APH Fic Hidden Love chapter 12

Oct 11, 2010 01:22

Title: Hidden Love
Author/Artist: Me.
Character(s) or Pairing(s): FelicianoxLouisexKiku, IvanxAllison, FrancisxMadison, BerwaldxTiina, TorisxFelicja, GilbertxElizaveta, Im Yong SooxYan, LovinoxIsabella
Rating: M for safety now.
Warnings: Crossdressing boys. Some sexual content.
Summary: The World Academy has always been laking female students so the Headmaster has the incoming freshman pretend to be girls with endings that no one expected.

Ludwig sighed as he walked back to his room. It has been a week since, as Daniel put it, he Kiku, and Feliciano had gotten together. So far nothing bad had happened. There wasn’t anymore kissing and both Kiku and Feliciano seemed a bit wary with approaching that matter. They seemed somewhat content with simply holding hands and kissing her cheek.

Ludwig smiled softly. This was actually nice, very nice. There was no needing to be something that he wasn’t and he didn’t need to worry about the way he was. Kiku and Feliciano knew him and accepted him.

No they didn’t he suddenly realized.

They knew Louise. Not Ludwig. Louise.

As far as they knew Ludwig didn’t even exist.

Ludwig closed his eyes and leaned against the wall for a moment. He clutched the books in his hands to his chest.

If they found out that he was really a guy, would they still want to be with him?
Yao shifted slightly on his bed, leaned back to the person behind him, and was breathing heavily.

On his, now enlarged chest, were a pair of hands belonging to the person he leaning on and they were squeezing his breasts gently.

Yao concentrated on taking deep and calming breaths. In and out. In and out.

He was snapped out of his revive when the fingers on the hands suddenly pinched the nipples of his breasts lightly.

“Did that hurt?” Im Yong Soo asked.

Wordlessly Yao shook his head.

Soo continued his pursuing. Occasionally he squeezed the breasts in his hands and rolled the nipples between his fingers. He grinned as Yao tried, and failed, to keep the moans quiet and leaning against him.

“Why do you like to do this all the time aru?” Yao asked quietly.

Soo shrugged. “Don’t know. I just like the feeling of your breasts in my hands.” he pouted slightly. “But I can’t really do much through all this clothing.”

Should he? Should he really?

Yeah he should.

Yao pushed Soo hands away from his chest for a moment. Hands trembling slightly he undid his shirt buttons and pulled it to the side but didn’t take it off. He also kept the bra in place.

“Alright. Do your best aru.” he said.

Soo grinned. “You don’t have to worry about that. Groping and claiming breasts originated in Korea you know!” he said as his hands slid under Yaos bra and cupped his breasts.
Ludwig looked up from his notes startled. He glanced at his watch. It was still too early for Felicianos music club to end and Kiku was tutoring some of the other students.

“Come in.” he called to whoever was at the door.

To his surprise Feliciano entered and smiled at him.

“Ciao Louise!” he said as he came to sit next to her on the bed.

Ludwig smiled at him. “Hey Feliciano. I thought you had your music club today.”

“It ended early.” Feliciano said staring at Ludwig.

Ludwig shifted slightly on the bed. “What?”

“Can I kiss you?”

The question was so sudden and unexpected that Ludwig started in surprise. “Can you what?”

“Can I. Kiss you?” Feliciano repeated.

Ludwig blushed. “This is kinda sudden.”

Feliciano pouted slightly. “Well you and me are dating right? Even if Kiku is the other part of this trio. We both have the right to kiss you, right?”

Ludwig nodded slowly. “I guess so.”

Feliciano smiled. “So can I?”

Ludwig nodded.

Feliciano leaned forward and pressed their lips together. Ludwig closed his eyes and tried to relax.

Felicianos hands came up and gently held Ludwigs face in them. Feliciano pushed gently until they were lying on the bed with him on top.

Without breaking the kiss Feliciano and Ludwig shifted their bodies so they fitted the other better. Ludwigs arms came up hesitantly before pulling them around felicianos shoulders.

