hiatus :D

Jun 16, 2006 02:37

...I'm losing days! D: Again! *wtfery* Macroec exam on Monday, and I still have half the course to learn and holy god, I thought it was Thursday today, but it's FRIDAY! O_O; *PANIC* I wasn't stressed before. XD; Hm. That was a mistake. *so is now, aha* <3 Macroec's the only one left I think I might as well flip a coin to pass/fail, too. >>; Neeeed study!

Calling a total hiatus until Monday evening. :D Truly, from LJ and RP and internets, for I am going to physically put my laptop and sketchpad under the bed.

My connection's back down to 500b/s anyways, so. XD; Yay for breaking the download limit on the 11th of the month. o_O; When I/it get(s) back: uploading 30.5 for Alice, opening up Painter9 download links (if hikariblue and tokkitsu've got it already |D well, maybe even anyways -- i can always reup); Loveless and Harlem Beat wa Yoake Made manga for Jen; er, I think that might be all? OH. 8D And Battlestar. :D :DD

See you on the other end of stupid! 8D; Aha.


Ooh. |D Just checked my marks-in-progress <3 Up from my godawful 29.5% earlier, a 75 and 86 for Jap speaking/listening tests. 8D 8DD; *ridiculously happy* elaksjdalkdjaljdHAPPY! Omg. XD; Even if I failed Macro now, I don't think I'd care much <3

Maaacro, just go awaaaay. /whine >>; Stupid subject anyways. *so doesn't care about how money runs the country* DDD: It does! It goes round! It multiplies through velocity somehow! D: But we still end up with less and less. ;_;

Aha. |D; My powerpoint lecture slide thingers are taking forever to download. XD; *sporks things* <-so much win. *craving Houki Boshi single tracks* D:

Ukitake AND Midori have both MOVED INTO MY HEAD. I don't need more muses. D: Especially not random side characters. XD; They're talking very nicely and getting along, though. :\ Which is nice. Ukitake drinks green tea, which amuses Midori (who drinks melon soda). Also? Ukitake always has snackfoods in his pockets. He usually gives these to Hitsugaya, but there is no Hitsu in my head. So he gives them to Midori, because D1 aren't interested. xp_Niou (master of the house, aha) ignores them both, because he has a soft spot for strange little boys who like canned drinks, and nobody picks on a 2000 year old shinigami with chronic tuberculosis anyway.

...I have a 2000 year old shinigami with chronic tuberculosis in my head. XD; Holy god.

[edit]; hiatus effective asofnow, 8:03am FRIDAY NOMRING, AHA 8D; <3 ^^ Catch y'all later.

school, stupid

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