9___9 Stress = adrenaline/immune system bolster? XD; Because like, I finished exams on Monday. And then Tuesday = ill. \:D/ Tada!
Or, at least, my left tonsil is redashell and making it croaky to talk and hard to eat anything but yoghurt. XD /lose. I was sneezing (into the sleeve of my jumper, kay?) all over the deli yesterday, which was gross. :D <-worked 9-6; on constant apology to customers. Ben from Jap class showed up randomly, foodshopping. XD He "Ahem"d a few times, and I tactlessly ignored him (because it is SO MUCH HATE when people "Ahem" at you)... but then, yeah. :D Ahaha. Rly.
Sort of... vaguely annoyed at life, truth be told. |D Or at least, by the fact that my brain is so goddamn burnt out. At work, even yesterday, I was all, "DDD: GOT TO GO HOME AND STUDY." <-when, srsly. Wtf? No. :\ Anyways, have spent a good half of the last two days just sleeping because, uh. :D Probably got less than 30h total, weekofexams. <-fails at time management. I do not want to do anything I 'Must'. I do not want to be tied to anything. The world begs to differ, for the Greater Good. XD Ah, world.
Well, my Linguistics paper was first, Tuesday. Worth 20% of the unit. Not a hurdle requirement (ie. did not have to pass it to pass said unit). Was sitting on 62% for unit. Probably going to end up with another 75. With any luck. ;D Hands down will be my best mark. >__>; Will be lucky to get a 62% total, for the others. Ugh.
...next was Corporations Law, Thusrday. 80% of unit mark. Ate the seat of my pants. I wrote up a journal entry that night, but ended up being too annoyed to post it. XD Something like, "I have rarely felt so incompetent in my life. There is nothing like being assraped by corporate legislation to reduce your (perceived) IQ to 27 points." <-ahaha. 8D So, yeah. :D I thought then, that if I didn't fail that, I would never fail anything. (WRONG.)
Next, Jap on Friday. 35% unit mark. Was okay, given I only studied that night after Law. Hopefully passed with 55%. Ha.
Accounting on Monday PISSED ME OFF like you would not believe. Another worth 80%. Did far and away the most study for it. Read every chapter in the textbook, taking a total of at least 13x3 hours. Read the lecture slides... HA. It was worse than Corps(e) Law, because that one, the questions were hard and whatever. I couldn't do it, but felt mildly justified. THIS ONE!? Wasted dozens of minutes on simple arithmetic that anybody with half a logic centre could figure out in half the time it took me. Annoying, because I was well aware I should've been able to do all this shit, and yet. :D Could not. Who mixes up x(1-0.33) and /(1-0.33) and has to resort to trial and error anyway? NOBODY WHO HOPES TO PASS A THIRD YEAR ACCOUNTING SUBJECT IN SECOND YEAR, AT LEAST. HA.
Ahh... a meme I've been a long time in owing. Tagged by
missy_chan <3 /abrupt
5 Details about me:
- I am a very typical, geeky and typically geeky Asian. :D My GPA is important to me, and so are the concepts of "face", "respect" and "consideration" - three of which really go hand in hand. XD I lack a sense of shame. Especially online. :D ("Shame" is not saying or doing something due to embarrassment of the self. Differentiated from my obsession with "face", which is not saying or doing something for fear of offending others. ;D)
- My most frequently-asked-by-strangers question is if I'm Japanese, though since Melbourne has a fairly large Japanese community, this isn't so surprising. XD My second most frequently-asked question is if I'm still in high school. :D; I was identified as male by anyone who didn't know me for a year and a half during upper high school. :D It was randomly very, very funny. I have no interest in being pretty; I do, however, enjoy making people wtf. :3
- I am a slow-as-hell reader. |D I read about as fast in my head as I do aloud. Number sequences are the bane of my existence, 'cause my eyes like to switch them. 8D PLU codes and phone numbers are the worst offenders. That said, my pattern recognition skills are generally very good. XD;; And so is my phonetic discretion, and muscle memory. <-can literally play the piano with eyes closed, and songs she hasn't played for two-or-so years. Hell if I can sightread, though. :D /useless.
- Wannabe graphics student. |D Currently Arts/Accounting student. Probably'll end up doing something mundane <3 Not too bummed about it; atypical in that respect. :D A flitter's life for me. ;D <3
- Generally speaking, my take on the English language is somewhat archaic. Eg. "Words were for people who would forget. / Actions were for people who would be remembered." <-the use of would be here could be interpreted as either "people who were going to be remembered (in times to come)". Or, "people who would rather be remembered (took action now)".
5 Details about my appearance right now:
- Jirou's 160cm/5ft3'; brown hair (chinlength+ratty), brown eyes. Hair is too long. D: I feel like a lion with it framing my face.
