Oct 24, 2004 14:38
OK, I soooooo lied about getting a new journal. I tried but for some strange reason I am unable to get the thing to complete. I dunno. It's really complicated. Heather's been having a hard time and me and Kaitlin are here for moral support. Ya know?! Brb. We're about to run to the store. Kk! Fun stuff. I almost got hit by a car again! The second time in three days. Me, Heather, Marcus, DeAngelo, Niko<♥>, Thomas, Greg, DeAndre, & Deonte. Niko jumped into wet cement. he thought it was dry and tried to jump over the caution tape and the cement flew everywhere. Our team lost, sadly enough..... We're writing our Romeo and Juliet translation right now since Deangelo decided not to finish his part. Don't you love my new background?! I love him sooooo much. It's almost been ten months. Holy hell! He is getting black, thick rimmed glasses and he said I can straighten his hair. I am so psyched! Babysitting was SO eventful last night. Not really... Joe came home at about 7:50 and fell asleep at 9:00. So I vegged all night until 11:50 when Alicia came home. She got a new cell phone and took this picture of em and it looks like I'm trying to eat my fist. It's hot. Oh Well. Well, I'm going to get back to work now. Talk to ya later hoes!