APH Fic Perfection chapter 12

Sep 03, 2010 23:04

Title: Perfection
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s):
Rating: T ...I think.
Warnings: Implied incest in the later chapters. Character death in the later chapters.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: De-anon from the kink meme. Alfred and his daughter New York star in a movie. The other nations watch and are shocked at how well Alfred acts. Or is he really acting?

England jumped as the shot ran out, a few of the people in the audience screamed. Anastasia fell to the floor a bullet visible in her temple. England saw Russia close his eyes.

Alfred smiled. “Such a good little girl.” he murmured as he leaned down and picked up her. He laid her in his lap and stroked her face. “Such an obedient little girl.”

He picked up the gun; it had fallen from Anastasias grip and onto the floor and cocked it back.

He was humming a song happily and with a smile before placing the gun to the side of his head and pulling the trigger.

The camera focused on the door where the police, or who ever they were, entered the room but England realized with a start that the room was empty except for two blood stains.

The next scene showed a graveyard and three tombstones. The camera was focused on the middle on. It said ‘Rachel Williams’ the one on her right read ‘Nathaniel Williams’ and the one on her left read ‘Anastasia Williams’.

The camera panned away to show Loraine and some man standing there in formal wear.

“You really did love him didn’t you?” the man asked.

Loraine nodded. “Yes I did. I can’t help but wonder who the girl who loved him was.”

“It was Anastasia.”

Loraine looked up sharply. “Anastasia was his daughter.”

The man nodded. “We had some investigations done. We were told that he was suspected to have sexual relations with her. Sick bastard.”

Loraine looked back at the tombstone. “Poor child.”

“From what we were able to get Nathaniel forced her into quite a few things from a young age. By the time she came to question it, it was too late. Do you know what happened in the office?”

Loraine slowly nodded. “He had her commit suicide before shooting himself.”

“Guess he didn’t want her to have a life without him. She was a minor and would’ve been tried as an unwilling accomplice. Yeah she would’ve gotten quite some time but she would’ve been let out eventually. Him on the other hand, would never see the light of day again.”

“I hope the final judgment shows mercy on her. She didn’t deserve this life.” Loraine said quietly.

The man nodded and they stopped talking. Soon they turned and left the cemetery. The camera focused on the three tombstones with the wind blowing and the sound of a childs laughter from far away.

The part where Russia closes his eyes is because of the girls name and the memory the name brings. Anastasia Romanov, I‘ll leave that to you. And there’s still one more part!

england, kink meme, america, de-anon, russia, state-tan, aph

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