Hi, everybody! My name is
allyndra , and I'm offering up my services as a writer. I haven't been around all that long in the grand scheme of fic-dom, but my stories can be found on my lj or archived at
The Crossroads of Fan Fiction.
My email is allyndra at hotmail dot com.
I feel confident to write in the following fandoms and pairings:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel: I am willing to write gen, but I usually go the slash route, especially Xander/anyone. Name your pairing, and I'll tell you if I can pull it off.
Harry Potter: I dig Draco/Harry, but Draco/Ron is doable, as is Sirius/Remus or Remus/Snape.
Firefly: I'm pretty open here. Let me know what you're looking for.
Smallville: Clark/Lex
Stargate: Atlantis: McKay/Sheppard is my primary interest, but I could also do McKay/Ronon or McKay/Zelenka. Or gen team fic.
ETA: I forgot Entourage: Eric/Vince
I am also completely willing to write crossovers for any of the above fandoms.
For a donation of $30 to the cause, I will write you a story between 3,000 and 5,000 words. Can't afford to send so much? I'll be happy to write a ficlet (approx. 1,000 words) for $10. I'll get your story to you in two weeks. And whether you bid for my services or for one of the other talented writers and artists here, you guys rock for being such generous people!