nothing.” he said sadly.

Raivis sighed. “Great mother moon protect him.” he murmured under his breath.

Tino nodded before giving a sweep of his tail. “Lets check around here before we get back to the others.” he said.
Ice slowly walked through the street, careful to keep to the darkness covering him.

This was hopeless. The vampires had taken Ludwig too long ago for a scent. He understood that it never hurt to look, and maybe they would get lucky, but you also had to think rationally.

He stopped for a moment to scratch behind his ear before yawning. Most would call him heartless but he was just as worried as the others were about Ludwig even if he didn’t show it.

What they needed was to show the vampires that they were here. That they wouldn’t leave. That they wanted their cub back and would do anything in order to get him back.

He slowly grinned to himself but running off to find Denmark.
“Are you insane?” Nor asked.

Ica regarded him with a cool look. “No, I don’t think so.”

“Well I do with what you’re suggesting.” Nor retorted.

“Enough.” Denmark said. The two immediately stopped talking.

Denmark paced a few steps before saying “While I do see the good to this I also have my doubts.”

“I think we should do it.” Peter said.

Denmark looked over his pack before springing to his feet. “Alright then. To make this fair lets have a vote.”

“Nor you first.” Denmark said.

Nor shook his head. “I think there is something else we can do. I don’t know what but I don’t think that this is the answer.”


“I want to do it.” Ice said.


Berwald hesitated for a moment before saying “I agree with Ice.”


“I‘m with Nor. I don’t think it’s the answer.” Tino said.


“With Ice and Berwald!” Peter said enthusiastically.


Raivis hesitated before saying “I agree with Tino and Nor.”

Everyone turned to Denmark. The tie breaker.

He thought for a moment before standing and walking to Ice and Berwald. “I‘m with them.” he said finally.

Nor groaned. “Your sure?”

Denmark nodded.

Nor sighed. “You’re my leader. I‘ll still follow you.”

“Me too.” said Berwald and Raivis at the same time.

Denmark grinned. “Then let’s do this.”
Antonio ran into Gilbert house holding a newspaper.

“Look!” he nearly shrieked.

Gilbert and Francis calmly picked up the newspaper. Their blood, well the one that they drank recently, ran cold.

A woman was killed last night. The police weren’t sure who had done it.

Claw scratches and bite marks and holes were all over her body.

It looked like a pair of wolves attacked her.

Or rather. A pack of werewolves.

The three vampires looked as one to where Ludwig was sitting and playing with Feliciano while Lovino scowled at them.

His pack wanted him back.

fanfic, finland, france, denmark, nordics, latvia, sealand, prussia, norway, spain, iceland, germany, sweden

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