May 10, 2005 17:43
God i cant stand it anymore. I need to stop fighting with steve-o i hate it to much! its really hurting me and i know its hurting him (will in a way not like mine). Last night we got in a nother fight. This time it was about him and a party that my friend is having and i told him if he is going to go he can start any shit. I was just telling him b/c i know how he gets then he dranks so i didnt want anything to happen to him. Then he started thinking that he a bad ass thinks he can take anyone. Ok maybe he can fight and fight hella good but still there always someone that will beat someone. And some of the dudes that are going to be there are crazy and i mean crazy. no joke! well this mostly started around 1 something and last to 3. and i was so freaken bitchy. I really didnt mean to be as bitchy as i was but i was sound asleep and then steve-o called and wake me up and im going to be bitchy and if it lasing to 3 in the fucking morning then i am going to be more. well back to what i was saying is that steve-o was just pissing me off and i know i was pissing him off. Then we got into about us and after saturday night see what i saw with damian and christen i saw how i mostly treat steve-o so i was not going to bring anything up about up just really chill it like friends. but it happen. Well i got so pissed and sayed that i wish i never did anything with him i want to change everthing so i dont have to feel this way and keep putting up with this shit. Then steve-o told me if that true then he just going to go and kill his self and there nothing far him and that next time that i call he will probably be 6 feet under. Well i was trying to tell him that i was just pissed off and it just came out but he hong up on me. then I called back and i was still trying to talk to him about everthing. Then i forget what he or i said well i was about to hang up and he told me if i hang up it would be the last time that i will ever talk to him. well i didnt ( will really woulnd beleave it but what all been happening then i know it can be true). Then later still on the phone really close to 3 or 3 steve-o and me still fighting and then he was like well you just lose the change to see me. I am not comming down. If you dont want me to then i wont. I never sayed i wanted him to not come down. i want him to i want to be with him. i dont know i just really sry about last night to him. I want everthing to change. but i cant make anyhting change he need to do what he wants to do. and if he going to be with somone else i hope she a good girl and wont hurt him like i did.
i really sry what i did to you steve-o for everthing!