Meme (because apparently I need more distractions)

Nov 28, 2011 16:35

This seemed fun, so I'm going for it. Hopefully I'll have a better time with this than the prequel/sequel meme.

From megalomaniageek

Give me a character or ship and I will write one sentence of ten genres for them. The genres are:

1. Angst
2. AU
3. Crack!fic Plot
4. Crossover
5. First Time
6. Fluff
7. Humor
8. Hurt/Comfort
9. Smut
10. UST

Just to help you people out here's a ( Read more... )


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shirogiku December 1 2011, 23:21:44 UTC
Okay, just Shizuo ♥


Wanted to show off my new icon fire_rose17 December 2 2011, 02:37:24 UTC
1.Angst: Shizuo's parents were good people, but to this day, they've never once let him touch them without flinching ( ... )


Re: Wanted to show off my new icon shirogiku December 2 2011, 02:53:03 UTC
Tsuzuki on the icon = my reaction

I loved all of those so much!!! #1 and 5 are very sad and also a very good insight, AU and crack are just perfect

B-but #4 also kind of broke my brain 0.o XD Oh Izaya, next time let's make him a demon butler, Shitsuo be damned.

Kasuka ♥


#10: HOT.

Thank you!


It was fun! fire_rose17 December 2 2011, 03:06:00 UTC
I actually deleted this once because I forgot to change my icon, and then posted it again without restoring the italics. #9 had a lot of them.

#4: I thought you'd like that one. :D

I think one day I'm going to do a fic on Shizu-chan's childhood.

I once made a kinkmeme request about Shizuo and Izaya being transported into Erika's brain, but sadly, no one filled it. I have a lot of epic requests sitting lonely in the kinkmeme.


Re: It was fun! shirogiku December 2 2011, 03:19:21 UTC
It's around 2004 in DRRR, isn't it? Then Celty and/or Izaya would probably know Sakurazukamori!Subaru.


Re: It was fun! fire_rose17 December 2 2011, 03:35:12 UTC
I think the timeline is a bit weird. I think the author went on hiatus for a while, so it screwed up some stuff. I think Izaya had an iPhone before they were even out yet (but he could have connections)


Re: It was fun! shirogiku December 2 2011, 03:41:04 UTC
It can be explained: Izaya just has a time machine hidden next to Celty's head:D


Re: Wanted to show off my new icon fire_rose17 December 2 2011, 03:07:05 UTC
A lot of these one liners are based on kinkmeme ideas actually.


Re: Wanted to show off my new icon shirogiku December 2 2011, 03:15:32 UTC
I see)

I made four requests, and the anger management one is being filled. Lucky me, I guess. The ongoing fill is still too short to judge, but I do like Vorona there (I've read info about Vorona on some wiki site just to know who she is - she's kinda awesome).

I don't know if I'll be filling anything for DRRR kink meme. I need to fight my laziness inspiration(?)

my current Saiyuki obsession is also heavily distracting. It was so much easier to love Code Geass only!


Re: Wanted to show off my new icon fire_rose17 December 2 2011, 03:32:39 UTC
That was you? I loved that request! I made a similar one once, with Izaya as a therapist (hence the AU). I had sort of a Primary Gain thing in mind.

I have several author anons filling my some of my requests, although I'm a bit worried about the older ones. Seems like with long kinkmeme fills, people lose steam somewhere along the way.


Re: Wanted to show off my new icon shirogiku December 2 2011, 03:39:30 UTC
Izaya-as-a-therapist is a great idea too! I guess I've been influenced by that fill you recommended me, so I was thinking about Izaya thwarting Shizuo's attempts at containing his anger.

And I thought: oh, this is a comedy material.

I've lost steam too many times to have the right to complain:/

The best policy is, without doubt, to finish the fill first and only then think about posting it, but the kink memes are all about the hipe and the rush.


Re: Wanted to show off my new icon fire_rose17 December 2 2011, 03:46:06 UTC
Yeah, I know what losing steam feels like. My Yami no Matsuei story is on hiatus again. I fear for its future.


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