Okay! |D Well, there was Animania this weekend, so that's where I was if anyone wasn't wondering. :3 After checking the flist: many phoneposts over the last few days. XD I thought, ahh~ that's a brilliant idea! :D I'll just do that - since I'm always lazy about typing stuff up after the fact, but then. Duh. D: There is a camera sitting on your desk for a rea~son, genius. You took pictures. Voicepost + Picturepost = No. :D So I thought I might do a voicepost anyway, since I'd already looked up the FAQ and done the settings and crap, but then the PHONE RANG IN MY HAND. For May. So I took that as a Sign from God meaning, no. Don't waste your papa's money on international call rates without his permission, girl. XD;
Also, I got a haircut. :D
Animania was... tiny. XD There are no other words. I think there were three rooms. One for dealers, and two for screenings/skits/karaoke..? Three dealers, including Madman (well, there was also one artists' table, and one Animania stand thinger). XD; TINY. And quite boring, to be honest. But amusing all the same. 8D
I did, in fact, go as Sanada. :D Completed the goddamned jersey at 4am, con morning. THE SEWING MACHINE HATES ME. Kept spewing thread, and the needle broke three times before I gave up on it (not to mention I was running out of needles >_>), and finished it off by hand. :D; Half my time was spent unpicking things, I swear.
JERSEY OF DOOM. The logo, it is so huge. XD; It took me a godforsaken amount of hours to make, and comprises layers of iron-on patchmender, butchered skivvy, double-sided tape and MUCH PAIN. <-does things the masochistic long way, oh yes. The detail on the sleeves is actually electrical tape. XD; Which came off. But I am really quite proud of the fact that collar came out at all. :D;
cosmic_kath and I. :D :DD Who has chicken legs? Yo! 8D Sanada has chicken legs (and a slight nervous instep, too). I am so pale, ick. XD; Also, you can't see them, but randomly bruised! *counted six?* <-could've done a bone fide Shishido. The shorts kept riding up. :D;; I had to wear them low on my waist, because they were my youngest sister's, and well. She is little. And kinda doesn't wear them anymore.
A random assortment of terrifyingly brave girls. D: (Most of these wacky camera angles are entirely unintentional. 8D) I do believe the weather was 14°C, windy and raining somewhat. |D
I got asked twice if I was Echizen. D: Probably only because I had a raquet. 8D;; But, seriously. XD; BRIGHT YELLOW BUMBLE BEE =/= ECHIZEN, YES? (Also, amusingly, there was a group of girls surreptitiously eyeing me from a couple of metres away. |D <-could hear them. "..'s a chick?" Then, I started smiling. XD; "Yeah, a chick." So. Way to look more effeminate = smile. |D;; I need to practice scowling more.)
Only two people (strangers |D) knew who I was, as far as I'm aware. XD; One of them was this guy. He was, um. Slightly odd. 8D; And very professional with a camera, taking multiple shots and stuff. :D; He gave out business cards and asked if he could post photos to his site, which is randomly
here. Iii.. don't know how to navigate it. XD;
Echizen Ryoga and his
cosmic_kath. ;D I was amused by how he looked like he had ears, and - oh, Kathu~ your expressions of glee are priceless. XD
This guy was so awesome. Omg, his goggles! Mask! Poses! Scarf! And the dude he was with? Opendressshirt!Sasuke eleikjafla! It was so much elkejalkjfalleffel! *puddle* Their hair was so awesome! 8D; You can't see it too well here. XD; But hey. It was awesome.
Obligatory Badly Taken Photograph of obligatory Good Kakashi Cosplayer. |D <-didn't crop; merely fails at zoom and centre.
When Sanadas try to crawl out of TVs, they die. :D When Sanadas die, their hats fall off.
iniaes as the Ring's Sadako. ;D
I don't know. XD; Crossovers, yeay? Leonard and I.
Oh, man. |D Karen and I were on such a Hyoutei Myu kick.
(I kinda really fail at poses, too. 8D;)
*INSIGHT* Oresama no bigi ni... yoi na.
This Reno was so full of spunk. |D *hearts*
I really need to watch Gundam Seed/+Destiny, now. XD; There were eight possible characters to get (lucky-dip type thing~ my sister got Shinn Asuka [sp?]), and omg! The Asuran was so cute. :o But I got the grumpy green guy who I have no idea about. Bought another (because, Asuran!), and got the girl (she is a girl..?). 8D; Leo bought me a third, and I got the blue-haired kid with the bad fashion sense. XD;
Actually, I really didn't buy much many articles, all in all. :D Those three, and a tiny Shikamaru keyring. |D The boy is so grumpy! I really wanted to buy Loveless manga/artbook, and Nanae Chrono's Black Moth artbook (which I saw at Manifest last year for $50 but didn't have cash on me at the time elkajflaj..). So that was good. 8D; (Echizen kyoudai plushies were there for ten bucks each! And they had matching oranges. T_T But, I already have a Ryoma plushie and didn't don't need another. XD;)
Pride of yay: $110 artbook. |D The Hikaru no Go one, 'Sai'. 8D *so in love with Obata Takeshi* My favourite series... andand, the guy was selling it for $100. |D;; But then brought it down to $95, because Karen is Honk he didn't want to take it back. XD; *had to get it, then* It's massive (like, 27 by 37cm [10.5x14.5in] size) and hardcover! :D 175 full-gloss pages of gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous Obata Takeshi goodness. SO PRETTY. Nobody knows I have it. XD; (Well, 'nobody'. 8D) Not even my sister who was there. :D :DD <-intends to keep it that way. (I'd get shot, otherwise. But. Omg. It is so pretty. *wibbles*). I don't know where to hide it. 8D; It doesn't fit on my shelves. XD; I guess the closet will do.
Didn't end up seeing
lethanon after all, but oh well. :D Manifest, maybe! <3
Crashed at Karen's, and... uh. D: Watched more Myu stuff. Cried at Yanagi and Endo being so ridiculously squishy. (Yanagi~ ;_;) And watched a movie called Ping Pong. About, why yes, the world of competitive high school table tennis <3 It was possibly the most wonderfully... er. XD; I don't know. It was awesome. But really, really bad at the same time. Actually, it was bad. :D;; But really, really awesome at the same time. Yeah. And yet again, I proved the ability to sleep for obscene amounts of hours. |D <-didn't have her alarm clock.
So. :D That was the weekend.
Tomorrow, the dentist for two hours and two fillings <3 ...I hate Mondays. XD;
Edit: A couple of cosplayers and a cameraman ran around tapping random people on the shoulder, then standing next to them and BOHAHAHA X-ing. 8D; And getting them to BOHAHAHA along with. XD Possibly, that was the best part of the con <3 Except for the guy who was grating metal-style to high pitched J-rock Rurouni Kenshin theme during karaoke time. 8D In
iniaes' words: wailing/screaming/dying karaoke dude! 8D onegai, onegaiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ *screech*