APH Fic Hidden Love chapter 10

Sep 27, 2010 00:20

Title: Hidden Love
Author/Artist: Me.
Character(s) or Pairing(s): FelicianoxLouisexKiku, IvanxAllison, FrancisxMadison, BerwaldxTiina, TorisxFelicja, GilbertxElizaveta, Im Yong SooxYan, LovinoxIsabella
Rating: T for now.
Warnings: Genderbending. Kissing in this chapter
Summary: The World Academy has always been laking female students so the Headmaster has the incoming freshman pretend to be girls with endings that no one expected.

“Fel-Feliciano! This isn’t what it looks like.” Ludwig blurted out not really thinking.

Feliciano didn’t say a word as he entered the room and closed the door behind him, not taking his eyes off the two for a moment.

Kiku smiled at him. “Hello Feliciano-kun. Back from seeing your brother?” he asked as he slid off of Ludwigs body.

Feliciano nodded silently. Was he glaring at Kiku?

“This…isn’t fair.” Feliciano finally said. “You are taking unfair advantage over me not being here.”

Ludwig sat up in the bed and looked at the other two.

“You seemed to have no problem with taking advantage of the mistletoe the other day.”

“It is a custom when two people are under mistletoe for them to kiss.” he said. Ludwig was slightly taken back. He had never heard Feliciano like this.

Feliciano suddenly turned to Ludwig. “Who do you pick?” he asked.

Ludwig started back against the wall. “What do you mean?”

“Me or Kiku? Who do you pick to be your boyfriend?” he asked.

Ludwig clenched his hands into a fist. Anger and hurt suddenly going through him. “Is…is this what’s it been all about?” he whispered.

For some reason tears sprang to the corner of his eyes. “All this time, our entire friendship, something that I have enjoyed greatly. Is this why we‘ve been friends in the first place? So that you two can compete for this? Is this what you two have been doing!” he yelled at them.

Kiku and Feliciano started at him before the both of them looked guilty.

“Louise-Chan…” Kiku started.

Ludwig shook his head and brought a hand to his eyes to help prevent the tears from falling.

“Forget it.” he spat. He got off of Kikus bed and walked to the door.

Ignoring the other two calls he opened the door and left with no destination in mind.
Alvar wasn’t surprised easily. His time in the army made sure that he knew how to handle each and every situation that might be thrown at him.

That being said he was surprised to see his youngest son, turned daughter, in the library on Christmas Day, with a book folded on his lap, looking miserable, and wearing what Alvar was certain was a female article of clothing coming from Asia.

Ludwig looked up at the newcomer from his book. His eyes were glassy and looked like he was holding back tears.

“Vatter. Frohe Weihnachten. (Merry Christmas)” he said in a hollow voice.

Alvar nodded. “Frohe Weihnachten.” he replied. He carefully looked over his son. “Are you alright?”

Ludwig hesitated before nodding. “Yes. I am fine.”

“Is there a reason that you are in the library alone on Christmas? I thought you might be with those boys of yours. Honda and Vargas. Or at least with Gilbert.”

Ludwig seemed to struggle to answer. “Gilbert is busy doing something.” he said hoarsely. “And Ki-Kiku and Felici-” Ludwig stopped suddenly and clasped a hand over his mouth. His entire body started to tremble and the tears started to slowly fall.

Alvar wasn’t used to dealing with emotions, his wife excelled in that beyond measures compared to him, so he didn’t know what else to do but go to his son/daughter, put his arms around them, and hold them close.

One arm went around Ludwigs shoulders and his other hand went to the back of his head. Ludwig openly sobbed quietly as he gripped Alvars shirt in his hands.

“Don’t worry. Whatever this is its going to be okay.” Alvar murmured.
Alfred walked happily back into the school with Ivan by his side, the both of them were covered in snow showing their snowball fight that had taken place moments ago before the both of them agreed to a tie.

Alfred glanced at Ivan once more before grinning at the sight of Alfreds present on divans head.

Alfred had gotten him earmuffs with patterns of sunflowers printed on them. Ivan had happily put them on the moment he opened the present.

