Sep 19, 2005 18:23
Ok so now that I have that out of my system, I can go on to tell you about my day.
If I haven't mentioned it yet, Mark was elected Lt. of out Cadet class. I thought is was cool, he thought it was pretty cool too...then the complaining started.
For the past 22 years of my life, every class that I've ever been in has been the "reject class". I've been plagued by the mongrals of society in every school setting I've been in (no kidding).
This cadet class is no different.
Being one of the class officers, Mark is responsible for maintaining some order in the class room, which includes punishing those who deviate from the regulations. So today one of the kids that we have quasi-befriended talked out in class, and Mark called him out on it. The appropriate punishment (that the class agreed on I might add) was 20 push-ups. So Mark talked to the other officers and they decided that the act DID warrant punishment, and the offending cadet was instructed to comply. Needless to say, the cadet didn't comply and told the officers to go fuck themselves (in not so many words). So he was written up for insubordination (which if found to be guilty, could call for termination from the academy by the director).
To make what was supposed to be a short story shorter, ALL THE KID HAD TO DO WAS PUSH-UPS! Instead, he was almost kicked out, and the class officers and the cadets involved were taken out of class and in a meeting for AT LEAST 1/2 an hour!
So after all was said and done, and the cadet in question had a stern talking to, the Class officers came back in and addressed the class, reiterating the rules and the subsequent punishments. At least 4 people had a problem with it..."I think there's some favoritism going on, I don't know what ya'll are talking about, can you clarify...The officers aren't any better than the cadets, so why do we have to listen to them?!...Yada Yada Yada."
Fucking Social Rejects Who Want Power! These people can't take an order from a superior now, what the FUCK are they going to do when their Sgt. or Lt. or Cpt. gives them an order and they disobey it?! These people shouldn't be police officers!
If anything, if you don't respect the person, at the very least respect the Rank!
Sorry if I ranted for a while there, but I'm so tired of people whining and complaining. They actually accused Mark of showing favoritism toward me (this is after I did 20 push-ups for being late to class ALONG WITH MARK!). What a bunch of Fuckheads!