APH Fic Hidden Love chapter 11 [redone]

Oct 03, 2010 03:05

Title: Hidden Love
Author/Artist: Me.
Character(s) or Pairing(s): FelicianoxLouisexKiku, IvanxAllison, FrancisxMadison, BerwaldxTiina, TorisxFelicja, GilbertxElizaveta, Im Yong SooxYan, LovinoxIsabella
Rating: T for now.
Warnings: Crossdressing boys. Magic in this chapter. Cursing.
Summary: The World Academy has always been laking female students so the Headmaster has the incoming freshman pretend to be girls with endings that no one expected.
Note!: Chapter 11 has been redone! It has been revisied and changed!

Daniel sighed as he looked around the room and straightened his skirt.

He frowned before looking around the room once more. No Louise. That was weird.

Maybe she was running late?

Daniel snorted at that. Louise being late was as likely as Heracles stop loving cats or sleeping in class.

Then where the hell was she?

The bell rang for class to start and Daniel took his seat. He sat right next to Louise and she still wasn't there.

And unfortunately the first class they had that day was history, which was taught by her father.

When he reached her name on the attendance sheet he raised an eyebrow at her empty seat. Daniel shrugged when he looked at him questioningly.

Alvar closed the roll call book and started the lesson. Daniel kept looking at the door from the corner of his eye as he took notes willing Louise to come in, apologize for being late, and sit down. Daniel didn't know if the others noticed it but Alvars eyes kept straying towards the door, every few minutes, as if he was willing the same thing.

When the period had been half over she came nearly running in her eyes cast downward.

“Sorry.” she mumbled to Alvar.

“Stay after class.” he said, before turning back to the board where he had been writing the notes. Daniel smiled to himself when he saw Alvar relax.

Louise nodded and took her seat next to Daniel and opened her book.

Daniel pushed his completed notes towards her which she nodded in thanks.

Sneaking a glance at her their eyes connected for a moment and Daniel was able to see her red shot eyes.

She had been crying.

She turned back to her notes and started to copy what Alvar was writing.

Daniel felt his blood start to boil. Someone had made Louise cry.

And he had a good idea of who did it.
Alfred watched as Louise came in late. Late! Of all people. Louise. Late.

And crying? Louise crying? Something was up. Either the world was ending or something big happened with her over vacation.

As class ended he went to Daniel.

They had something to do together.
“Keep the notes.” Daniel told her as he gathered his books.

Louise nodded her thanks as she walked to her father.

When Daniel left only Louise and Alvar were left in the classroom.

Father and son/daughter looked at one another in silence.

“No matter what is going on it is unacceptable to skip or miss any of class unless there is something wrong with your health.” Alvar said.

Louise nodded his eyes had a faraway look to them.

“Louise, are you okay?” Alvar asked gently.

Louise nodded. “I‘m sorry I was late father. May I go?” she asked.

Hesitating Alvar nodded. “You may go.”
The day passed.

Daniel kept sneaking glances at Louise whenever he could. His expression never changed nor did he ever look up. He kept his gaze on either his notes or on the ground.

All the boys/girls knew something was wrong with Louise. For one the way she was acting. And another was that she wasn’t with Kiku and Feliciano like she always did.

And speaking of Kiku and Feliciano, Daniels eyes glanced over to where Feliciano and Kiku were standing together. Something had changed between them. They were still going to class together, eating lunch together, and hanging out but anyone could see that something had changed between them. They no longer looked at one another nor did they speak to one another.

Daniels eyes narrowed. He stood up and looked at Allison who met his eyes and nodded.

Time to figure this out.
Gilbert glared at his brother/sister. Sensing his gaze Louise sighed and asked “What is it bruder?” without looked up.

Gilberts eyes narrowed. “What happened?”


“Don’t bullshit me. Something happened. Now be a good little sister and tell your older brother so he can kick whosever’s ass that caused it.” Gilbert said.

Well at least that got a small smile on her face. “No one did anything Gilbert. It’s okay.”


Louise sighed and stood up. “I have to go. Have a nice day bruder.” and left.

