A Republican Rant

Feb 25, 2008 23:35

I joined a group on livejournal a while ago, and for the longest time I just read other people's posts and made a comment here and there (I guess that's considered "trolling", but I wasn't mean with any of my posts). Did I forget to mention that it is a political forum? Oh yes...the Republican in me was awoken when I saw all the bleeding heart liberal posts in there. And I'm not even a true right winger.

At first I was quiet, being very professional and only asking questions. Then I got a little more courage and actually added my own post. It was very simple; just a youtube video about the health care system in Canada, and how a man with brain cancer was forced to wait 3 months for an MRI. He explained that he tried to pay for the care himself, but that it was illegal for him to do so. So he had to travel to the US for proper care.

The only thing I said about the video was this, verbatim: "Just a little heads up for everyone that is in favor of Universal Health care...this might happen."

Well, that was all I had to say to be jumped by a thousand little bleeding hearts. Oh My God! I didn't realize it was against the rules to have a differing opinion. So after much name calling and people telling me that I have no business posting, because I obviously don't know what I'm talking about (mind you..the only words in the post were those stated above), I finally snapped.

I explained my position further and gave them my reasons for being against universal healthcare...but that wasn't good enough. Oh no...
I believe one of the responses was "I can discount any of your opinions...so go ahead and try to prove me wrong."

Since when is an opinion wrong?!?!?!?! Then I had my IQ questioned. For any of you who know me (which is all of you), you know that I'm not a dumb person. I may not have the best grammar or spelling in the world, but I certainly am not sub par when it comes to intelligence. So I ended the conversation (if you want to call it a conversation) with this...

"Look, we're never going to agree on this subject, and you're never going to change my mind about it. The difference between you and I is this; I can accept this fact and move on with my life.
Arguing on the internet is like being in the special olympics...even if you win, you're still retarded. ...And I'm spent." Of course this was met with a barrage of posts about how insensitive I am to the handicapped and so on. At that point I left the forum, vowing never to return again.

Now I ask you all this. WTF, over?! This is exactly why I don't talk politics. It's the biggest waste of time! Why can't we all agree that we obviously have different opinions and then go on with our lives. I'm not going to (or even trying to for that matter) get anyone to vote for my candidate, and no one in the universe is going to convince me to vote for theirs. Jesus, it's only FEBRUARY!
Can't we all just get along? Damn it! My blood pressure is up.
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