30_characters~! :D
Just a stupid little thing, I don't know. XD; Shouldn't try colouring "properly" when my drawing/inking/style (such as it is) in general really doesn't lend itself to such. 8D Waste of time. POLYGONAL LASSO FOR THE WIN. I randomly like how the scarf came out, though. ;_; ♥ Sort of. And his hair. XD Um. It wasn't originally that tomatoish, though. *curses blendingmodes addiction*
I think I might draw him again later. D: Properly <3 If I can. Because, Bunta deserves more love than stuffed-toydom. |D; Or should. I think.
Theme 21 - "I don't know what you're talking about." I wonder if I can manage to make every one of these themes non-angsty. 8D
...ehehe~ tables fun. XD;