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terribilita August 30 2007, 03:37:26 UTC
Are you all commited up? If not, how much would it take for you to write some Giles/Oz possibly Jazzverse? Ugh, I feel kind of horrible asking for this since you're so obviously not wanting to write in this fandom anymore. If it'll be like pulling nails for you, I'd be happy with something from DCU.


glossing September 1 2007, 12:17:04 UTC
*facepalm* I just got this comment, I'm so sorry!

Unfortunately, I don't think I'm able to write any more Giles/Oz, *especially* Jazz (but I'm delighted you liked it enough to remember it - thank you!). If you're still interested, is there any particular DCU angle you're thinking of?

I'm really sorry about the delay and the G/O no-go. Do let me know if comics fic might work...


terribilita September 4 2007, 03:36:39 UTC
Don't apologize, I completely understand. And of course I remember Jazz! After all these years it's still one of my favorites, in any fandom. I kind of figured you would say no, but hey, it was worth a shot, right? I didn't think I'd ever have the chance to ask you, so it was too tempting to pass up.

I'm still very interested in a DCU fic though. I don't really have any plot ideas in mind, but I'd love some Bruce/Dick if you think you can manage it. Is that ok? I love when jealousy plays a part somewhere (I know, cliché much? *facepalm*). But really, anything you can come up with I'd be happy with.

How does $50 sound to you?


glossing September 5 2007, 11:14:00 UTC
I'm beaming fondly at memories of Jazz now - thank you! ♥

Bruce/Dick if you think you can manage it. Is that ok? I love when jealousy plays a part somewhere
*Oooh*. I could probably swing that. I need to check with you, since it's been a contentious issue in the past, about what age you're comfortable with Dick being -- I'm probably not equipped to make him fourteen or younger, but I know that some fans don't like him being any younger than nineteen, so -- yes. Checking. (I also have a half-formed idea about Bat!Dick switching universes and encountering wee!Bruce, but that's pretty out there.)

And $50 sounds wonderfully generous, thank you! Let me know about the age stuff (as for jealousy, well: it's those two! of *course* jealousy's going to happen *g*). Is 3-5,000 words okay for you?


terribilita September 6 2007, 05:16:09 UTC
You're very welcome. *warm fuzzies*

If Dick is 16 or over, that would be just fine. *keeps reading*

(I also have a half-formed idea about Bat!Dick switching universes and encountering wee!Bruce, but that's pretty out there.)

Oh. My. God. You just blew my mind. I'm not kidding! I've read some sort of age!switch before but wow. *boggles* If you'd somehow manage to write this, I would give you 1 million internet dollars (believe me, I'd give you the real dollars if I had them, heh). Just. *flail* How will I ever get this idea out of my head now? The question is, do I want to? Really though, if you want to run with this idea, I APPROVE.

Whatever length you can manage is fine and I see from the above comments that you'll be pretty busy this month, so don't worry about getting this to me anytime soon. I'll be sending a gift card and I just emailed one of the community's maintainers on how to go about it since I know people doing paypal are forwarding proof of payment to their writers.


terribilita September 13 2007, 00:23:01 UTC
Just giving you a quick update on payment. I bought a Target gift card and sent it to Renee. I uh, made it for $55 instead of the $50 we agreed on, but that in no way obliges you to write something longer (again, I'll be happy with anything *g*). I'll be scanning my receipt so you can take a look at it sometime this weekend probably.


terribilita April 12 2008, 02:59:04 UTC
Hello. I'd pretty much forgotten about this (well, I remembered randomly but forgot to come and comment a few times) but someone on my friend's list posted a story for this community recently and it pushed me to give you a poke. I'd just like to know for sure if anything will come of our exchange or not. I realize I never did send you the scan of my receipt and if that's what stopped everything, let me know. I still have it and Renee sent me a thank you card during Christmas time.


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