Today is our anniversary. I made Josh this...
It's hard to see but I painted a canvas different colors and then I collaged all of the cards we've sent to eachother since we've been together and our love letters. I also cut out pieces of the envelope. I think I may make another one with our wedding cards and wedding pictures.
Josh got me a really nice card and some flowers. I wanted us to light candles and be romantic and dance and listen to a record but that didn't happen because...well he forgot.
Britton had a massive dirty diaper last night and when I was changing him I put the clean diaper under him and he started to dirty it again. I couldn't stop laughing and he just sat there with a concentrated look and pooped. We threw him in the sink because of how messy he was and we didn't want to have to fill up his bath tub. I think he's adorable.
All cleaned up and out of the bath.
One of his pacifiers fell on the ground. Our cats kept batting it around and playing with it. Then Jinxy put it in her mouth and ran around the house sucking on it. I tried to get a video of it but everytime I would try she would stop!