Apr 11, 2004 02:22
I'm so calm right now.
I was angrier around midnight. Nothing beats dishonesty, and now I've lost all respect I ever had for someone. The one thing that redeemed them, that I found admirable was actually twisted. Now, I just don't care either way. I'm not going to blow this out of proportion. They want to be like that? So be it, they won't be getting my pity. They're not worth my pity. I don't care how awful they feel.
Moving on.
I want to feel emotions that are my own; react in ways that are my own.
Many things don't harm anyone but they leave so much to be desired
White lies. Boo
Random lies. Why? Hurtful and pointless.
I'm a hypocrite, because I do it too
Perhaps it's time for a little self reflection/improvement
I want people to react in their own way, not react the way they believe they should. I'm sick of people sculpting personalities from words, it owns up to nothing but uneasiness.
So many good things in my life, and I focus on the two minor negatives. The Girl Next Door is marvelous, an A+. I have a dinner date with Skantha tomorrow, yey!
I thought tonight was going to be a long rant. I'm glad it wasn't. I'm really tired. I have lovebites that almost entitle gloating rights. I miss Erika. I want to go to Ottawa. I want to see people tomorrow. And I want a good long hug. With a bag of potato chips. Yeah.