Jan 27, 2007 11:44
My grandma passed away on the 13th. Im not really sure what to say about it. She was diagnosed almost 2 years ago, and they gave her 4 to 6 weeks to live, and well, she defanatly defied the odds. But its so weird that she is actally gone.
Brennan is getting so big! He rolls over and reaches for things. I just cannot believe how smart he is. I mean, I don't remember Jaiden rolling over at 3 months. But I could be wrong.
Jaiden is completly potty trained, and doesn't have the pootie anymore (for those of you who aren't familar with the pootie, its just a fancy name for the pacifier). He talks to much. I mean, he is a kid now. Its so crazy. right now he is being a little hellion, but thats pretty much normal.
Brennan and Jaiden LOVE eachother. Its so adorible.
Anyways, I need to go regulate!