I'm a lame-o

Mar 22, 2010 21:57

I haven't posted in three months. Gahh.

Just found out that Sarah got fired. I'm definitely too wound up to go to sleep now. Her bosses are idiots and need to be beaten into minuscule smithereens. Sarah's the best person I can think of to make English classes INTERESTING. Whoever decided that they didn't need her was missing their brain and anybody that agreed with them threw theirs in the trash 20 years ago.

In less distressing news...

I finally managed to pass the class that was giving me so much trouble, the THIRD time around. If I ever see Mr. Morter at the front of a class again it will be too soon.
One of my classes is biomechanics and so far it isn't as bad as I was dreading. The funny thing is, the teacher went to Mich. Tech. to get his Ph.D. awhile back. Small world?
I'm finally taking a technique class. I get to start working on people toward the end of the trimester!
Radiology is pretty cool so far. It's hard to remember what side of the body you're looking at sometimes but hopefully I'll get it soon.

Sean's working on third shift now. The nuclear power plant by us is on outage to replace some parts. They're renting the shop Sean works at to redo some turbine blades. Sean's there from 6pm to 6am as a babysitter. He says it's less stressful than working during the day because the supervisors that drive him crazy aren't there. It's playing havoc with his sleep schedule though. He's dragging because he keeps waking up before he gets in six or seven hours of sleep.
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