
Feb 11, 2005 14:08

Went to the Christian prayer group thingy at my school today...it was interesting. I havent been for a while and we seem to have actually become organized since i was last there. we actually had people from the school come out today and listen to our talk and presentation. It was of course on love....what else can teenagers think about:P. Actually it was based on that because it's almost valentines. it was kinda neat, watched some video clips and talked about what love is and the various ways of showing it. made suggestions about what type of things that you would want in a "love" potion. basically things that make for a good relationship; trust, honesty, friendship, there were a lot of good ones. And of course the one hilarious one...an off switch. I enjoyed that one. I was pretty good odd at the same time though....ah well. interesting times all that is.
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