May 28, 2005 23:25
Wow this was a busy five day weekend. Wednesday night we had a chorus concert at 7pm. Then Thrusday I went shopping and got Amber's bday gift. That reminds me I still need to send belated Christmas gifts. . .oops. I also got one of the older CD by Nightwish a Finnish Metal/Rock group. They're awesome. So is the store I got it from! The name of it is Rockstation. We looked and looked for Nightwish in other stores and no one had it, but Rockstation did. Also Rockstation will order CD's for you from anywhere. They'll find the sucker. I'm getting Nightwish's newer CD about Tuesday.. It would have been sooner if it wasn't for the holiday. Loves Rockstation.
Then Thursday once I got home I gabbed to Ryan for about two hours. He keeps talking about this site called It's an online game site. It sounded fun so I decided to try it out and cause he was driving me insane with curiosity about it. It's kinda fun. Addictive too. Almost as addictive as my journal! lol.
Friday I waxed and about killed myself. Never again. Took two showers in one day as well. Two 1 1/2hr long showers.
Saturday, today, I served at the alumnai banquet and made ten bucks. Riss was being a pure bitch. Kayla wanted to kill her. I did after a while too. She also was making comments that I NEVER work(That always pisses me off when she does that. Thank God Rachael came at 6:30. I still had to put up with Riss a whole hr before hand though,gr. Rachael thinks she does it to make herself feel better.) Screw her! She bitched most of the whole time and I'm sure each of us did more work than her. She kept on saying she works like ten hours and doesn't need to do more of it. Well don't fucking come if you don't want to do it. It wasn't mandatory to come. It was optional. If you wanted to do it you could sign up. she shouldn't have signed up we didn't need or want her pissy attitude. Other than that it was okay I guess. Penny is always fun to hang out with and me Britt and Cat all played butt tag for a while untill we got afraid Britt would attack us,because we both got her good twice. lol
Tomarrow is Amber's bday party. Mom is making macNcheese for her and I got her gift Thurs, so it's all good. It should be fun. Ryan will be there! But not untill after 6:30 7:00 ish cause he has to work. *tear* I still get to see him though! Yay!~