Felicianos hands slid down to his neck and placed his hands around it. His thumbs gently stroked Ludwigs throat and lower jaw.

When they needed air they broke apart however Felicianos lips lowered to where his hands were and started to kiss Ludwigs neck gently. His tongue flickered over a pulse point causing Ludwig to shudder slightly.

“Feliciano.” Ludwig whispered. In response Feliciano lifted his head once more and kissed Ludwig on the lips.
“I feel like I‘m doing something illegal.” Ludwig commented.

Daniel looked up from his dinner. The two had decided to eat in Daniels room so they could talk privately.

“Illegal how?”

“Not really illegal but it feels like it.” Ludwig said shrugging.

Daniel took a drink of his water. “It’s not illegal unless the three of you want to get married. If you’re just dating its okay.”

“That’s not the point.” Ludwig said groaning.

“Is there a point?” Daniel asked.

“Not really. Just thought I should say that.”

The two continued to eat in silence.

“Did you know your brother is a breast guy?” Daniel suddenly asked watching Ludwig spew out the water that he had been drinking.

“I don’t think I need to know that!” Ludwig said coughing and wiping the water drops from his chin.

“Just thought you might want to know.”

“And why pray tell did you think that?”

Daniel didn’t answer.

“I mean honestly though. Almost all his attention is to my chest. I do have other parts of my body but his eyes, and mouth and hands, go straight to the chest.” Daniel continued clearly enjoying the internal pain he was giving Ludwig.

“Can we please talk about something else? Anything else?” Ludwig asked.

“So did you have sex with Kiku or Feliciano yet?” Daniel asked.

“…so my brother likes your chest you say.”

Daniel rolled his eyes. “It’s nothing to be ashamed about Louise. You’re a normal, somewhat; teenage girl and they are normal teenage guys. I bet you anything they have thought about it.”

Ludwig blushed. “Its not really something that comes up.”


“Yes, really.” Ludwig said annoyed.

Daniel leaned back in the chair he was sitting in. “Huh. Thought you guys would’ve done it already. Or at least with one of them.”

Ludwig closed his eyes for a moment before reopening them. “Listen-”

“Can I ask you a question?” Daniel interrupted.

Startled Ludwig nodded.

“Are you a guy or a girl?”

Ludwig sighed. “What kind of a question is that? Of course I‘m a…a guy.”

“You hesitated.”

“I know. But I don’t know why.” Ludwig said frowning.

Daniel looked out the window. “I‘ve been asking around the others like us. They all hesitated before saying that they were guys and some didn’t even answer. They just looked confused.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean,” Daniel said sighing. “That we, all of us, are starting to lose track of who we were and accepting who we are. Truthfully? We know how to turn back into guys, even if it’s for a moment. I just looked at my old boxers, kinda wanted to pull them on and turn back into a boy for a minute, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Neither could any of the others.”

“So you’re saying that we choose to be girls now?” Ludwig asked.

“Have you turned back into a boy since you first turned into a girl?”

Ludwig didn’t answer.

“What I mean is. I think that if given the choice, some of us would choose to stay as girls. Still can’t figure out why but I‘ll find out.”
Daniel was calmly sitting in the cafeteria with Alfred, Ivan, Gilbert, Lovino, and Isabella eating a pudding cup.

He was relaxed, just finished his homework and didn’t have any projects or tests coming up. He picked up his spoon and dipped it into the chocolate goodness that was the pudding. He started to bring it to his mouth.

Only for Ludwig to appear out of nowhere, grab him by his collar, pull him out of the cafeteria, and making him drop his beloved pudding.

Once in the hallway away from the others Daniel looked at him incredulously.

“What the hell! Didn’t you see me eating there? What the hell?” he nearly yelled.

“I talked to Kiku and Feliciano. We decided to have sex.” Ludwig said.

Daniel paused for a moment.

“I can always get something later.”
Once they were safely in Daniels room away from prying ears and eyes Ludwig told him the entire story.

“I thought about what you said and I decided to talk to them about it. Turns out they have been thinking about it, I was kinda surprised with Kiku though, and they were wondering if they should bring it up.” Ludwig explained.

