Jan 26, 2009 14:18
1A. “Your mind begins to wanted and you forgot what you’ve read.”
1B. Yes
2. US geography, I like US geography better than television.
3. It will help you read faster with better comprehension and help you remember what you have read.
4. Read and think about the title, skim the preface or introduction, skim the table of contents, check for a glossary, check for an index, check for an appendix, look through the book for helpful features.
5. Read the title, read the heading and subheadings, see if there is a summary, check for questions or exercises at the beginning or end of the chapter.
1A.”The Thoughtful Reader” Fourth Edition
1B. No
1C. You probably think about what you will be reading, or what you have read in the book.
2. Mary C. Fjeldstad
3. College Reading
5. Thomson Wadsworth a part of the Thomson Corporation
6. 1994
7. Help students become more fluent readers
8. “The killing of Kyla”,” Darkness at noon”, and ”In praise of the “F” word”.
9. No
10. Yes on page 439
11. Yes on page 445
12. No, nothing
13. Vocabulary check, review questions, bold face type, headings, graphs and illustrations, and random helpful hints.
14. Selected chapters in the book but we are not expected to read the entire text.