Mar 25, 2009 15:03
Samantha Schol
Polygamy is not always bad, it only causes problems when old world way are being used in modern times. When twenty people are crammed into a two bedroom apartment there are going to be conflicts. Polygamy is an old world practice that is being used in modern times, and when old world polygamy is used today there are bound to be problems.
Old world polygamy practices are the reason why polygamy is getting a bad name. When polygamy started it was ok to beat your wives and children. There were no qualms about spousal rape and nobody talked or did anything about sexually mistreating your children. Old world ways also include genital mutilation. In old world views women were seen as nothing more than property, wealth and to ensure the fathers lineage. They were nothing more than having an extra cow to help pole the fields and while creating more and more mouths to feed. The old world polygamy is not about doing it for the women that is a lie. It’s all about the man, the man who owns them, it’s the man’s name how get passed down and the man who gets the pleasure from intercourse with the women like in “Women Fight Polygamy in France” the man is there to satisfy himself not the women who are mutilated so they get no pleasure from sex at all.
Modern times have created laws bout domestic abuse, sexual misconduct towards a minor and genital mutilation and spousal rape. We now let our women become educated in universities and have the freedom to divorce and marry whoever they wish without reprisals from the public. Today women are CEO's of companies and are seen as individuals and a workforce not as property or a sign of wealth. In “Women Fight Polygamy in France” women in polygamous marriages are now seeing a way out of abusive marriages and are acting on it. They don’t have to live in secluded Mormon cults that sexually abuse their children any longer. The world is making women a beloved part of the community and in America there is more pressure than ever to make sure your wife enjoys herself as much as the man during sex.
This is where old world polygamy and modern times clash. When people are wealthy they can have more wives and children but when you take third world country practices and apply them to some of the most advanced countries there are problems. In Africa a wealthy man owns 20 acres of land, and can afford to feed and house three wives and a gaggle of children. In France were a two bedroom apartment can run up to $1500 a month yes they have the money but not the space. It has been proven that when mice over populate a space they cannibalize each other. In humans they react violently with spousal and child abuse and sometimes death and murder. In “Women Fight Polygamy in France” when the new wife came the other wives could do nothing but listen while the husband and the new wife had their nuptials making the other wives feel angered and neglected. If this was on a 20 acre farm there would never be this problem the women had their own huts and the husband had his own hut. They effectively solved the problems.
In a modern world you have to treat polygamy in a modern way. I have a few friends Mr. and Ms that have a happy healthy open marriage. Smith. Mr. Smith says that they “have a polygamist marriage but without the extra ball and chain”. They have another “wife” and they run a very effective household. They live in a three bedroom house in Hawaii which is plenty of space for just the three of them. They all contribute fancily and are there emotionally to support each other while Ms. Smith goes to school and wife #2 and Mr. Smith go to work. They have no children because they think that it would complicate a very good relationship that everyone has because not everyone can agree on a set way to raise a child. There are set rules the second wife is lower class than Ms. Smith but that doesn’t mean that the second wife gets less time or that Ms. Smith gets more time with Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith is “really fair about making sure that we both feel loved,” and that, “it helps with my relationship with (Ms. Smith),” said the second wife while on a yahoo interview. She went on to say that she is really happy in the relationship that she is in because it is like living with her best friends although they share a man. Whenever there is something that comes up or feelings get hurt they sit down as a group and talk about it, either they fix it or at least straighten the ruffled feathers. “I talked to my wife for over a year about bringing someone else into the house,” Says Mr. Smith, “I would never have done it if she wasn’t OK with (wife two) as a person and as a woman.”
I do not think that polygamy is wrong I think that when it is done in a carless way, when there is no communication and not or regards to anybody else’s feelings it is wrong in today’s society. Nothing only abuse, neglect and anger can come from old world practices in a modern today.