If you had to have plastic surgery, what would you have done?:
Fingernail implants. I hate my fingernails.
What non-physical attribute(s) do you seek out in a friend?:
Acceptance. Trust. Laughter.
What non-physical attribute(s) do you seek out in a lover?:
Nothing. I'm not seeking any lover.
What is your area of expertise?:
Arguing. I'm really, really good at arguing.
What do you wish you were better at?:
Being relaxed and carefree.
What is your ideal age?:
Seventeen. You are old enough to have freedom,
old enough to drive, young enough to still live off
your parents, and too young to care.
What makes you feel relaxed?:
Laughter. Laughter is the best medicine.
What makes you feel anxious?:
Awkwardness. Being set up. Truth or Dare.
How well do you get along with your family?:
Friend of my mom,
enemy to my brother,
daughter to my dad.
Do you like photographs of yourself?:
Nope. Always bug-eyed.
No holds barred, what is your pie-in-the-sky dream job?:
A current events journalist. Traveling the world,
reporting the latest news, living a life worth living.
Now, that's a dream.
Do you enjoy being alone?:
Sometimes. Depends on the company otherwise.
Do you enjoy being in a large crowd?:
Sometimes. Once again, depends on the company.
What animal scares you?:
I hate bugs and spiders. Death to them all!
Do you dream in colors?:
My dreams are usually as real as real life.
They are technicolor.
Do you prefer to date older, younger, or same age?:
I prefer not to date at all. It only leads to trouble.
What social group were you in back in highschool?:
I'm my own group.
I don't believe in categorial stereotypes.
Do you feel like you are smart?:
Sure, I can either be a smart academic, or a smart ass.
Usually the latter.
How many living plants are in the room you are sitting in right now?:
None. We don't believe in nature
Do you have indoor pets? What kind?:
I hate them all!
They are all forming a cult of tiny animals
in which their only purpose is to kill me in my sleep!
Death to them all !!
Do you like your house?:
Ya. It's new. Most people like new houses.
The pool won me over.
Where is your favorite spot on earth?:
I love being in the sand dunes at sunset.
If you can get over the bugs,
it's really a cool view.
JF 07202004