- I have an abominable fashion sense. :D Or rather, an entire oh-fsk-my-eyes-ish lack thereof. My default combination is baggy pants, jumper/jacket, and Ugly!Patterened shirt <3 With the same runners I've been wearing since year 10, la~
- I don't look 20. XD; One of the guys I've worked with in the deli for a couple of months now (- Ryus, as I keep writing his name. It isn't. |D) thought I was 17. Which, y'know. Is almost more amusing on his part, because. We are kind of in the same Jap class, at uni...
- Eyebags the size of Antarctica. <-but this does not imply the are shrinking any. T3T
- Short nails. SHORT NAILS. AND SHORT HAIR. :D Long = so not worth the trouble. Also, long hair gives me shoulderpimples. D:
5 Memorable things I did this past year:
- Saw the BSB's Last Concert as a Whole Group with
cosmic_kath? XD
- Overloaded semester one. |D Got a job semester two; worked up to 30 hours a week, la~
- Qualified for summer school <3 HA.
- Swore off making tracksuits for the foreseeable future ?! <-this sounds very kind of wrong without a full sentence.
5 Favorite movies:
- Ocean's 11 (the remake, yes XD twelve was amazing craptacular, though)
- Dead Poets Society
- ..erm. XD; That random GTO live action we watched at Kath's.
- ...actually, I really don't watch that many movies. 8D;; <-grasping for straws here.
5 Things that make me happy:
- Pretty things and people. <-SHALLOW?! But then, the internet has skewed my definition of the word. XD
- Awesome music. :D (Not necessarily good-awesome music, thanks Tenipuri/myu. |D)
- Systems That Work. (Seriously. :D)
- Competence.
- A job well done.
5 Things that impress me:
- Chivalry. Of men and women, thank you.
- Awareness. Consideration for others. (Bending over backwards to accommodate others is stupid, but lack of awareness of when you are not is almost worse.)
- Raw talent. But moreover, "Genius of hard work." Therefore: "competence". No matter how it was acquired.
- Doing what has to be done, by the time it has to be done. Moreover, actually knowing these things: time management. Awareness and specific knowledge of self limitations. ("I cannot write an essay overnight. I can, however, write it over eighteen straight hours.")
- Physical dexterity. (Nb: this does not include the ability to dislocate both shoulders and squeeze bodily through the hole of a toilet seat; nor the ability to tow a Boeing 747 through one's nipple piercings or whatever, thank you Guinness Records.)
5 Things that do not impress me:
- Angst. Lack of spine. Lack of definitive self, and inability to attend to one's own best interests. ("All the cool kids smoke. All the real cool kids quit.")
- Blatant selfishness. Moreover: unawareness of this state. Fundamental lack of consideration. Stepping on people's toes.
- Lack of awareness of Societal Norms - it is merely polite to look behind yourself, and hold doors open for people. Do not stop at the top of a flight of stairs to pull your goddamn socks up. Refrain from smoking into the wind if there is someone on the other side.
- Lack of respect for Systems. Wanting to break the mould is all well and good, but for god's sake: one must first know the rules to then break them. (Be excellent? Butting in queues, vandalising property and not paying for train tickets are not ways to do it.)
- Really. Fundamental lack of consideration sums it up.
5 people I am tagging to do this survey:
Haa~ XD This means that I do not impress me, half the time. You can kind of really tell I wrote the first half ages ago, and the last two-or-so 5's today... XD; <-grump incarnate at the moment.
Starving. :\ Need lunch. Argh, plz not more yoghurt. >_______> *trundles*
Back. Hash browns. T__T Ow, but. Flavour tradeoff <3 *craving MSG*
I don't know what to do with Yagyuu. He's like, a shell of a muse. Always has been, kind of. He's all The Gentleman, and therefore always does what is Proper, but has no reason for it. Annoying. Need to develop him more. He is disguistingly cynical. I think I'm going to dump him in the med lab, coming off hiatus, since there are field agents, but no doctors. (I think?) Something different. Make him a handler, so he has reason to interact with people other than the ones who are stupid enough to get themselves shot. (<-he will have near zero sympathy for his patients. :D)
...so, I lied. XD I did know what to do with Yagyuu, after all.
It's Ohtori I really don't know what to do with. :3 It occured to me some time ago that I cannot play the boy the way an Ohtori is expected to be played. Subsequent to a post, two of the other characters asked him if he was okay/anything was wrong. Uh. Well: oopshit? Given I hadn't planned for there to be anything wrong, haa... *amused* I think I'm going to have him move out of the house, and get like, a a recording offer. He'll be marketed like one of those-- like, a male/solo version of
bond? XD One of Those That Makes Classical Sexy. dksghkjhsahahahaha...
Okay, I lied again. :D Knew what to do with him after all, too.
Three hash browns left. D: This must mean I ate four. :D *accomplished* <3
..."wagamama" is an amusing word. :D 【わがまま】 (adj-na,n) (1) selfishness; egoism; wilfulness; willfulness; (2) disobedience; (3) whim <3
Aaaand, this post was longer than a two-bit manwhore.
I... think that's all I wanted to say? \\( >_________>)// *trundles off*