Umm, bit of an error in that last post, since my parents mis-heard the name of my little neice. Her name is not 'Brianna' it is 'Rianna.' Heh heh...
On a much more evil note, I finally gave a big fuck you to my manager. ALl us hikers are sick and tired of the treatment we get. SHit pay, shit hours and shit job. Hell, we wear exactly same same uniform in summer as we do in winter. SO I finally had the balls to put on some shorts and stand up for all of us. I told my boss that he could either let me work in the shorts, or send me home. He sent me home.
I have no idea what reason they have against us wearing shorts while we wash cars out in the sun all day, except that if it was part of our uniform the company would have to shell out the $$$ to buy us all shorts. They say it is not professional enough, but I was wearing a pair that I got from my dad, BC Transit uniform shorts. They were not some random, ratty cargo shorts, they are actual bus driver UNIFORM shorts!
*shrugs* Hey, at least I know how to go home early when I want to now! *grins* Honestly, while I do need money, I do not need it so much that I am willing to get stepped on forever. It is about time one of us stood up, I just can't believe it was me...
Annnnnd... I shall leave you with two new photos! SO the bets are in, pay up those that thought I would never hold a baby! X>
Photo 1Photo 2