Back in the day...

Jan 05, 2007 22:59

I don't really know what came over me today, but something made me want to open my senior year yearbook and scowl at everybody in the pictures. Yearbooks have always made me somewhat upset and jealous because I'm never in them. Sure, I have my mug shot, and I'm present in some club pictures, but that's it. It makes sense, since I'm the sort to actually jump away from a camera when it's pointed in my direction. I did find myself in one shot, although I already knew I was there. In the couple pages dedicated to the prom, there's a picture of Cesar in his wonderful hat, and there I am, standing a distance away, a full body shot of me and my dress. Nice, I thought, then I looked at the picture next to it and there's a girl in my dress!.

Ok, so I'm not the sort of person to get upset about someone wearing the same thing as me, but honestly, why would you put the two pictures next to each other? (Despite that I was in the background of Cesar's picture). At least everyone said that I looked better in the dress than the other girl ;). A bit after that though, I got over my sour mood and enjoyed the yearbook like a normal person. My bad moods only last up to 10 minutes at a time. I think that it took me about an hour to look through the book. It made me nostalgic.

Later on in the evening, when I had time, I popped in Ryan's "Last Day" movie. I smiled all the way through. It always makes me happy. Not that I watch it often, but still. I like to think back on a time when all of my high school friends got along-- or at least pretended to. Nevertheless, the last day was bound to be huggy and nostalgic in its own way. That day was almost a fantasy, the way that everyone flounced around and pretended to be everyone's best friend. I really wish that he had caught Ron's exploding chocolate fondue fountain in philosophy class. But it didn't happen. Ryan was in our class, wasn't he?

That was an amazing class, not because of the content, certainly not, but because all of the people that I liked. I had more friends in that one class with me than all of the others beforehand combined. I don't know why none of my friends were in my classes. I usually had one or two, but honestly, does it even make sense? Aren't you supposed to make friends with the people you see every day in every class year after year? I didn't really. That's probably why nobody knew me. Not that it matters now. My God I would be angry after Catholic Philosophy. Again, it wasn't the philosophy (none of which was "Catholic"-- which I'm sure is for the better) that made me angry, it was our teacher who refused to acknowledge the subject she was teaching. What was the name of that horrendous class that she taught before us? Christian Lifestyles was it? My God, if I were in that class I'd go on a baby punching spree. Seriously! I'd get out of there fuming.

I'm... I'm getting off topic. What was my topic? I don't know. Oh, that's right. I forgot that I don't write with a purpose. Right, so, here I am, sitting in front of my laptop, watching my friends speak, trying to fill in the words with what I can lip-read and from what I vaguely remember. Reminding me of all sorts crazy things we'd done with our time. But those are for another time.

Do I dare post a picture from highschool? I'll cut it for your convenience.
You've seen these before

Turnabout Sophmore year (4 years ago now). Aww... how cute

What is this? Same dance two years later. We're hot, sticky, and sweet (literally!)

Homeroom buddies on Crazy day senior year. Phew, 4 years of homeroom is a long time.

This was on our weird Mars Cheese Castle raid. I have a fun picture of our fencing with deli meats, but not on my computer. To be honest, I don't remember exactly when it was. I think the summer between Junior and Senior year.

Alright... this is getting ridiculous. I won't post anymore for now. Sorry everyone else who wasn't found present in the past few pictures.
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