More than willing

Aug 28, 2007 11:10

Not sure if anyone is interested, but I am definitely more than willing to write for money.

Things are a little crazy right now, so I would be writing fics between between about 750 and 1,000 words guaranteed. I have listed by fandoms and pairings therein below and here is a link to check out my fic journal with things I've written thus far as samples of my writing.

I'm not going to ask for any set amounts on donations, just whatever you can give. Every little bit helps!


Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel: Angel/Xander, Angelus/Xander, Angel/Doyle, Giles/Xander, Oz/Xander, Spike/Xander, Willow/Kennedy, Willow/Tara, Tara/Dawn
CSI NY: Danny/Don, Mac/Don
Supernatural: Dean/Sam
Firefly: Mal/Simon, Jayne/Simon
Final Fantasy 8: Seifer/Zell, Irvine/Zell, Squall/Zell, Seifer/Squall
Final Fantasy 7: Vincent/Reno, Tseng/Reno, Rude/Reno
RPS: Jensen/Jared, Nick Brendan/Kelly Donovan

(I'm going to be out of town between August 30th and September 4th so if you don't hear from me during that time, don't worry, I haven't missed your request - I just haven't gotten it yet. But once I return fic will be delivered imminently).

rps, firefly/serenity, supernatural, csi, final fantasy, fiction

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