Brand Spanking New

Nov 08, 2006 23:05

New Journal. I still have my old one up, but lord knows the last time I posted in it. the only reason I'm keeping it active at this point is because it's friended to all of my rl friends, and they like me to read their stuff and all that stuff which is fine, but I get so timid with my journal for some reason because they know that it's mine, and it's me, and I know that they know that in some ways I'm more outgoing in some areas namely sexual ones. (ok yes, I'm still technically a virgin, but I like it that way thank you, and I'll also have you know that I am a masterbating fiend) Plus, I can just be a very private sort of person with them. they know a lot about me sure, but I have no desire to be spilling my guts out to them on a blog when I don't do it to their faces, or over the phone. so... yeah... Geebs but I hope this is making some sort of sense.

So there's that reason, and also, time to come clean, but in the past there have been a few totaly accidental social internet faux pas that I had made. NOTHING HUGE! just things like not commenting on stuff when I should 'Specialy when I would download the ocational interview or show clip that somebody put up. I'm not sure why I didn't blame my ignorance and the sincere belief that they probably didn't want me waisting their LJ space with my thankfull blubbering. (seriously, you have no idea how many e-mails I use to send out years ago complementing people on their stories, or webpages, and would get no response what so ever, that brougt me to that silly conclusion) I have since learned that apparently, people on the internet thrive on positive comments, and I shouldn't be afraid, and that truly, it's proper etiquette to thank people for putting up something for you to download. Again, Sorry. My bad. Won't happen again.

ok, so I think I've filled this first post with enough ramblings, and bad grammer for one night. I should probably get to be now. :)
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