Gilbert scowled. Whatever was going on he wouldn’t stop until he found out.

Speaking of which he saw Kiku and Feliciano leave the cafeteria and Allison and Elizaveta followed him.
Daniel and Alfred peered around the corner before walking down the hallway together.

They both had cold looks in their eyes and their fists were clenched. Daniel stretched his arm a bit before spinning it a few times.

“Can’t remember the last time I was in a real fight.” he said almost gleefully.

Alfred smiled. “I love it. The adrenaline, the punches flying everywhere, the pain. I love it all.”

“I doubt that they’ll fight back if at all.” Daniel said.

Alfred shrugged. “If they don’t fight back then that’s their problems. We won’t stop, at least I won’t.”

Daniel smiled. “Neither will I.”

Finally they saw who they were looking for. Kiku Honda and Feliciano Vargas.

Rushing forward in unison Alfred and Daniel held up their arms and slammed Kiku and Feliciano against the wall with their arms against the boy’s shoulders and neck.

“Wh-wh-what is going on?” Feliciano screeched.

Kiku struggled to get Daniels arm off of him. In response Daniel pressed harder.

“I think the two of you owe us an explanation.” Alfred said coolly.

“Now tell us. What exactly happened to make Louise cry?”
Ludwig lay on his bed toying with the stuffed cat Hercules had given him. He had given everyone a stuffed cat, Ludwig was sure that if it wasn’t against the rules he would’ve gotten everyone a real kitten.

His fingers stroked the soft fake fur on the cat before lightly throwing it the side and curling into a ball.

This was ridiculous. Hiding like this, avoiding his friends, withdrawing himself.

Women suffer silently he realized.

They wear smiles and act happy in front of their friends and loved ones. They don’t want them to worry about their own problems and when they were alone they handled them by them selves.

Ludwig sighed. Something else he realized when he became a girl is his emotions. They were coming in clearer as a girl and he was able to decipher them better.

Kiku and Feliciano. They were both wonderful in their own ways. Feliciano was caring and loud. Kiku was also caring but silent. In some senses they were the same and in the other they were the same. They were both loving. They were loyal and protective of those they liked.

Or loved.

Ludwig felt his face flame up again. He remembered Kiku kissing him on his bed. He remembered the feel of Kikus hair in his hands and his lips on his own. The wonderful heat spreading throughout him as Kikus hands trailed across his body.

Felicianos face flashed through his head for a moment.

He had only kissed Feliciano, and the was once, but he remembered it as well. The soft lips. He remembered how Felicianos tongue had brushed against his lips before they broke apart.

It was driving him crazy. His body was rebelling against his brain. He couldn’t be attracted to either one of them. He was a guy and he wasn’t gay!

Though he couldn’t deny how good it felt.

Men and women were different he realized. Completely different. And now he had a taste of both worlds. And truthfully?

He didn’t know which one he preferred.
Daniel washed his hands in the bathroom sink and pouted slightly in the mirror. Alfred and him had had to beat Kiku and Feliciano up a bit to get the answers but nothing serious.

At least nothing that needed to go to the nurse for.

Daniel dried his hands on a some napkins in the dispenser and threw them out before thinking for a moment on his next move.

He soon found himself in front of Ludwigs door and knocking on it.

There was no answer.

“Louise? It‘s me Elizaveta.” he said.

Suddenly the door opened to reveal Louise.

“Hey. About the notes. I didn’t finish coping them. I‘ll give them to you tomorrow.” she said.

Daniel shook his head. “I‘m here to talk to you. The notes can wait.”

Ludwig hesitated before letting him in.

“Guess I need to talk to someone about this.” he said.
Ludwig sat down on his bed and Daniel took a seat at the desk chair. He leaned back on it and smiled at Ludwig.

“So me and Alfred kinda ganged up on your boyfriends.” Daniel said casually.

“They aren’t my boyfriends!” Ludwig yelled.

Daniel started at the response before smirking on the inside. So this was a touchy subject for him.

Still blushing slightly Ludwig asked “What did you guys do to them?”

