May 23, 2005 19:19
~We all at some point
kcab kool
on our past
and reflect on the choices we have made
and the things we have done.~
*Did I work hard enough
Should I have been nicer to that other person
Was I too nice with another person
Am I close enough to my family*
It feels like it was just yesterday
Waking up
before the sun was even showing.
Just in time to catch the bus and step
into high school for the first time.
All the friends I had made before
Were now separated from me for the most part.
~Our environments change from time to time
and we are all
scared of what’s to come~
*What’s going to happen
Will I make new friends
Will I still be able to keep my old ones*
As the years pass by
people change.
We learn how to make new friends and keep old ones,
Some, however, are lost forever
Little fights here and there
issues running everywhere.
I have learned how to think for myself and
Take a stand for myself;
Believe what I want to believe in.
*Do I believe what my parents think
Do I do what I want to do
Or do I do what I want
Do I make my own path and not look back*
My parents believe in one thing,
But I believe in another.
The issues are what have separated us over the years.
It’s like a rip in a pair of pants,
Eventually, over time, it keeps getting bigger and bigger.
I do not regret losing the relationship I once had with my parents
To have kept that relationship would have been
To conform myself to what they think
To be cynical and un-accepting of others
To follow the crowd and not think for myself.
~The friends you make and keep are
a reflection of you and
your personality~
My friends have become like my family
I have learned to trust them
They are the ones that have always been there
Supporting me
Believing in me
Understanding me.
I look back and I think
Why did everything happen the way it did?
Everything happens for a reason.
I just haven’t figured out that reason yet.
I wonder if moving and getting
A fresh start somewhere else
Is the right decision.
I look at all the friends I have made,
People I have met,
How can it get much better than this?
I can continue to do what I want,
But keep in touch with those I love and care about.
The doubt of some is what
drives me forward
to prove them wrong
It won’t just be a dream.
It’s going to be