Sep 27, 2009 19:12
I hate all this nonsense controversy. Who really cares of Lady Gaga is a hermaphrodite or man or alien or whatever? Does she not have really awesome, ridiculous dirty songs? Yes, she does. Does she not put on amazing shows and wear clothes no one would ever think would good? Yes, she does. So what does it really matter? This world has become so centered on a person physical being vs. their identity when none of it means anything in the grand scheme of things.
I've been thinking a lot lately of some way to make a good argument about this and how people can relate to it in a different context. In Judaism, if a woman is Jewish and gives birth to a child, that child is, by Jewish law, considered Jewish-by-birth, even if the father is not Jewish. However, if this child grows up practicing, for example, Christianity, does the fact that they are born Jewish make them any less Christian? No, of course not.
We are who we choose to be. No one has the right to tell us who or what we are, or deny us the ability to identify with what we want. Its none of your business who I choose to be, nor is it any of my business who you choose to be. And being in the limelight does NOT mean you have to answer to the public. I hope this question about Lady Gaga is NEVER answered. Lady Gaga is an amazing performer and that's it. Period.
That's all about that. Just venting.
In other news... I just baked some Banana Chocolate Chip muffins. My apartment smells like delicious. But Yom Kippur is tomorrow so I have to eat up!
Two tests this week - Analog Filters on Tuesday and Electronics 1 on Wednesday. Taking off work on Tuesday to study because otherwise there's no time.
Can't wait for the premiere of SGU this Friday.
UCF Family Weekend is coming. My parents are coming to Late Knights Friday Night, Football game on Saturday. The weekend after that is my birthday weekend, so Josias is coming up to spend the weekend with me. There's a lot going on in the month of October!
Right now, I'm going to cook some dinner and eat a lot so I can make up for tomorrow.
We'll see when I get to update next.
lady gaga