APH Fic Perfection chapter 10

Sep 03, 2010 23:03

Title: Perfection
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s):
Rating: T ...I think.
Warnings: Implied incest in the later chapters. Character death in the later chapters.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: De-anon from the kink meme. Alfred and his daughter New York star in a movie. The other nations watch and are shocked at how well Alfred acts. Or is he really acting?

They were back in the office although it was different. Nathaniel and Anastasia stood by one another like always but this time there were guards there as well. Richards looked like he was going to burst a blood vessel.

“Seventeen.” he said. “All the hostages we have ever taken. All seventeen were tortured relentlessly before being killed. Why? Why Nate, tell me.”

“It was the best way.”

Richards slammed his fist against his desk. “No damnit it wasn’t!”

He breathed heavily before saying “You’ve been lying to me Nate. This entire time you have been lying to me. I let a lot of things go because you are my best and I like you but now…it’s too much. I‘m afraid you need to go.”

Richards sat back in his chair and signaled to one of the guards. “Guards. Take them away.”

The guards shuffled but otherwise didn’t move.

Richards looked at them. “I said take them away!”

“They won’t listen.” Nathaniel said triumph in his voice.

Richards span towards him. Anastasia was suddenly behind him and forced him back into his seat.

“They won‘t listen because they longer trust you.” Nathaniel said, starting to walk towards him.

“You don’t have the balls to run this company anymore. But don’t worry. It‘s in good hands. Everything will proceed the right way.” he said soothingly smirking.

“What are you-” Richards started to say only to stop when he felt Anastasias knife at his throat.

“Isn‘t it obvious? I‘m your best man and if something should ever happen to you the fate of the company would obvious go down to me. Goodbye Richard, you useless bastard.”

England bit down his lip as blood was sprayed across the desk and the body soon followed.

Nathaniel sighed. “Oh my. It seems that he’s dead.”

One of the guards nodded. “Assassin somehow sneaked in. Pity he escaped.”

Alfred gave the lifeless head a small push to the side with a finger. “I guess there’s nothing else I can do but take over. Hoped this day would have never come.”

England spared a glanced at the other nations. They all seemed transfixed at what they were seeing just like England was.

Where the hell did Alfred learn to be like this?

And why did it seem that he wasn’t acting?

england, fanfic, kink meme, america, de-anon, state-tan, aph

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