“So you guys are going to do it?” Daniel asked excitedly.

Wordlessly Ludwig nodded.

Daniel laughed happily and went to his desk. He opened a drawer and pulled out a bag. He threw it at Ludwig who caught it with his right hand and opened it to peer into it. His eyes widened when he saw the contents.

“I suggest having the guy wear two condoms at the same time. Much safer.” Daniel said.

“…is it proper to thank you or is it considered rude?” Ludwig asked looking to the side.

Daniel waved it off. “No need to thank me. I just don’t think you want to become the first pregnant boy.”

Ludwig blushed as he scrunched the back in his hands, his eyes didn’t leave his lap.

“So wait. Your okay with having sex with a guy?” Daniel asked.

“I‘m a girl aren’t I?”

“I don’t know. Are you?” Daniel countered.

Ludwig paused and slumped. “I have no idea anymore. My mind keeps saying “No, it’s not right, you’re a guy” but my body is kinda screaming “Do it! Do it!”

Daniel grinned again. “I‘m guessing your listening to your body on this one?”
Ludwig nodded ashamed.

“Can we talk about something else?” Ludwig asked.

“So who are you going to do first? Or are you going to do one and then the other? Think that‘ll be a bit awkward though.” Daniel asked.

Ludwig shifted in his seat slightly. “Well we talked about that as well.” he said, carefully looking at the floor. “And well…we‘regoingtodoittogether.”

“…Care to repeat that? A bit slower though.”

“I said…that we‘re…going to do it…together.” Ludwig said. Something very interested was happening on the floor that Daniel wasn’t seeing apparently.

Daniel was speechless for a moment before he started to clap his hands. “I must clap to you Louise. Two guys? At the same time? Me-ow.”

“Wait. How do you do that?” Daniel asked suddenly.

Ludwig finally looked up at Daniel. “That’s something I hoped that you could help me with.”

In unison the two looked towards the computer sitting innocently on the desk.
A few hours later the two red faced teens closed the computer and pushed it as far as they could from them.

“Well…that was…interesting.” Daniel said

.Ludwig closed his eyes and willed those images to fade from his mind. So far it didn’t work.

Wordlessly Daniel walked back to his drawers and pulled out a bottle which he threw to Ludwig. “I think your going to need that.”

Ludwig looked at the label on the bottle and blushed once more. It was a bottle of lube.

“And why pray tell do I need this?” Ludwig asked.

“You’re going to take something up the ass for the first time dry?” Daniel asked raising an eyebrow.

Ludwigs eyes widened before he gripped the bottle tighter and put to next to him.

“Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it.” Daniel said waving off the thanks.

“Don’t worry I wont.”



“Good luck.”
“You are certain about this?” Kiku asked sliding his shirt off.

Louise nodded her eyes pinned at the wall. The paper bag scrunched in her hands tightly.

Feliciano looked like he was going to burst out laughing at a given moment. “Never thought I, or any of us really, would be in a threesome.”

“Well I can tell you this wasn’t on my list when I first came to the school.” Louise said.

Kiku crossed his arms. “So how are we doing this? I know the mechanics but we kinda need to know who is going to be in front and who is in back.”

“Can I be the front?” Feliciano asked.

They looked at Louise in question.

“Whichever you guys want really.” she said blushing.

“I think its better with what you want really, you’re the one who is receiving.” Kiku said.

Louise blushed more if possible. She cleared her throat and said “Okay then. Kiku you’re…in the back. Feliciano is in front.” she said quickly.

Kiku nodded and climbed into the bed. They had decided to do this in his and Feliciano’s room where they could push the two beds together and have more room.

Kiku held a hand out to Louise who took it somewhat hesitantly. She turned so that she leaned against his back and took a deep breath to help calm herself.

Feliciano sat on his knees in front of her.

“Ready?” Kiku and Feliciano asked at the same time.

Wordlessly Louise nodded.

fanfic, genderbended, italy, au, korea, china, hungary, aph, crossdressing, germany, japan

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