Alfred fingered the scarf around his neck, his present from Ivan.

“I still think that was a dirty trick throwing snow in my mouth.” Ivan said.

If possible Alfreds grin widened. “Alls fair in love and war Ivan.”

“Love huh?” Ivan said thoughtfully.

Alfred nodded not looking at Ivans face who had turned to watch him for a moment.

“Anyway let’s get something in the cafeteria to warm ourselves up.” Alfred said taking Ivans hand in his and pulling him slightly.

“Allison.” Ivan said.

Alfred looked over his shoulder. “Yeah?”

Ivan pulled on Alfreds hand that was still holding his own and twirled so that Alfred was right in front of him. Ivans arm went around Alfreds waist and held him close to his own body.

“Love huh?” he repeated.

Alfred refused to acknowledge his body had started to shake slightly. “Yeah.”

“Merry Christmas my dear Allison.” Ivan whispered before kissing Alfred fully.

Alfreds eyes widened before they closed and he relaxed into the kiss. Alfred put his arms around Ivans neck and body. In response Ivan held him closer to his own body and kissed him harder which Alfred eagerly returned.
Antonio skipped around the hallway. He pouted when he turned another corner and it was empty.

“Where is he?” he asked himself putting his hands on his hips.

She glanced at the package in her hands and sighing. He needed to get this to him before the day was over.

“Isabella?” a voice behind him asked.

Turning around he grinned. There was the boy he was looking for. Lovino Vargas.

“Lovi~” he sang slightly before coming forward and kissing his cheek.

Lovino blushed and put a hand on the cheek he had kissed and scowled a little.

“Um…well…Merry Christmas.” he said quickly.

Antonio smiled and held out the package in his hands. “Gracias! And Merry Christmas to you too! Here, this is for you.”

Lovinos blush deepened as he took the gift from her. His other hand came from behind him and was wrapped. “Th-this is for you.” he said pushing the present to her.

Antonio smiled at Lovino and said “Aw thank you Lovi.”

Lovino nodded and turned to go. He turned suddenly back to Antonio. “Isabella.”

Antonio looked up from the gift. “Yes?”

Lovino took a step forward and pressed his lips to Antonio’s for a moment before pulling away his face a tomato red.

“Bye.” he said before running down the hallway leaving Antonio blinking in surprise and disappointment.
Feliks Łukasiewicz skipped down the hallway. He grinned once he found the door to where he wished to go.

He hummed as he opened it and entered the room.

Toris Laurinaitis peered up from his paperwork to see who his guest was.

“Ms. Łukasiewicz. What a surprise.”

Feliks pouted slightly. “You don’t need to call me Ms. you already know who I really am.”

Toris nodded. “I do but since the school is dealing with this escapade I believe we shouldn’t slip up.”

Feliks shrugged and held out the present he had been holding. “This is for you Liet~! Merry Christmas!”

Toris blinked, for two reasons. One being the nickname that no matter what anyone said Feliks would never stop calling him and two for being offered a present. Toris smiled slightly but didn’t reach out to take it. “As thoughtful as this is I cannot accept a present from a student.”

Feliks pouted again. “But why not?” he whined.

“It is not proper.” Toris said turning back to his work.

Feliks huffed for a moment before thinking and smiling. “Well I want to give you something for Christmas.”

“There is no need for that Ms. Łukasiewicz.”

Feliks smiled sweetly. “Mr. Laurinaitis?”

Toris sighed and looked up from his work once more. “Yes?”

Feliks quickly leaned forward and kissed Toris on the cheek a little too close to the mouth for comfort.

“Merry Christmas!” Feliks sang out before running out the office.
Daniel looked at the boy in front of him once more incredulously.

“You’re serious?” he asked one more time.

Gilbert blushed but nodded, still holding the present out to him.

Daniel slowly took the present and looked it over. He looked suddenly at Gilbert. “You do know that I‘m a boy mentally right?”

“Yeah, so?”

Daniel shrugged.

“Just checking.”

fanfic, genderbended, italy, au, poland, prussia, america, germania, hungary, spain, sitaly, aph, lithuania, germany, japan

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