May 16, 2008 00:57
Yep. I can't update this thing regularly to save my life (it could have something to do with the fact that I can never remember my password; I must change it).
So here's a quick update on what's happened to me since my last post:
* I got myself a job as a graphics designer (I'm a trainee) for a kitchenware/wholesaler and a daycare/kindergarten. I work three days a week, from 8:30 to 4:30 (though I get there around 7:40, because who knows when the trains are going to fuck themselves).
* Brother 2 and his friend were absolute bastards to Brother 1 and I.
* I got the entire Basilisk series on DVD (it's fraekin' awesome!). Hyouma and Koshirou are my darlings. <3
* I haven't been doing much fanwork of any sort (I've been feeling lazy and tired and my pens/pencils keep disappearing - seriously! I only bought new ones last weekend!)
* I've fallen for Organisation XIII (especially Vexen) despite not having played either one of the Kingdom Hearts games - all because of one Luxord/Xigbar fanfic. It was lovely, but my love for Vexen didn't come around until after I started exploring all the characters. I'm game enough to attempt fanfiction though; I all I know is from the stuff and we all know how reliable fanfiction can be! (Wikipedia's not too helpful)
* I have slowly been growing more and more obsessed with the Saix/Vexen pairing and I honestly don't know why. I at least know I life the drama InuSess has, and that PhantomPeta is rather angsty and plausible and so, so canon, but I'm struck dumb when asked why about SV. Seriously.
* I got my new desk at work, two days ago. :D I shouldn't be so happy about a simple piece of furniture (with a big drawer).
* My brother turned 14 on Monday. Now he's asking for money.
* We now have two lizards and a cat (that we aren't supposed to have) as pets-but-not. The lizards are cute and sturdy blue tongues, whilst the cat used to haunt under our house...
* I've discovered that I love drawing whilst on the train going to work, even if they all amount to nothing.
* I start TAFE in two months.
So how's everyone been doing? We're all well, yes? (I hope)