Jun 06, 2005 20:50
Today is an alright one. I saw a doe and her fawn this morning in the front yard. It was so cute! *snuggles* Snuggling. . . that's something I wish I could do but . . . I'm boyfriendless, so it kinda sucks.
Anyhoo I got to school and it was hot, so very hot, and so very, very humid. Most teachers pulled down the shades, turned off lights, and turned on fans, because very few rooms in our school have AC. Except Hill. Windows OPEN, fan in his friggen room but he refused to turn it on ("I'm building up your character." BITE ME!), lights on, door closed. GRRRRR!
We have gym all week. She had us all go outside, but it was so hot. Some of us beeged to go back in to play badmitton cause it was too windy outside to play and too HOT. She let us go in even though she's not supposed to, because she has to keep us suppervised at all times. I love Ms. Mo! I played badmitton for like 5 mins and then the heat got to me. I felt like I was gunna pass out. I then bumped and set a volley ball with Sadie and Mindy. I got overheated again and stopped. It was too hot to really do anything. *bleck* I hate heat. I hate seating. And in ten more days I'll be in one of the hottest states of this country. *ack*
Bri was in pain ALL day. She can barely move her neck an inch, not even. I felt so bad and people didn't think it was serious as it was and they like goofed around and like gave her a slap on the back or pat her cheek or shoulder. Bri said in pain, Kendra backed off. No touchy hurt Bri. She'll probably be in a neck brace tomarrow. *tear* I should call her later after I'm done talking to Des.