I have been off of livejournal for about a year now but I do go back and sometimes look around to what's going on. I heard about this community and instantly pondered at what I could possibly do to help. Since I am still rather new when it comes to fanfiction, i do not feel comfortable offering fanfiction for money even if it is for a cause. Instead I am giving the option of my photoshop knowledge.
I have been doing photoshop for 4 years now and on LJ for 3. In fact, it is my major in highschool. Graphic Arts. Examples of my work can be found at
coldbloodedonut which has not been updated due to my leaving of livejournal. Also, past work is at
engravedicons. But also, my favorite pieces are below the cut at the bottom of the page.
I am willing to do any fandom but I do have a preferance which can be looked at it in my userinfo. I am, however, NOT willing to do personal photos.
The main requirements I have about pictures is that they are of good quality (duh), not too focused on the object (i want option as to where i cut the picture), and for the pictures to be of professional quality. Meaning I don't want live action pictures. If you do happen to want those kind of pictures, show them to me and I may yay or nay them.
The typical size for an lj icon is 100x100 pixels. I am willing to make icons, headers, wallpapers, and fanfiction headers.
For ever icon, I will make it for two dollars. For every 10 icons, I will make them for 10 dollars.
For every header, it will be 5.
For every wallpaper, it will be 10.
Fanfiction headers will also be 5 dollars.
What:Size:Pics (urls only):Tagged?:Special Requests:
the only stuff you can take is what doesn't have names on them. The ones that aren't tagged. :)