“We kinda ruffed them up since you weren’t telling anyone what was wrong.” Daniel replied.

“You hurt them!” Ludwig nearly screeched as he stood suddenly.

Daniel smirked on the outside now. “I thought they weren’t your boyfriends. Why do you care so much?”

“They aren’t my boyfriends but they are my friends.” Ludwig said sitting down slowly.

“Funny way to act if your just friends. Kissing and touching and all that.” Daniel said.

Ludwigs blush deepened. “You know about that?”

“I just said Alfred and I beat them up to get information. Took some time but they told us.”

Ludwig slumped slightly. “I‘m so confused right now.”

“About what? Tell big sister everything.”

“Everything!” Ludwig cried. “I have no idea why I‘m feeling like this. I have no idea what to do. I have no idea on what to do with Feliciano and Kiku. And most of all? It is strangely comfortable in being a girl.”

Daniel smiled. “Yeah it kinda is. But about Feliciano and Kiku. How do you feel about them?”

“I just told you I don’t know.”

“Well you kissed them. That means you must feel something.” Daniel said raising an eyebrow.

“I‘m not gay though.” Ludwig insisted.

“And you think that matters? Love doesn’t follow straight, gay, or bi. It makes its own rules and does what it wishes. If two people, or three in this case, it happens when those people basically…complete and work with each other.” Daniel said. “At least that’s what I read in the magazines.”

The two looked at one another before laughing quietly.

“So what do I do?” Ludwig asked.

“That depends. Do you like them like that? And if so which one?” Daniel said.

Ludwig looked at his lap. “-th” he mumbled.


“…both.” he said quietly.

Daniel gave a low whistle. “Okay then, now I see your problem.”

“I have a question though.” Ludwig looked up. “Why were you crying?”

Ludwig looked back at his lap. “Because…well. I don’t think they ever wanted to be my friend. I think they only wanted to be my boyfriend. Our friendship was something I really enjoyed before this entire mess, and now I find out that it might be a lie.”

Daniel sighed and reached into his backpack and took out a file. “Maybe there’s something you should see.”

He pulled out a photo and handed it to Ludwig. Ludwig took it and looked at it his eyes widening.

It was a photo of the three of them taking a short nap, or siesta as Feliciano called them, under a tree in the fall. Ludwig was in the middle, Kiku was on his right and Feliciano was on his left. They were all curled up together and were sleeping.

“I think that’s before they started to like you like that. If they loved you either one of them would be clinging to you tightly.” Daniel said gently. “The three of you are close, you’re even holding their hands in your sleep, but you’re not at that stage of love just yet. I think that was the beginning when they started to feel it towards you. Take my word for it. They were your friends before they wanted to become your boyfriends.”

Ludwig stared at the picture for a moment before groaning and said “I‘ve been a bastard haven’t I?”

“More like a bitch since you’re a girl.” Daniel said cheekily.

He ducked to avoid the swat Ludwig gave and sat down on the bed next to him.

“Am I selfish for liking both of them?” Ludwig asked.

Daniel shook his head. “You can’t control who you like or don’t like. Though this does make it a bit more difficult.”


Ludwig looked up at Daniel who was suddenly smiling.

“But if they don’t mind sharing then…”
Ludwig closed his eyes as he finished talking to Kiku and Feliciano.

This was some of the worst half hour of his life. Kiku and Feliciano had been surprised to see her at their door and more surprised at what she had to say.

“I like the both of you.” she said looking to the side, face blushing. “And I don’t think it’s fair to the other if I just pick one. This is my offer.”

The two were silent for a moment. They watched Louise and glanced at one another.

“Fairness right? Neither of us does more than the other?” Feliciano asked. “Or what Louise wants.”

Kiku nodded. “This could get rather difficult but I think we can do this.”

Ludwig relaxed and smiled.

Slowly Feliciano took one of her hands in his while Kiku took the other. Louise smiled at them and grasped their hands.

They could do this.

fanfic, genderbended, italy, prussia, america, germania, hungary, aph, germany, japan

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