
May 09, 2008 09:06

Well, the annoy-a-tron was dismal. I thought that when I duct taped it to the back of a drawer I must have accidentally turned it off after a couple weeks of no results. No, he moved out and I just went and got it yesterday, and I heard a chirp. You know what I blame? Cell phones. This guy's cell phone was constantly beeping at him anyway, so why should a chirp emitted every 2-8 min. irritate him.

Come to think of it, I wonder how this guy constantly kept his cell battery near dead.

But anyways, I got it out, and I know I had a good hiding place, it is just that the victim was completely dense. Or his music permanently damaged his hearing.

Well, it turns out my neighbor next semester will be even worse, so I am glad I got it back. Maybe he will be more responsive. Maybe I will even put it in this guy's room again next semester, and he will wonder how it follows him.

In other news, I have no idea whether I am getting the Student Manager position I want over the summer. It will be at the same place I was last year, but possibly more money, and a better resume.

I went in and talked to the boss a week after I submitted my application, and he said he'd figure out what to do next by today, I just saw him and he didn't have anything new. I can understand, he is a busy guy, but I would have liked to have known, not that I really need to for another 2 weeks.
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