
Nov 14, 2006 22:50

I'm 25 to day. It feels kinda weird. Like I'm having this little internal debate on whether or not this means that I have to start calming myself a little. I know that's stupid, but it is a little weird when you look over at your aunt who is the same age, and working out of the home, and raising 4, 4! kids of her own, while you on the other hand spend you're evening reading sci fi, and thinking about slashing pairings you like, and if you really wanna go through that whole beuty school thing. it's odd. but y'know different strokes for different fokes. So long as I'm paying my bills, and not mooching off my mom, I'm not going to let myself feel all that bad.

in delightfull b-day news - My mom, and sister whether it was intentional or not basically got me Mckay/Beckett Slash cake for my b-day! :D they went to a place where they can use special printing stuff to print a pic onto your cake. (your cake with real butter cream icing mind you! ::goes into sugar coma::) and picked this photo for the cake

it's the first photo up top. the one with the the guys on the floor, and holding a leash, and yeah, I'm not using a bunch of fake cuts or nothin' cause I'm damn tired, so suck it up. :) but yeah. that one, and holy gay sex on a plate that was fun to walk into the room and see! :D got a pile of pictures of it too, so I'll figure out how to post those tomorrow, and put them up. :D

other then that, Jessie got me a very cute little purse whith some goodies in it, sniff tissues, some mints in a hello kitty tin, nail files, that kinda stuff. very cool, and it really shows how much she is growing up, because you could tell that she was being very carefull when picking this stuff out. Mom got me the Doctor Who: Three Doctors DVD (yeah I'm a dork, hush!) and the sega genesis classics collection for PS2 the different Ecco games Bay-bee! and formyself I went up to the mall and made myself a bear, which I haven't done in God knows how long. :D

ok.... now time for bed.
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