A... L o n g... D a y.

Sep 19, 2009 00:20

So Nick and Jerod each went shooting down at the arboreedum in the last few weeks. I was not to be left out so I went today. I got there about 11am. I Hiked most all the trails and ended out quite a bit off the trail for a while. I hiked, stopping only to take picutes, until I left about about 5:45pm. I am worn to the bone. The thickets, brambles, bryers, cacti, thorny trees, thistles and all the differnt clingy and stabby seeds can all kiss my hairy blubber butt! I had no intention of my trip into the new Praire section becoming a trail blazing expidition, and I was in shorts and crocks, brought no water with me... Some Eagle Scout I am! Sunburnt, leg hairs plucked away to remove burrs, scrached by thornes and spines, and tired of carrying my camera gear (some genius thought he might need both tripods, and his monopod, plus my lenses and cleaning gear, and rain protection, flash, strobe frame, etc... In all I hauled more than 30lbs around for more than 10 miles, most of which was trail-less.

I shot about 160 pix.

I like about 20 of them.

I don't feel guilty about eating the one great big slice of leftover Pizza for breakfast anymore.

The orignal plan for today was to sit all stealthy and still and stalk hummingbirds at Mom and Dad's... but they took down their feeder already this year becuase it had become more popular with the bees than the birds.

Lindsey said a few posts back that bees where indanger - domestic honeybees maybe, but my experiance today at the arboreedum would suggest that at least some breeds are doing just fine. HUNDREDS if not thousands working over one patch of wildflowers I saw. That was just after I nearly stepped on a deer. We scared the crap out of eachother.

Anyway. I have a lot of prep work to do before I photgraph that wedding tomorow, I had planned to do some of it in the morning, but that's not an option now since I agreed to use my truck to help aunt Mary move some furniture she bought tonight. I gotta get back to it. The longer this takes, the less sleep I'll get, and I need it to recover.


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