(no subject)

Oct 03, 2008 14:51

I'm at my internship. It's fall break and we don't have to go to our placements but I've chosen to so that I can try and get ahead on my hours. I'm also hoping that I can leave and do have days and leave baby with Josh's mom or my dad. I'm sure they'd like the alone time and I'm sure that I am already stingy and selfish with my baby and that I need to relax and ease up and realize he's a joy and a wonder and a love not just to me but to everyone who loves us and loves him. Things are going really well here. I've done a lot of home visits by myself and I've gotten a lot of client contact. I love working in geriatrics and with the aging population. Sometimes it's hard to go to their homes. I went to a lady's home the other day and when I walked in I was overwhelmed with the smell of urine and feces. It honestly smelled like something had died like maybe a mouse. She had a small dog that she kept on a chain in the inside of her house because she was unable to chase the dog around her home. There were cochroaches and ants all over the floor. They were even crawling up my legs. I didn't stay long. I was very kind and respectful. I handled it professionally. She was very, very sweet and possibly unaware of the conditions are of her home. Her neighbors house had gang signs spray painted on the side of her home. I'm going to talk to her case manager about in home services and home making. Maybe someone could come in and atleast mop her floors and wash her linen once a week or so. She also ate most of her meals alone with her dog so maybe she could be signed up for congregate meals weekly or meals on wheels with a friendly visitor. I'm glad to work at an agency that offers such great services. I would like to be hired on here or with the Kansas Department on Aging.

We watched the debates last night. I was hoping for much more of a slaughtering. I thought Bidden did well and knew what he was talking about. He also spoke with much more confidence and he did continuously look down at note cards. I also thought he spoke in a way that made sense and was easy to follow. Palin again avoided questions directly and tried to have that "I'm just like you" attitude. The things is, well 1. I don't want someone just like me to be in office, I'm humble and honest and I would like someone with more experience and education than myself in office. Also Bidden continued to talk about Bush and the mess that's been made and compare it with her and McCain's campaign and ideas. I do not understand how she could not understand the point he was making. I also don't like terms like "Joe 6 pack" it just sounds uneducated and ignorant. Again, I want someone who is qualified, intelligent, educated and experienced to lead the nation. Josh also wanted to order the "Sarah Palin is a cunt" t shirt for himself and I.

We are going to watch the Religulous movie this weekend. I think it's going to be playing in Lawrence so we may go for a drive and hang out in Lawrence for a while.

Nothing new on the baby front. I looked at my stomache in the mirror today and noticed that my stomache is much lower. I think he's finally dropped officially.  My mama marks are getting really thick and purple. Which is fine with me. I have stretch marks becuase I have skin that stretched. It happes. I'm glad that I'm not one of those women who freaks out about such silly little things. I've also started to get heart burn.  I'm still have contractions but I believe they're the false kind. They're not consistant but they are starting to hurt more and more.

Ok, I am going to finish up my break and get back to making phone calls at the agency.  I just wanted to update and have found myself addicted to lj lately.

pregnancy, politics, josh, internship

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