This seemed fun, so I'm going for it. Hopefully I'll have a better time with this than the prequel/sequel meme.
megalomaniageek Give me a character or ship and I will write one sentence of ten genres for them. The genres are:
1. Angst
2. AU
3. Crack!fic Plot
4. Crossover
5. First Time
6. Fluff
7. Humor
8. Hurt/Comfort
9. Smut
10. UST
Just to help you people out here's a
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I loved all of those so much!!! #1 and 5 are very sad and also a very good insight, AU and crack are just perfect
B-but #4 also kind of broke my brain 0.o XD Oh Izaya, next time let's make him a demon butler, Shitsuo be damned.
Kasuka ♥
#10: HOT.
Thank you!
#4: I thought you'd like that one. :D
I think one day I'm going to do a fic on Shizu-chan's childhood.
I once made a kinkmeme request about Shizuo and Izaya being transported into Erika's brain, but sadly, no one filled it. I have a lot of epic requests sitting lonely in the kinkmeme.
I made four requests, and the anger management one is being filled. Lucky me, I guess. The ongoing fill is still too short to judge, but I do like Vorona there (I've read info about Vorona on some wiki site just to know who she is - she's kinda awesome).
I don't know if I'll be filling anything for DRRR kink meme. I need to fight my laziness inspiration(?)
my current Saiyuki obsession is also heavily distracting. It was so much easier to love Code Geass only!
I have several author anons filling my some of my requests, although I'm a bit worried about the older ones. Seems like with long kinkmeme fills, people lose steam somewhere along the way.
And I thought: oh, this is a comedy material.
I've lost steam too many times to have the right to complain:/
The best policy is, without doubt, to finish the fill first and only then think about posting it, but the kink memes are all about the hipe and the rush.
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