Jan 05, 2004 19:18
Ok, here's how my day went for anyone who cares.
My mom woke me up as usual at like 6...pfft...like I get up at 6. So I sat up, stared hopefully out my window for the three feet of snow I prayed for that night and....yep, you guessed it. No snow. I pouted and hide under my covers until my mom came back in at 6:30 asking if I had put all the stuff out for my coffe. Our conversations goes as followed:
Mom: Meagan, did you put all the stuff for your coffee in the maker?
Me: Nuughh...
Mom: What about the water and coffee grounds?
Me: Nuughh...
Then my mom leaves and wakes me up fifteen minutes later saying I need to get out of bed and stop pretending my break isn't over yet. My break isn't over yet. I'm still clinging to that...although I was at school today. Well, I evenutually dragged myself out of bed, got my coffee cup and dumped enough sugar into it to make a diabetes person have sugar problems just by watching me. I curled up on the couch, stared at the tv and started complaining to my mom about bad actors on the Lifetime movie network. I mean, c'mon...they suck! Heh heh, after that my mom chased me into the shower were I relished under the warm, warm water. Ahh...warm showers in the morning. Meh...then I had to get out and look for black socks. I didn't realize how hard it was to find black socks in this house but, obviously it is. I ran all over the place! I finally looked in my room...^_^ lo and behold....heh heh. So...I finished making myself pretty, jumped in my car, and drove to school.
Here was my day at school. ^_^ Fun and exciting.
I walked through the halls, greeted/got greeted by some people until I spotted Melissa. Melissa and I talked and walked to band together and errgh....
Band consisted of me staring dully at the pep band music and silently damning it all to hell. Pep bad must die. Vive le concert music!
History class was awesome! My friends and I sat in a big circle, I swear we were working on our assignments...^_^;; and we talked about what's been going on and what not. Tomorrow, Kristine and I are going to the local coffee shop and hang out before she needs to go to work. Oh, that reminds me, buy gas tomorrow for my car.
Geometry was...bleh. I hate math. No, I hate geometry. We had puzzles...I swear the teacher treats us like kindergarteners. Meh....after geometry was...
LUNCH!! My absolute FAVORITE subject! I bundled myself up and ran across the school grounds and across the street to the sports complex to hang out with my friends. Eric dyed his hair black! I was so shocked. He claimed it was because no one said he doesn't anything different about himself. Well, kudos to you, Eric! I talked to Sara, Kristine and Melissa, then Aubrey came over, tickling my sides. Nee...he lurves me...^_~ Everyone lurves me. Or just wants my hot sexy body? Bwehehehe! ^___^ Anywho! Saturday, my friends decided we are all gunna hang out and PAR-TAH! I can't wait! They all wanted to go to my house because it was so big. They then teased me about being rich *rolls her eyes* and how they could each have their own room in the house. Nee...they can sleep in whichever room they want. Hah! But when they get lost...*threatens with threatening finger* Well, the bell rung and lunch was over so we all treked out into the bitter cold...and IT WAS SNOWING! So I started dancing around and claiming God was shaking his head at us because we are so naughty. ^_~ God has dandruff.. heh heh.
Internet/Web Design was fuuuuun....I went to a classical site and started playing classical music to the class. Bwehehehe! They can't stop meeee!! I just pretty much hung out and showed Jarod which snowmobiles we rode up in Idaho while vacationing there one winter. That was fun. Beside, he is into that stuff and I told him he should have his father invest in snowmobiles. Useful buggers...go fast...^_^
French III went by slow. We had a sub...which is always a major treat. No offense to my teacher or anything, she's great and I love her but after listening to her constantly preach about how wonderful and great the French are...eh....it's nice to have a day off just to diss the french. ^_^ Vive le French!
CPEIII was easy! I got out and hung out in the library with Sam. We goofed around and Same kept telling me I was too loud so I'd run away giggling, hiding myself down the bookaisles. Yes, I was having a sugar rush. And yes, the coffee was still taking its effect. We grabbed some books and read...that reminds me....I getta read tonight! I checked out like three books. Plus, I'm reading one of my own. I shoulda read during Christmas break...ah well. I still need to get my 8 page research paper done. Stupid...research papers....
Newspaper. One word to describe it is boring. I sat down...stared at the sub...then read my book until one of my friends clunked me and we started talking about prom. ^_^ I'm so pretty in my prom dress! *struts around* After that class was over I jumped in my cold car, yes it was still snowing, heated it up, waited for traffic to slow, and zoomed on home to get ready for work.
At work, my managers joked around with me and then I worked. ^_^ Or...really, after I finished my job I talked to the coworkers and manager. Y'never get in trouble as long as you're talking to the manager. Good thing I love to talk! After work slowed down and we had no more customers, the other workers and I just really, goofed off. I got stuck between the shelves trying to lodge this mega heavy box out from between them. Then, I started my own little broadway, singing and dancing for everyone to see. After that, it was starting to get a wee bit warm so I ran outside, *still snowing* and just played in the....less then a centimeter of snow. Actually, more got stuck to my lashes than anything else. So, I ran inside, bothered the drive-thru girl and we stuck our tongues out the window, trying to catch snowflakes...and a car pulled up. Man, that lady was a bitch. And I mean, she was a big bitch. I'll take those 14 doublecheeseburgers and show her a little Meagan tai-chii..or...something like that. At 8:30 I gotta go home! Now, I'm sitting here, drinking my hot chocolate and telling you about my day. That's pretty much it. ^_^
Welcome to my life.